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Everything posted by idnib

  1. We thought DS might be on the spectrum but it turned out he was not. He had similar issues to what you've described (without the shyness) and benefitted from social therapy. They played games and role played for practice. They had sets of cartoon characters who were representative of different social problems. ("Was Funny Once" was used for kids who kept making the same joke, "Glass Man" for when kids suddenly broke down, etc.) He was a person who would miss social cues when he spoke too long about a topic and nobody was interested; calling out the name of the character at those times put a stop to it. I don't know what's available in France or what your funds are like, but I thought I'd throw that out there.
  2. I agree. But at least in CA it's way easier to get funding for prisons than it is for healthcare. One is "tough on crime" and the other is "socialism."
  3. My younger brother and I always teased each other about this. I would say I was so easy and such a good kid they decided to have another, unaware of what was coming. He would say they had to keep going until they got one they liked.
  4. Could you look at yourself in the mirror if you put your kids through living with her? They are more powerless than you....
  5. "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' -Mr. Rogers
  6. I'm going with NOPE. The right thing is to do is the one which keeps your family sane and protects your kids. :grouphug:
  7. You guys are so polite. I only have 2 kiddos, but if someone asked me "do you know what causes that?" I'd have to do the index finger through the A-OK circle, if you know what I mean. Or feign ignorance and say no and tell them you hope they can explain?
  8. Yes but it depends where you live. Not every place has cooked Halal food available. I would be surprised if she's that strict if she's coming for Christmas dinner. The Jews I know who keep kosher and are worried about contamination wouldn't just show up without making any arrangements or bringing their own food. :confused:
  9. Love my speck but I don't have a screen protector on it.
  10. I really enjoyed my AP History teacher. He made us do debates on all major topics, two people facing each other at podiums while the rest of the class watched. He would assign people to sides and we had to defend things vigorously, including lots of thing we didn't agree with. He had a knack for assigning people to something they would never have taken on their own, for example the most feminist girl in class was assigned to represent the side against women's right to vote!
  11. I was also planning to go and didn't even think of the copycat aspect (although I agree with you.) I had cancelled bacause my heart is so heavy for these families.
  12. I was folding the kids' laundry and DD4's laundry looked even tinier than usual. :crying: I wish we had better systems to deal with mental illness. What a tragedy.
  13. Muslims eat beef, lamb, poultry, and all plants. Depending on how devout they are they may not eat these meats unless they are halal. We will eat fish (doesn't have to be halal) and some Muslims eat shellfish (usually shrimp, not so much oysters or mussels etc.) I'd go with something fish or vegetarian if it were me. As far as filling her stocking, candies should be fine. (No bacon chocolate bars!) :laugh:
  14. Hugs and prayers for all affected and for the parents here who are waiting to see their kids after school. :crying: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. I'm glad DH got home safe tonight.

    1. GWOB


      Amen! Your post made me want to cry. I remember when ,y dh was off in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It doesn't matter where your dh was. It's still nice to know they're safe.

  16. Honey straws? Like this: http://www.betterbee.com/Products/Food-Items/Pack-of-50-Honey-Straws Cheap and you can tie 3 in a bundle with a ribbon. Very few allergies to honey and people can add them to tea or just eat them.
  17. idnib


    Can you do a bit of basic Latin stuff over Skype? Maybe a half hour per week? This is sad.
  18. It is odd, but unless I were in dire financial straits I would do the same thing and be gracious about it.
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