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Everything posted by wagnfun

  1. Advice? Short of the long story. We've taken dog to Petco for 3 years. Last May we took dog in & due to language barrier w/ new groomer, I asked for everything we normally do & she took that as the everything package. When I picked up my dog, it was $25 MORE then normal. I freaked out. I complained to groomer. Bottom line, it was a language barrier, I was tired. I paid it & told myself I would complain later but I let it go. Took dog in today. They refused to treat dog until proof of rabies. Their records show rabits expired LAST YEAR. Dog has been in 2 times since their expiration date which I explained I'd already brought it new records. They refused to see dog. I took dog home to get new records. Flipping dog threw up in my car (HATES being in car). Took dog BACK to groomer w/ proof of rabies. When I made the guy write NEW expiration date on file-- I notice the file written by groomer last time I was in says- dog is difficult, customer is a b*tch. I demand a copy of record. Manager makes a copy but covers the line written about me. I went off & demanded another copy. She took her copy with her. Bottom line, manager refused to speak w/ me other then to say she was just trying to be nice and to call the corporate office to further deal w/ this situation. Corporate office tells me that although they do not condone what is written; they can not give me a copy of said record. I reminded them how fast word of mouth spreads on the internet and that I'd be all over message boards & such today explaining my story.
  2. Habitat ReStores are retail outlets where building supply and home improvement companies can donate their quality leftovers for resale to the public. Think “Goodwill†for the DIY’er – these stores have it all! While a little jumbled (you will need to dig around a bit to find what you really want), they have aisles for bathroom fixtures, appliances, tile, windows, doors, décor, lighting, paint, hardware, and more! In addition to providing extra funds for the Habitat for Humanity buildings – some Restores generate enough money to build an additional 10 homes per year – the outlets promote environmental responsibility by allowing quality building materials to be recycled. http://www.habitat.org/cd/env/restore.aspx
  3. I have NO IDEA how to grow anything, not even dandelions really but have the desire. I have a section of dirt in the back yard hubby cleaned up for me to grow veggies. It is about 8X5. I live in Southern California. Did I miss the growing season? We LOVE tomatoes, & peppers (red, green, yellow, etc) yet will eat anything I can grow. Please HELP! Suggestions? Ideas? Is it easier to grow from a plant or seed? Are their seasons to what I can grow here? I've really come to realize we eat way to much fresh veggies to not be growing our own. Thanks for ANY suggestions!! :bigear:
  4. Is this for yours or a gift for another? When mine was 3, now 5 she LOVED little pony stuff. Coloring, bubbles, finger & water paints, LARGE outside balls, playdough, outside chalk, color wonder markers & coloring books, --- Target carries all of these things. My 3 yr old was also very girlie & liked small purses, cheap kid jewelery & colorful fun socks. Matter of fact, the list above could go for a 5 yr old too!
  5. 17yr dd and I have the same problem! I never thought about the sweat, more though it was due to daily use. I've resorted to buying off brand ones at Walmart. They range from $3.99-$12.99 each. There seems to be no difference in length of time vs. $$$ paid. Theres no way I'm paying $30 for the apple ones again!!
  6. :iagree:, matter of fact, the lease should state if the electric bill is included. I don't believe it was only $30-40, I live in California and even my elderly grandparents who run NOTHING electric & are in a small house have a bill bigger then that. Anyway.... The showing agents are known for trying to be bullys in my neck of the woods. Matter of fact, a friend of mine was WALKED IN ON when she was getting out of the shower!! Stand your ground. Demand 24 hrs notice OR/and .. demand no showing until 2-3 in the afternoon (or going weekends only). Move if you can.
  7. This is me. I stay WAY FAR away from things made with crisco. Interesting thoughts though-- I think I'll try the extra flour first! Thanks for the tips!
  8. Been there a bit. Heres what I do. I make sure the kids KNOW that while they are sitting playing games, or swimming or whatever that dad is working. I point out to them here & there when we clean up & such,.. lets X, Y & Z for dad who works 50hrs a week then comes home and cleans our pool. Basically, I remind them what their dad is doing for us. Then on the wifely front... :001_wub: when the kidlets are in bed-- I thank him the way I know he likes to be thanked. :tongue_smilie: :001_tt1:
  9. I'm asking this hyear b/c it seems like the hives knows all. We've jumped the Dave Ramsey bandwagon but I'm confused about something. I've got this pretty, well thought out, seems ok to manage budget on paper. All the numbers equal what they are suppose to at the end of the year. We've conquered the getting out of debit, savings, retirement, daily living & fun categories. Now the question... How to I start? Weird quesion? For example- I wasn't living the budget so with insurance due next month instead of having a monthly amount saved up for it over time, I know I have to pull a huge chunk from the paycheck to pay it. This completely messes up my Aug. budget. Same with a bill that is due mid month, I'd like to save half from paycheck #1 & half from paycheck #2 BUT.. because of the insurance deal, I can't do that. How do I swtich over from just paying what I want, to actually implementing the budget? Thank you so much you wise ones!!!
