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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Yes, the digital version. Looks like soror is also having trouble.
  2. I am having the same experience. Am also sleep deprived. ETA: Tried both Chrome and Safari
  3. I should add I would also donate a portion but I couldn't say how much exactly. We figure out our net worth each year during Ramadan and donate a portion of that, so it would depend on how the invested portion of the money had performed. :)
  4. That's a heck of a lot of catnip, just sayin'.
  5. I'm being dense. DS will be starting 5th grade next month. We've done WWE and started Narrative I over the summer. My plan had been to finish Narrative I and II and then move to WWS and proceed from there. How does TC fit into that? And is 5th grade too old for TC in this context?
  6. We would put some in DD's college fund and save the rest in an index fund.
  7. I sacrificed my 6-figure career. If I multiply my salary by 20 years, not taking raises or bonuses into consideration, I feel like I'm going to :svengo:. The best private school in the area would be cheaper. But in the end all we have is time and our legacy and this is the most important work of my life. I miss the work and camaraderie some and I miss the money a lot. I don't miss the commute. My parents made a huge sacrifice. They wanted to return to their country of origin and stayed when we were young because of the better opportunities for us in the U.S. When we grew up they stayed because they don't want us to be alone here, nor do they want to barely know their grandkids. But they miss their families and home soil terribly. They missed all 4 of their parents' funerals because they were here. :sad:
  8. Depends on the age of your kids. If 1-2 will be moving out in the next couple of years, maybe just grin and bear it. If one is at least 8 or 9, put them to work on the laundry so you don't fall behind. If they're all under 8, spring for a bigger machine. IMHO....
  9. It wouldn't bother me and I would think it was cute they had a bond.
  10. Can you give me a breakdown of your 4th graders day? Yes, I'd love to give you one of his breakdowns.
  11. If you tell me you're going to "calendarize" my appointment, don't be surprised when I don't show up.
  12. I started last night. I finally realized I was reading Dostoyevsky's longest novel in an attempt to avoid it. :ohmy: I'm now alternating 20 minutes of each. :thumbup1:
  13. Send him here, I'll go off on him. Twice. :boxing_smiley:
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Sorry to hear about all this. If it makes you feel any better, I had a really skinny friend (6'2", 132 lbs) and he put on 10 lbs between the first day of college and Christmas break, thanks to the self-serve milk machine!
  15. I'm glad the plane ticket I bought to come for coffee is refundable! :tongue_smilie: :party: :party:
  16. I think everyone has to find their own spread with which they are comfortable. Right now with the market up so much and the mortgage rates so low, I can see that most people would prefer to invest the money and pay the monthly mortgage. Leverage is a powerful thing. OTOH, if the mortgage rate on a 30-year were a more typical 5%, and the market gains were at the average of 8%, I can see why people would pay off the mortgage. I certainly would if I could. The difference for me would be a guaranteed "rate of return" vs taking a risk for a slightly higher rate. So I think at some point the difference between the two rates becomes small enough that the possibility of increased return is offset by risk. That has to be part of the calculation when one does the math.
  17. Mystery solved!!! DD6 heard me telling DH I was going to call the farm today. She told me she took an egg outside all day as part of her "kitchen play" with a friend. It was left outside all day in the heat and I didn't know there was an egg in the cardboard box "fridge". At the end of the day, when I asked them to clean up, she returned the egg to the carton in the fridge. I guess it partially cooked in the heat of the box while it was in the sun all day.
  18. I was enjoying this conversation so much more before it turned religious.
  19. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/categories/departments/living_room/20658/
  20. I don't have any experience with these. Have you used them?
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