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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I understand completely, but you can do this if I did. My only regret was not doing it sooner. If there was a way, I'd go with you:grouphug:. You can pm me if you want details. My dentist, does give anxiety meds to those who want them...I was too chicken to take mine.:001_huh:
  2. Interesting, but I have to wonder about it. Who is the authority in charge checking or verifying the student’s status? It sounds more like a don't rock the boat understood policy vs. an actual law/regulation. Locally, my kids have participated in activities designated as homeschool groups, but when pressed or challenged...all admitted other students.
  3. :grouphug: I try to go into my routine and just get through it...Food, lessons, house picked up, and forget the laundry. Once dinner is done, I'm off for a shower and an early bedtime with a good book. I like to read then and not think about tomorrow. (I try to call my mom or one of my sisters.) Dh, will get dinner and do the dishes if I ask.
  4. Do what makes you happy:001_smile:. My sister has been married to four different men and renewed her vows many times...She pretty much has a new wedding each time; she's been married to her dh 10 years and is currently planning another full church ceremony, reception etc for this summer. (This will be at least, their 3rd or 4th renewal.) :confused: My mom and Dad renewed their vows on their 25th and plan to again for thier 50th next year.:001_smile:
  5. Making The Grade With A+DD, Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PH.D. College Confidence With ADD, Michael Sandler
  6. What a beautiful baby. Congratulations!
  7. I'm so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with the two of you.:grouphug:
  8. I've had to switch to a no-sulfate shampoo & conditioner, and the softness/crazy hair not standing up...is worth the price.
  9. No, for me too, but I'd be sad about it. The thought of a busy weekend with everyone running for the nearest bathroom, would be my fear.
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