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Everything posted by wagnfun

  1. My 13 yr old said there are Disney songs on it. I know there are muscial tunes on it, we've downloaded Wicked & such. I know my dd has downloaded Gospel songs for her dad on it too...
  2. My oldest is crash b/c shes ashley & clumsy. My youngest boy is bug or catfish. My youngest girl answers to bot or turbo. All FOUR children answer to nerd or psycho. yeah I know bad parenting BUT.. ironic thing is they always know which one I am addressing at the time. ?!?! (& even though I don't think I need to say it, they know I'm joking.) Corb
  3. OK So I give up control of my body for 9 months to give life to this wailing thing. Its pretty cute so we keep it. It turns out to be of the boy kind, fiercely independent, accidemically advanced & all around the type of personality that needs to relax ya know those A types. (only saying it that way b/c I am one!!) For the most part he is a joy- both humorous & musically inclinded (read that as $$$$$ on drums & 2 years of lessons that he decides one day he is done with?!?!?). Life is FINE-- Forward a week of jr. high co-opish classes and something strange happened. I asked him very simply, are there any cute girls in your classes? (Simple question yes?) :bigear: This always sweet now turned creature-- tells me.. I can't tell you that!! You're my mom!!!!! I'm not like my sister who goes and tells you everything woman! A man needs his privacy? (DId I tell you he is 12!!!) What.the.heck.is.THAT???? Humm... I had him figured out up until this. Now what do I do with him?????
  4. What is the difference b/t the standards &US Edition? Thanks!
  5. Wellll we use Sponge Bob by Scholastic. My first started when he was in 4th grade b/c he liked the games. Once you let them online to play games or email friends, they pick it up fairly quickly.
  6. A few days ago I asked for math help and thanks to those that replied, we've been eating TONS of m&ms.. I mean, math games! The one curriculum that kept coming back to me though was Singapore. Can I get reviews, both positive & negative? Thanks!
  7. THank you all for your input on my 9 yr old. Facts behind the story is he will be 10 in November and I'm getting pressure due to state testing. Math U See isn't up to California testing... Personally, I'd rather he be good and know the facts, then skip through fast or study for the test!
  8. We need to work both on speed of facts and whats the next step. For example, I know we teach the numbers, count to 100, then basic addition & subtraction.He is fine w/ telling time & money. We are past double digit add/sub & he knows his time tables & basic division, then we get stuck. I can't seem to get him past this step. We used saxon last year and although it was good for my other kidlets, he just mentally flipped out when the worksheets came out during the lesson. Thanks for the games suggestions!!
  9. Making a long story short I need math help. I have a 9 yr old boy who is close to a year behind in math. Can you give me your BEST math facts/games/ideas/thoughts that we can work on daily over the course of the school year aside from his regular Math U See Gamma work? thanks for your help!
  10. I have heard from many a man that thinks this is sexy on a woman! :tongue_smilie:
  11. One LOOONNGG weekend I was in cowboy boots for 48 hrs straight while hiking. I lost two townails. They were pedicurable about 8 months later, but at first they grew in a little soft. No doctor needed.
  12. I have the ORIGINAL version and only barrowed the newest from friends & the library. I WILL purchase this one. My ONLY SWB request and this is a request to ALL book publisher really.. *** When you UPDATE, REVISE a book, -- please change the cover picture! It just makes it easier for a crazy busy mom like me when I'm grabbing a book! :)
  13. I mentioned to dh that I read/heard that Palins hubby would be a sahd and homeschool the kids IF she/they won. He doubts it. I've searched many articles and can't find anything but speculation.. HELP? Is it out there?? Thanks Hive!
  14. E X A C T L Y >... sidenote: maybe I should go back and recheck before I open my mouth but why start now... I wonder if the children from those against fighting in this thread are still young??!?!!??!! I'm thinking that may make a difference......
  15. Yep, I can see this.. but today? First punch is a lawsuit and not a good case for self defense! :001_huh: Hubby tells boys, let him take the first swing while you make the first MOVE
  16. I'm sry but I think being completely forbidden to fight and not taught any kind of self protection physically can set them up for a bad situation in their older future. I fully believe in working on a patient character, as well as strategies for peacemaking but I'd hate for them to be caught off gard and not know how to protect themselves if/when they are in a situation where they are forced to fight. Just because I want my boys who will become men to know how to protect themselves, doesn't mean I don't value courage of the non physical sense.
  17. Well as a mom of two boys I can say I USE TO take the NO FIGHTING however.. then life happened. I use to object when my boys and their friends wrestle & fake fight. It is agressive & harsh, they becomee bruised & sometimes bleed-- but they have fun. There are about 9 boys ranging in age 6-12 in this group. The olders are careful for the littles. I don't let their little sister watch b/c it freaks her out. I always taught my boys to walk away and NEVER give the first punch in a fight. THEN.. my 8 yr old was semi jumped by a neighbor boy. Neighbor boy was showing off in front of his 11 yr old friends. He knocked my son down and kicked his head. My 12 yr old son drew on all experience he had fake fighting with his friends and set this neighbor boy straight. When he came home, he didn't want to talk about it but told me "I just had to mom", asked me to drop it, then retreated in his room for a while. He came out with no attitude and told me he had to fight. Yes I think there is a time and place where MEN have to know how to fight. Remember the Kenny Rogers song "gambler"? My husband has only been in 2 fights in his life but I have NO doubt in my mind that man can protect me & our kids if it is needed. Keep in mind, he had to learn this somewhere. I want my boys/men to kill big bugs & protect me-- not cry in a corner with me. Do I encourage fighting? no. Do I like it? no. Do I think it is necessary now & then? yes. On the flip side in schools.. I think it is discouraged b/c of knives/guns, gangs & such- that is an entire different monster than sticking up for ones brother or another kid.
  18. I take Slo-Fe but it was prescribed by a doctor before it was an OTC medication. I do take a multi-vit and I do not eat red meat. I get dizzy & weak when I don't take it. I can't even think straight to formulate a complete thought if I don't take it for a few days. I take two one week a month to offset my period as well! Not sure if that is common, but its common for me!:)
  19. Tina Fey (& Carrie Underwood!) will be on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Am I the only one that thinks Tina will make this weeks SNL a Palin fest? :D
  20. What I've been told. What you experienced was the beginnings of an anaphylactic shock. It is similar to one allergic to bees being stung. Sometimes you may just feel tingling and sometimes, you may have a problem breathing. Its a gamble. I have experienced that tingle that lasted for 4 days. I use to gamble it b/c sometimes i could actually eat sushi or avocados and get away with it. TWICE I ended up in the ER unable to breathe and that pretty much cured my cravings for the food I couldn't eat. According to my doctor it can get worst with age which explains why I use to be able to get away with it. For more info: http://www.foodallergy.org/anaphylaxis/index.html
  21. We love the Themes to Remember here too. As far as the catchy tunes,-- a few days ago we were in the dentist waiting room listening to the overhead music. I could see in dd face she was singing in her head the words from Themes that say "this music is by Vavaldi" The look on the mans face next to me was beyond priceless when 5 yr dd turned to me and stated "mom isn't this Vivaldi?" Why yes homeschooled kindergirl, it is! Again as Jessica stated, the lyrics are not goofy but sometimes historical explanations (such as talking about a fireworks show gone bad during a performance, historically- there was a fireworks show gone bad when the song was originally performed for the king) Btw, my kids BEG to listen to the VOX Music Masters CDs. We got them from Rainbow for $3.50 each!. Check them out. http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1220532632-1208698&subject=17&category=5644 If link doesn't work, they are listed under Music Masters.
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