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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Vinegar in the wash will not harm the fabric. I just dump a cup or so in add the regular soap and put it in the softener dispenser just in case. Unless you have black-mold things will be good as new after the wash. Btdt...
  2. Straight or mixed to your pleasure. We take about 1/2 a teaspoon straight and just swallow it, some people prefer to gargle with it...It is Strong going down and I prefer to try aiming it towards my throat vs. a full mouth full. Take as often as needed. Yogurt doesn't have the dairy effect milk does for most people.
  3. I'm sorry...they were part of my pre-snow grocery run at Sam's. They are bad and delicious, but a snow storm without chocolate would be unthinkable. Yes, I'm shameless and use bad weather and the possibility of no power to eat like this.
  4. We have a 7 year old Amana with the freezer on the bottom. Our ice maker isn't the greatest and has needed a service call other than that it is pretty big and we like it over all. One tiny thing that bothers me is the bottom drawer can be awkward or get stuck, if it is full. Pre-shop on line and find the best price with delivery, disposal etc. Then ask for a sales match where you want to purchase it.
  5. Apple-cider vinegar and lots of yogurt helps with throat issues. Hope you feel better
  6. :grouphug: My almost 12 yold is ah, ;)... Interesting, argumentative, loving and I've no worry he'll become a push over. That's a good thing...right.
  7. :grouphug: I'm not the morning person I used to be either. I'll offer up virtual coffee and a chocolate muffin.:grouphug:
  8. Rest, good nutrition, and over the counter pain relief. I'd give yogurt with extra acidiphilous, probiotics & maybe some good B vitamins. It seems to last forever, but it does get better...poor kid.:grouphug:
  9. I'd see an orthodontist for a consult and any ortho work. Lots of regular dentists are doing braces now and many lack experience as well as knowledge in the field.
  10. Imo, it shows the lack of maturity and judgment & is likely why and how they got away with that behaviour during youth group.
  11. Another no, but I do understand the wanting another one.:grouphug:
  12. Scarlett, Most of these are things you can change by implementing a schedule (now) since they are raising your dh's anxiety. A schedule now, would also help prepare your ds if a public school schedule does come about in the fall. I've read your letter, I do hope you and dh can work this out.
  13. I've just started purchasing heirloom and organic seeds this year. :glare: We live in a big crop producing state and I'll tell you, I never gave a thought to cross pollination...but I'm not a producer. No telling what the future holds, but I'm keeping my seeds:001_smile:.
  14. No new catalog here. It makes a wonderful library list for us along with WTM, and the BF catalog.;)
  15. :grouphug: Scarlett, You might save the slot at the VA for him. Registering for public school takes very little more than walking in the first day and doing it. They will want forms filled out and records, but it is something they have to do. Another option might be a private school if one is available. Imo..fwiw...You are a great mom, and your son and husband are blessed to have you. Your dh's worries are common in many dads, I'd work on providing those manly activities. Boys and men come in all different types and a sensitive boy doesn't equal a sissy-man. Tell your hubby to wait for the hormones to kick in and he'll have plenty of testorenone displays to allay his fears. :grouphug:
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