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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Btdt, I think we've all had our moments. When I had very long hair, it landed in a hot pizza and there was m-cheese stuck in it. I grabbed the kitchen scissors and just chopped it off. :001_huh: It req. a trip to the salon and me humbly admitting what I'd done. I wanted to blame my two-year old, but we just laughed about it. Take heart, it will grow back and you can even it out for now with a little work.:grouphug:
  2. :grouphug:I'm so sorry for your loss, and sending prayers.:grouphug: Hope your ds is doing well this morning.
  3. Thanks for the update; I missed the orig. thread. I"m glad it worked out, but I'd be very protective and gun-shy dealing with your father.
  4. Beth, the person I know is taking the last two meds you mentioned, but a male and much older than you. If you don't get some help from the boardies; I can ask him or his wife. I know switching meds is scary. :grouphug:
  5. I haven't read the thread, but there is plenty you can do to make a salad night easier. Chop, cut, dice everything when you buy them. Then ready to eat. I keep a veggie tray in the fridge ready to go. Have cheese, fresh bread, cooked or canned beans on hand to beef up the meal. We eat a lot of veg meals here with two vegetarians in the house. I'm not a fan of cooking tw meals at a time, so many fall into both categories. I find prep and pre-cooking my best bet to get a meal on the table.
  6. My rec. is pretty much the same, but I leave the beans whole and just scrape them vs. cutting. We later use them to make French-vanilla ice cream.:001_smile:
  7. :iagree:Don't kill yourselves preparing for showings.
  8. :iagree: Imo...fwiw, Honey, you're just easy to blame. kwim? Pretty much every agent wants to sell themselves as the golden one to their clients. You are the bad guy (expect it) because she doesn't need to impress or work for you.
  9. Oh good. Give the test and place him where he places. In the end, he needs to be successful; for some that success comes early and others...a little later, but they get there just the same. Imo...It's always better not to set them up for failure.
  10. :001_huh: Bleck...dd noticed some in her bathroom this morning. Time to mop, and put out the good stuff.
  11. :iagree: I put the bayl leaves by my door inside and to Terro outside.
  12. They don't like bay leaves, or baby powder. My kids are pretty much grown. I'm not sure about putting out basil or baby powder with little ones around.
  13. Thank you for sharing your come back. It's very encouraging to hear a story that wasn't all roses and rainbows.
  14. :grouphug:Kathleen, I'll be praying for your family and Dil.:grouphug:
  15. :iagree: And I wouldn't pay her; her behavior has really crossed a line here.
  16. :grouphug:Oh, Renee...I'm so glad he's okay. Little people are so unpredictable. Your warning is a good thing. QUOTE=Renee in FL;3880405]I debated posting this here because the atmosphere here is pretty critical when it comes to accidents, but I decided the possible benefits were worth it. Yesterday afternoon, we decided to go see some friends that evening, and we told the kids we were going. They were very happy! The girls and my youngest boy were playing in their room, and I was in the dining room working on a project that is due this week. At some point, the little one slipped out of the house without anyone knowing. My dh came home from work, went in the girls' room to talk to them, then asked where the little one was. I told him with the girls. He said he wasn't there. Everyone started searching for him. One of the older boys went outside to look. He found him in the van locked in his car seat. He screamed at me that he had found him, but something was wrong with him. It was possibly the worst moment of my life. I ran to the van, with dh right behind me. The little one was red, sweating, and lethargic. He had locked himself in his car seat and was unable to get out. The van was hot because it was hot outside. He is okay. We were able to get him inside, get him into a tepid bath, get him to drink a lot of fluids, etc. There are no residual effects. It could have been horrible. If it had still been sunny outside. If dh hadn't gotten home when he did. If we had been just 5 minutes later finding him. I am still sick about it this morning. I never thought he would do something like this. He was ready to go to the friend's house, so he got in the van to leave. I already feel like the world's worst mother, but if I can prevent another mother from feeling like this (or worse!) it will be worth posting this.
  17. We used Legal Zoom last year; it was easy and they even gave us more than one chance to get them right. (Fil was in the hospital at the time, and we didn't get them right the first time around due to stress...Corrections were free; we'll be correcting again this summer when dd is 18.) Even complicated is pretty simple with LZ; they walk you through the steps. After watching mil making decisions for fil; we knew we had to get ours done. The cost was low, and I feel better knowing we have them.
  18. Oh.my.gosh...I've been reading about him for so long... Wow, congratulations!:hurray:
  19. :grouphug:Sending prayers your way.:grouphug:
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