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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. btw, Apple cider vinegar doesnt need to be refrigerated. Not sure if it will help but with a 2 year old anything is possible.:001_smile: Hope you find the right cure.
  2. Congratulations and way to go. Never give up.:grouphug:
  3. You're amazing...you reached this with dial-up. Outstanding truly you deserve an award. :grouphug::lurk5::driving::party::cheers2:: (We are limited to 8 images per post...Who knew!)
  4. Since SS is designed especially for struggling spellers, the program has a simple system that makes sense once you get used to it. You don't have to rush them through the tests, just don't let them stress over a word. They simply write their word and then you give the correct spelling on white board or what ever you're using. Quick and simple.
  5. Just relax and give him the test. I bet he surprises you. I don't bother with test prep unless the student isn't familiar with standardized tests. ie..fill in the bubbles, time limits and such.
  6. Beware...They are delightful and addictive.:001_smile:
  7. I was going home for a vacation and asked my neighbor what she wanted as a souvenir. She pregnant and craving Taco Bell. Nuff said...:001_smile: I've done the wine thing myself.
  8. Scarlett:grouphug: I'm not going to give advice, but send a hug. He is a boy and they go through these stages of pulling away in order to grow into men. Unfortunately it means they often are rude to mom as a safe way of testing their authority. My sweet boy was a bear at age 8 and we both lived through it. Set some rules and boundaries and stick to them. With love, patience and lots of parenting he will grow up to be a wonderful man. Hang in there.
  9. I didn't know there was a movie. I'm going to have to see if Net flicks has it. That book was one I loved too thanks to a friend passing it on.
  10. I think I'm there with you since I've begun reading over the top of my regular prescription. Kelli, you are an inspiration.
  11. You can do this. I just hope she doesn't ask you to help her pack.;) Tammy, who has taken some very strange things through customs for myself and friends. (Strangest was two tacos from NY to Germany for my neighbor.)
  12. Electrasol Power ball or Gel pac. I used to use Cascade, but prefer these for better cleaning.
  13. You can purchase a shoe stretcher from Walmart or anywhere. They also sell a spray on stretcher. A simple solution if it is only a little tight is to put on a wet sock and put it on.:001_smile: Wear the thing until it dries.
  14. :grouphug: What a morning wake up. I'm so glad it turned out ok. I'd be a basket case.
  15. Take your time and purchase the best one you can afford.
  16. Congratulations! Do tell your secret. My pitiful plants are struggling, and I'm not sure if they are going to make it. Anyone know of natural feeders for tomatoes? I'm avoiding chemicals and missing miracle grow.
  17. Kelli, Scary and definitely potentially dangerous. I'm so glad she is safe. She or you might be able to contact the gas station. They likely have surveillance cameras. I'd call the police and report it.
  18. :grouphug: Hang in there, Heather. This is a difficult time for so many trying to sell a home. I hope it sells soon.
  19. She sounds wonderful. My teen was like that and can still be, but has now taken on more attitude esp around the first of the month :glare:.
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