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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: :iagree: She is going to continue to belittle and will more likely than not...never respect you as an educator. Your relationship will be better setting some boundaries here. If you havent read BOUNDARIES, by Cloud and Townsend...get it for yourself. Most libraries have a copy.
  2. I'd say no, not without some serious cutting. Prices keep going up, and I keep trying to keep up by stretching every dollar I can. In all honesty, I think our budget will have to go up another 30% this year, if prices keep skyrocketing.:confused: I'm running out of ideas other than cutting and serving more junk.
  3. :iagree: Your children were polite and she got mad; she's the one with not so nice manners.
  4. :iagree:It's a chance to make another buck.
  5. :):grouphug::) I like happy updates.
  6. Our code word/bat signal is anyone of us asking what time it is or bemoaning what time it is while looking at a clock or watch. (I only wear a watch around my mil;). I've spent years letting her walk all over me in our home, but stopped last year after fil died. It feels so good, but freaky/scary saying no. Bullies have to get a solid no with no neg. following as that is how they work their way. I finally realized mil, would never in a million years allow me or anyone else to get away with what she does. That was my ah-ha moment. I pray for her, I love and honor her, but she doesn't get to rule me or things in my home. Imo...fwiw...I'd make that sil a hotel res. and even pay for it not to put up with her. (If she didn't like my hotel choice, she could stay at another.)
  7. New dishwashers use so little water combined with no phosphates has resulted in a need to rinse with many machines. (I had a kitchen guy, explain old vs. new...He said the reason cleaning cycles take so much longer and rinsing is a good idea; is that the new ones send fine streams of water out that take a long time to get dishes clean vs. the old ones that sprayed like garden hoses using lots of water.) He also mentioned the old formula for dw det. I was looking to find a dw that didn't take over an hour to clean a load:tongue_smilie:. I wish for an old dw that doesn't waste water rinsing and tons of energy running.
  8. I wouldn't feed them to the kids;). Too many people running for the toilet at the same time is not a good thing. btdt:tongue_smilie: If you eat them and don't dev. the big D or V, well they're good.
  9. I'm happy to hear things are working out so well for her. :party:
  10. I wanted to also say that we had 3 piano teachers over a 5 year span. One, our 2nd after our first teacher retired, didn't last a month with me, because of her attitude, but it was just business. Finding the right fit for your family can take some tweaking and over time your kids may out grow a teacher's style.
  11. The year is about to end? I'd schedule a discussion with your current teacher to plan a new contract for next year, and put everything in writing. Be willling to give a little, but work towards your expectations. You are paying for a sercice. kwim? Include an out clause with a time limit. Then if the lessons and teaching don't measure up, you can guilt free move to another teacher. If she can't agree, move on now. Our piano teacher had the kids sign a contract too.
  12. I would cook that chicken and attend the gatherings. If you pray...I'd pray hard and past a smile on my face. She will not like you either way, and seeing you happy is your revenge. (I would keep my kids away from her though.) I've lived in places where I stood out like a sore thumb and it was hard, but they (bullies) expect you to give up. I'd plan to kill her with kindness; even if it made me sick.
  13. Are you using a thermometer? Different indoor temps can affect it. This is my easy rec., but it isn't a crock-pot one. 1. Bring 4 cups of whole milk (I've used lower % milk) or 2 cups whole and 2 cups half and half up to 180' in a pan. 2. Remove from heat and let cool down to 120' (no cooler that that!) 3. Meanwhile heat some water in a quart jar in the microwave to get the jar nice and warm. Empty the water out of the jar and put 1-3 Tablespoons of plain yogurt in the bottom, add the warm milk and stir well for about 20 seconds. Put the lid on and wrap in a blanket or towel for 6-8 hours. 6=less tart. That's it! It will thicken up after refrigerating. Remember to save some yogurt (plain) for your next batch. I add in homemade vanilla or other flavor to the milk before pouring into the jar. Once the jar or bowl is wrapped in the towel I usually let it set in the microwave for around 7 hours. This recipe is easy and flexible. I know some use a big thermos to incubate it vs the blanket wrap.
  14. We've used Legal Zoom here; dd turns 18 this summer and we will be updating our LW&T and adding a Trust.
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