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Everything posted by wagnfun

  1. Weather being the issue, I wouldn't care. My dh wears shorts ALL the time. A sports event where they may rip up the skin, yes pants required.
  2. My son is currently in the drama seussical. Here are some pix from goole. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=seussical%20the%20musical&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
  3. We are in California. My dd said they filed Friday so I wonder if in Aug they filed Chapt. 11 and Friday completed it w/ chapter 13?? I'm not sure but its my understanding the 2 in my area are going out. Interesting also b/c I though Mervyns & Target were owned by the same company.
  4. Is Mervyns a nation wide store? I haven't been there in years but we have them all over. I haven't heard this in the media but my dd works at Kohls. Yesterday they had a special employee meeting saying this past Friday, Mervyns filed bankruptcy. They gave each employee 30 "special cards" each worth an extra 15% off the whole order, with instructions to pass them out to anyone & everyone. They said they want to pull in the Mervyns shoppers. Great if you need to shop at Kohls but I laughed b/c if Mervyns had enough shoppers, they wouldn't be bankrupt!!
  5. Background that has me worried. My brother (32yrs old), neice (12yrs old) and other family members are notorious for exaggerating situations, omitting their behavior when it doesn't glorify their need and downright lying for entertainment purposes. I often catch my dh laughing out loud or trying to hide a smile at the stories going on. We all know it and tell the story tellers they are full of it and to stop. I'm not even sure they know they are doing it, its almost as if lying is their personality. Heres the problem.. I"m starting to notice it in my 5 yr old. She is my 4th child so i know some kids at this age are learning the truth vs a lie & learning to tell stories. My 5 yr old is ahead of her time in vocab & comprehension. She knows very well what a lie vs truth is and understands the difference b/t telling a truthful funny story & an exaggerated one. We've explained being honest, truthful and trustworthy. My other kids would get in more trouble for lying then for an action they would lie about b/c I wanted them to know how important truthtelling is. This child is different.. PLEASE give me advice on how to stop/proceed/deal with this child. Here are a few examples: ***says she washed her hands but clearly didn't, when i tell her I know shes not being truthful, she says it is b/c she is really hungry and doesn't want to take the time to wash her hands *** told neighbor kids she was taking karate and proceeded to teach them moves for over 30 minutes. Note-she is NOT taking karate! *** told me her sister while driving, pulled over and told her she wasn't allowed to talk. Yes oldest was driving youngest but none of the above happened. *** will outright make up stories about something that happed that she saw or did. ***blames other people saying they are really mean & lie to her. Shes not just doing it to get out of trouble or exaggerate; in some cases, shes REALLY making up wierd things. She is the youngest in our family & youngest of all the kids on the block. This is different...... help!:confused:
  6. I voted "other".. When my UP man sees me around town, he asks how I'm doing or about the kids or the dog. For the first few months when he delivered, he was always chewing gum. Once one of my kids asked him about it and he said its better then eating junk food or smoking. Since that day every time he delivers, he adds a stick of gum per kid to the drop off. Now, whenever I order something, I have a pack of gum waiting for him when he gets here. Ok, is that freaky?haha
  7. egg whites, broccoli, & salsa- yep pretty much daily.
  8. The one I use ALL the time is http://www.supercook.com/ Is this what you want?
  9. We loved http://www.lapbooklessons.com/index.html Free simply downloadable lapbooks. Doing these w/ my youngen turned her onto lapbooks for life. She LOVES making them.
  10. This is soooo my son. He follows up the clean with holes jeans with his favorite duct taped up skater shoes b/c at least you can't SEE the holes mom!!!! oy vey.... :confused:
  11. Doing well yes, wealthy off.. no. I'm in the heart of the OC. I am not far from where Rick Warren held the infamous talking the prez hopefulls. In this area 650-750K for a house is on the high side of normal.
  12. I'd add Ozzy, Slayer & Alice to your list. Haha the 80's were funny.
  13. My nephews name is Landon Crash Jackson. Yeah, say his first and middle name fast. Yes, my brother did that on purpose.
  14. dh & I do the date thing now & then, not regular but regular enough. Ideas-- I packed a picnic w/ wine & we made a fire on the beach. margarita mondays (local mexican place has margaritas $2 and $1 tacos) a color me mine time place- silly i know but i LOVE drinking out of the mug dh made me shooting range- this is for me, i love going & i like showing off infront of dh ;) miniture golfing- gooney yep ok have the wine first monster trucks- cheap seats were $10 each, $10 to park. I packed dinner and we tailgated before entering baseball game- cheapest seats were $6 Sent eldest child with $$ for ALL kids to go to cheap theatre & $1 scoop ice cream, we had the house to ourselve for 2+ hrs! This NEVER happens. This is what we've done over the past few months. Now I"m looking for ideas.
  15. :iagree:, i paid $15 at a used book sale moons ago. I'm using it on kid 3 and will on kid 4 in another year.:iagree:
  16. First Graders Taken to San Francisco City Hall For Gay Wedding- I tried to post the article but it wouldn't let me. http://christiannewswire.com/news/873908223.html
  17. :iagree::iagree: I've lost 36 lbs over the past 10 months. Pretty much my diet is lean protein, salads, fruits & veggies. No bread, no pasta, rarely potatoes. The first few days was tough. My body was craving carbs. But the low energy from lack of carbs went away and I got my second wind. Noted- I worked out HARD the first few months and lost faster. When I hit a plateu (sp?), I gave up all soda, butter, alot of salt & alcohol. I'd like to lose about 20 more lbs although dh disagrees. When I go out w/ family or whatever outting may contain food, I eat whats there. At home-- I pig out on fruit, veggies & egg whites all day!
  18. I'm with you on the evelope thing. I use cheap paper ones that I bought in bulk 100 years ago and throw them away when they are to trashed. As far as age goes, my high schooler read the regular adult version. In his books Dave has couples as young as 23-24 saving for houses & getting out of loan debt, I think high school is plenty old to grasp that info! Not to sure about a young jr higher though....
  19. One of my best friends did this in her 15yr dd room! They used magnetic primer & paint and YES it works!!!! The girls have had a blast adding pictures & art work all over the walls!!!
  20. :iagree::iagree:.. Very much on the wife being quiet part. I think a wife as a partner has an obligation to help her partner where he is & where she knows he is weak. My husband doesn't bring chocolate or soda in the house. Its nothing compared to Jessicas situation but the point is there, as well as there are things we dont' have in our house b/c they are a weakness to dh. Now admittedly, it took a few years for dh to admit he can't be around certain things without caving in- IF you know your partner has a weakness and do nothing about helping them, you are just as guilty. I second not going out to eat or going to movies. hugs jessica. I've been where you are and after credit cards being pulled, a dh with no atm card & deep discussions, i am 100% in charge of the money. He & the kids get their spending and I have no say what he spends $$ on.
  21. This is on my mind too. I HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO have my allergy meds. I am however banned for 25 more days from buying them OTC in California b/c I bought for myself, dh & dd and we now have laws against how much you can buy. I told dh I wanted him to go buy a few months worth so I can have a stash.
  22. A joke b/t (JOKE PEOPLE) between hubby and I is it is easier to ask for forgiveness then permission....
  23. I may tell the parents the kids were looking at the cards and your son mentioned he thinks HIS card ended up in cousins deck could they look into it.
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