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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I just wanted to send a cyber hug.:grouphug:
  2. :grouphug:Oh, Amy. I'm so sorry and my thoughts and prayers are with you.:grouphug:
  3. I know you are in a time crunch, but I'd call or e-mail the parents to fix them or submit them as is.
  4. :grouphug: On the rent front, consider it. She could pay you x$ and you could save it for college or life later. This is our to be our policy here for adults living here after 18 unless they are in school.
  5. :iagree: Speak to the nurse that is there regardless of sil. You might try working out how you will respond to sil's butting in...Something like, thank you, but I'm still speaking with the nures.
  6. Take this with a grain of salt and do what works for you; we've had year after year to find our groove. I have two very different high-school students. DD is the kind of student to jump right in 100% day one and get it done. Ds needs more of slow start to settle and build into a routine.
  7. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sending prayers.
  8. Fyi...Killing some snakes is against the law...I don't know why, but it is.
  9. :iagree: And I know for a fact that...rattle snakes are not afraid of noise:glare:. You can scream your ever-lovin head off, rev your car engine, bang on the garage door with a shovel and they will simply laugh and rattle away at you. (And they will bite your dog in a minute.) The cute little baby-ones will bite longer and harder and can be really deadly. Apparently, a huge rattle snake is better than a baby one in your yard. Where we lived the police department would respond and take them back out to the desert if they could catch them. :auto:Spiders and snakes...omg...omg:auto:!
  10. We like a no meat spinach lasagna here.
  11. http://www.thewritingpenstore.com/popup.aspx?src=/images/Product/large/1024.jpg These help(ed) my dd who writes with a death grip. We purchased elsewhere, but the design is still her favorite for writing comfort.
  12. Write in the book... I've known a number of students this has worked for.
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