  10. Do you have the membership that pays you back? Does it really give you a good check at the end? We have the basic and my MIL actually pays it as a gift every year. I'm debating if it is worth it to upgrade.
  11. We've been playing with flashcards. 5 yr old dd drew pictures on a card and was asking dh to put the beginning sound on the back. She said put a "P" and when he turned it over, it was a "person", then she said to put a '"s" and on the flip side was a snake. All was going well until she asked dh to put a "W". The flip side was a wocket (ROCKET).. She thought ROCKET started with a w-ocket. :001_huh: He didn't have the heart to tell her she was wrong. Obviously he isn't the one that gives lessons!!
  12. I love living in California. I'm not sure where this is filmed other than the two guys in it are well known in Vegas but it really screams CALIFORNIA in it. http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/013117.html silly silly silly world we live in.... :tongue_smilie:
  13. :lol: :cheers2: :thumbup: haha I LOVE LOVE that there are OTHER women out there with my humor! Thanks for the laugh!
  14. Just plugging in to say you're not alone. My dh sometimes works from home, sometimes goes in the office and is sometimes out of town. This morning he left at 4:15am yet tomorrow, he is working from home. I get SOO much rest and things caught up when he is out of town. Is there any way your dh can get up & ready without waking up the kids? It took him a while but he finally learned to get dressed IN the closet or IN the dark and to walk/move like a ballerina in the kitchen. I NEED my quiet mornings to gather my thoughts & get ready. Just know you are NOT alone!
  15. WOW I can't believe someone would do that!! My way of handeling things like this would be to rent a car and block him in. I'd tell him its your friends car and its there for a couple days and you don't have the keys. His car would be blocked for a couple days and THIS is the very reason you've asked him to not use your driveway. And no I wouldn't feel badly for lying.
  16. Jessica, Here are a few sites I use for menu ideas~~~~ http://www.menus4moms.com/ They send you a weekly menu conplete w/ shopping list. They also have a great list to a well stocked pantry. http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/index.htm They have both menus & if you go to their Angel Food ministries menu, you can use their menus w/o being involved in Angel Food Ministries. THey also have a shopping list. http://www.dreamdinners.com/main.php?static=index I have been to dream dinners twice. My family just thought it was ok. I however, realized I could use their menus; find my own recipes and buy it all cheaper on my own. I hope you get other replys. I'm always up to try something new~!
  17. oohh we have the same sister. I love mine to death really.. but even when I call her out on us just disagreeing, shes end the converstaion with.." well if you want to make an uneducated decision believe want you want" ... :boxing_smiley: ha ha ha . :tongue_smilie::lol:
  18. I've heard on and off a few of you mention Dave Ramsey and I've always wanted to look into what he offers. I checked out his site and notice you have to give debit card info for the free trial. Does anyone know if I can cancel on day 6 of the 7 day free trial so I'm not charged? His is total money makeover a podcast where I have to be online to listen? I'm new to him and this but have been interested in hearing stories from this board. A few days ago someone posted how they went through his makeover but I can't find the thread again. Any thoughts on the man?
  19. My 12 yr old boy enjoys, of-course.. his xbox & ds. However, he also enjoys, cooking. He LOVES cooking, even cooking things he will never eat for dinners! Yesterday he made cookies for his youth group to take camping this week. He however told me he was going to tell them I made them. (haha). Becuase he is such a computer kid, I bought a kids book (or check library) on how to make a power point presentation. He went step by step through it and enjoyed making and showing off his digital art work this way. It was very simple to read and understand. His sister is currently teaching him card games (think solitaire). My 12 yr old is also ALWAYS looking for ways to make money. I made up a HUGE list of things he can do, and what it was worth $$$. He took off and made $180 within 2 weeks. This showed me how much more he could do then I was making him. I however had to slow him down here b/c I can't afford to pay him $180 every two weeks! Other then that.. I'm looking forward to what other responses you get!
  20. What I was saying was that I was unaware that you could donate plasma for cash. The only cash I knew that could be earned, aside of egg donation, by giving blood was giving RH Neg. blood. In order to donate your rh neg, you have to be rh neg (obviously) and not able to bear children. The plasma spoke on with the rest of this thread is different. Clear as mud right? :tongue_smilie:
  21. The only thing I know about getting $$ and donating is if you are RH neg. and unable to have children (either by age or surgery). It takes abou 2+ hrs and I believe the going rate is $50 per donation.
  22. At Costco today I noticed a HUGE can of corn was $3.05 -- HOWEVER 8 15oz cans were up around 8. The large can is cheaper and I wondered if I could freeze the corn in serving sizes and reap the cheaper prices? Anyone know?
  23. We had a surpise party. My sister and I spend two days before the party making rice, beans, enchiladas & a taco bar. We invited ALL her friends & family. The food wasn't as much as I thought it would be. We held the party at my step moms - so it was a pool party w/ fun birthday girol trivia games. She was SHOCKED and two years later says it was the best day of her life.
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