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Status Updates posted by idnib

  1. Wow, rain in June. Very rare around here.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. idnib


      Sure was. I hope this El Nino comes through this winter.

    3. Arcadia


      I'm tempted to spend every summer weekend at the beach.

    4. idnib


      We're near the beach! Come visit!

  2. I just realized that when DD sings My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, she replaces all instances of "Bonnie" with "body."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monica_in_Switzerland


      And bring back my body to me, to me...


    3. quark
    4. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      My dad used to play this on the ukulele!

  3. I think the roofers think we are crazy for being home and studying/working during this project.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. idnib
    3. swimmermom3


      Can I ask what roof you decided on? We are in the middle of looking at bids.

    4. idnib
  4. 13 lbs of candy gone in just over an hour!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. purpleowl


      Was that before or after the trick-or-treaters started showing up? ;)

    3. idnib


      Lol. We were good and ate very little. Maybe 3-4 rolls of Smarties.

    4. Roadrunner


      My kids were up by 6:30, an hour and a half their scheduled time. By the time I figured out why, the entire table was covered with empty candy wrappers.

  5. Yes, I just dropped a tray of frosted cupcakes. Upside down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. idnib


      I was, but for home use. I didn't send them to the potluck.

    3. umsami


      Oh no! Glad you were able to rescue them.

    4. idnib
  6. Mental health day in which mental health=clean and organized house.

    1. mommymonster


      Mental health does equal a clean house here as well! I'm working diligently on improving the mental health today!!!

    2. PeachyDoodle


      For me, cluttered house = slowly encroaching insanity. We have to take one of these mental health days regularly!!

    3. idnib


      Yeah, I get depressed if it gets too messy or disorganized. It's like all those things encroach on my mental space. Glad people understand!

  7. DS13 just asked me what a "busy signal" is on a phone. Hark back with me to a time before voicemail and call waiting.

    1. Starr


      so funny. I remember when my dd was four and asked what "to dial" meant.

    2. Roadrunner


      My kid (he was 6 at a time) was hysterical because he couldn't pause the tv show. I couldn't explain to him what live television meant. He thought I was making it up.

    3. gstharr


      I was in an old office building with 3 young ladies, all clients in their very early 20s. Two of the ladies went to get a snack. The third sitting next to me asked me what is that little room used for. it was about 3x3 with a small stool and bi-fold doors. I was shocked and asked her if she really didn't know. Then the other tow ladies returned and asked the very same question. Again, I asked if they really didn't know what a telephone booth was.


  8. Sensitive DS checked out a book about the Donner Party from the library. I decided it would be better to break it to him gently.

    1. kiana
    2. idnib


      I feel terrible for laughing!

    3. idnib


      Well he finished the book and when I asked him about it he said he needed to talk about something else. :-(

  9. I am re-wrapping yards of dental floss around a tiny spool. How much is my time worth, anyway?!

    1. EndOfOrdinary


      You are just a homeschool mom. It's not like you were going to actually do anything today but sit on the couch, eat bonbons, and have the kids play video games...right? ;)

    2. idnib


      Sigh...I had to put my bonbon down to wrap the floss.

    3. EndOfOrdinary
  10. Can we just hear a rain forecast without the reminder it's not enough to end the drought?

    1. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      I'm just waiting for a rain forecast that actually pans out! We were supposed to get 5" this weekend - we're waiting!

    2. idnib


      The system broke apart a bit and the second part is delayed. The heavier rain will be later in the week. SoCal will get heavy rain; the delay has allowed the system to tap into tropical moisture coming from Hawaii. If it hadn't been delayed they would have received much less rain, so that's good at least.

    3. idnib


      I think you're in the north bay? If so you're probably going to get some thunder/lightning this evening.

  11. I need to stop reading the "where to live" threads. I just moved!

  12. I can't believe Curry made it back to the game.

    1. chiguirre


      Seriously, that was an awful fall.

    2. idnib


      I know, his poor head.

  13. Just had super stressful in-in w the neighbor.

  14. "Mom, how do you spell 'time?' I mean the 4th dimension, not the herb."

  15. This is the part of the house move when I realize I should have started prepping sooner.

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Ooooh...I hate that part!

  16. I'm glad DH got home safe tonight.

    1. GWOB


      Amen! Your post made me want to cry. I remember when ,y dh was off in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It doesn't matter where your dh was. It's still nice to know they're safe.

  17. I'm kind of obsessed with sofa cushions on Etsy. So many beautiful ones!

    1. Pegs


      That sounds like a very nice obsession to have!

  18. "Time for bed!" "But we still have dry ice!"

    1. melbotoast


      Hmmm...sounds legit!

  19. Wow, actual rain with actual thunder. Been a long time.

    1. mathnerd


      yes. I have never seen so much lightning and thunder. It has been almost a year since the last rains.

  20. Second night of lighting candles for France.

    1. swimmermom3


      That's a wonderful gesture.

  21. Let's go Warriors, let's go!

  22. Keeping all the people who live in the path of Hurricane Patricia in my thoughts.

  23. No, I cannot be getting another cold. Absolutely not.

  24. I've become strangely obsessed with the Abbey Road crossing cam.

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