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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: I'd invite only kids who would also love some time there even if they were on the younger side. A lot of kids hit that age where even if they would love it, they think they shouldn't. So, in order to look mature they can do or say hurtful things. Or just be a pain in the old backside:001_smile:. I find that to be true with my teenager and to some extent my ds/11. My 11/ds would love it btw. I'd give him the birthday he wants even if it was a family only day. Hope it works out.:001_smile:
  2. I'd keep the portfolios and recycle the rest. I was a keeper, but now I'm more choosy as the work load isn't so cute and storage is more than I want to deal with.
  3. Oh, I hope you're feeling better. Too bad about the sale.:grouphug:
  4. :grouphug:Jennifer:grouphug: Hang in there. It stinks when the momma gets sick.
  5. :grouphug: I'm praying for you and your little Joe.:grouphug:
  6. Congratulations~ What a beauty! Enjoy your new ride.
  7. :iagree: It just isn't to sit by and watch those. I switch to the Home & Garden or Food Network for all commercials or press the mute button.
  8. We had to leave our family dog for three years with only a 30 day visit in the middle. He missed us just fine.;)
  9. Still going here. Yesterday I cleaned out the refrigerator because it was trash day and enjoyed looking at my progress around the house. We have another load ready to donate to the flood victims. My linen closest looks kinda bare, but so organized again.:001_smile: Those bag boogies work good in all kinds of places. I'll be popping in at Kelly's missions today. Keep going on the baby steps. Those minutes really add up. I'm mildly considering the basement as a project. :confused: It falls well into the category of hot spot. Heck, it's nearly burning up down there.
  10. Sending hugs and prayers here way.:grouphug:
  11. Well, its been a while since I was there, but our friends loved all things American as well as fresh fruits, nuts and ice cream. Star bucks coffee would be a hit if her town doesn't have one. I'm not sure if they've made it there yet.:001_smile:
  12. :grouphug:Oh, how scary, and thank goodness everyone is ok.:grouphug:
  13. Goodness, six weeks already. What a cutie pie. I seem to remember a mini period around the six week mark with my second, and then nothing again for months. :grouphug:
  14. Here's the easiest way to make nice thick yogurt I've found-no special equipment! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bring 4 cups of whole milk, (but feel free to experiment! I've had success with 1%) up to 180 degrees in a pan. 2. Then take it off the heat and let it cool down to 120 degrees (no cooler than that!) 3. Meanwhile heat some water in a quart jar in the micro to get the jar nice and warm. Empty the water out of the quart jar and put 1-3 T plain yogurt in the bottom, add the warm milk and stir well for about 20 sec. Put the lid on and wrap in a blanket for 6-8 hours. 6=less tart. That's it! It will thicken up after refrigerating. Remember to save some yogurt for your next batch. This has been saving us a lot of money. You can mix all-fruit jam or honey into a bowl of it if you like it sweeter. I've flavored this with homemade vanilla and a little regular sugar while it was at 120'. I can't remember who here on the board posted this, but it is delicious.
  15. I think it looks great, and especially like your focus on reading. We did that this year and it paid off ten fold. My dd, is now reading her regular for pleasure choices, but she actually enjoys many of the books I assign. She would never in a million years pick them up if they weren't assigned. Planning for me works out best when I don't over schedule it. Your list looks like one he can do well on...day in and day out, day after day:001_smile:. It always easier and more uplifting to add more than be faced with the cutting choice. :D Wishing you a wonderful year~
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