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Everything posted by wagnfun

  1. I have no local Angel Food ministries by me but I found the Treasure Box at a local church. I am soooo impressed with the amount of food in the box. It is the same as Angel, you pay $30 at the beginning of the month & get your food in the end. They advertise it as enough food for a famiy of 4 for a week. You may purchase more then 1 box if you'd like. Treasure box food is all frozen. It contains 2-3 meats, 2-3 veggies, 2-3 sides or snacks & dessert. There is WAY more then $30 in the box! Check it out & see if one is close to you! http://www.angelfoodministries.com/ http://www.thetreasurebox.org/
  2. Good question, I'm here for an answer not to give the answer. My almost 6 yr old is reading Bob books & some Suess stuff. She knows our home & cell numbers but gets 6,7, 8 & 9 mixed up when they stand alone every time!!! It driving me batty and makes me feel I can't go on with the teens until she gets it. ?!?!
  3. ON this end, and it hasn't been mentioned yet-- my 13 yr old & his buddies saw it last night. He told me after it was a good, fun story but not for the 5 yr old. ??? I thought Shrek was cute but didn't like the innuendos, he said this was like that (hidden innuendos)....??? THoughts?
  4. Fyi, they have midol for teens (no caffeine). My daughter went 1 summer w/ pads & was in tampons in no time at all. My niece is a professioinal gymnast (shes 12) & had to use a tampon pretty much from day one. We got ones made for teens. They both said it was uncomfortable the first time but no problem the second month. Just an fyi--
  5. yup, I'm in the "thats normal" category. My neighbors daughter started 1 week after her 9th birthday. My girl, like me started shortly after turning 11.
  6. OK California Ladies!! For a few reasons my sister has to leave her Charter in South OC. She is looking into different options so I thought I'd see what y'all can recommend here. I've followed the California homeschooling treads but didn't see much for her area. Public or Priavte is fine. A program w/ a drama club is highest on the list but anything w/ a jr high would be great! Ideas? Thanks!
  7. Humm.. I'll start w/ experiences. I've sort of been there. I did not fast but ate ONLY fruits, veggies & lean protien for 3 days (w/ water ONLY). I needed to kick a diet soda/carb addiction. I wanted/needed the veggies & water as roughage to clean out my system. For 3 days I was WIPED out w/ NO energy & yet wasn't the least bit hungry (mentally hungry & wanted to munch but stomach was full!) I took naps & made sure to sleep well at night. Around the end of day 4, I was feeling much better & over the following days I was amazed at my engery & ability to concentrate. I actually ended up eating like this for 5 months & added exercise on a regular basis. I lost 40lbs. When I started eating carbs again (read as bread & pasta, I always ate complex carbs), I felt bloated & fuzzy brained. After this, I was able to actually feel "hungry" and not just give into the mental desire to munch. It has been a year and the weight has stayed off. I now drink a soda everyonce in a while & will enjoy pasta now & then. I have another 20 to lose so I know I have to kick up my exercise program again soon. Luck to you~! You can do it!! Pick up a good book you can't put down. For me when I was getting a food craving, I went for a fast walk around the block then ate an apple & a large glass of ice water. :) What is the reason you want to go vegetarian, a reminder of this (pictures, or statement written out on the fridge) may remind you why you are doing this when you feel like caving.... HANG IN THERE!!!
  8. I have 2 in baseball & agree with what the baseball families have said! We are on the field 5 days a week (two teams) w/ a coach that will throw on extra practices here & there. Our extra "last minute" practices are usually pitching practices- my son is shortstop & 3rd baseman who pitches now & then. When he is going to pitch a game, there is an extra practice. The thing is yes it is social, yes it is fun & yes the kids LOVE baseball season! During the season I don't schedule non baseball Bbqs or gatherings b/c we take advantage for family time if we have a free Saturday. I'm only answering your question that yes this is normal in baseball families.... Have you ever tried to set up a bbq at the field or gone to their kids games?
  9. We just ordered the "Diary of a Worm" & "Diary of a Fly", both were recommended yesterday. We are also huge fans of Jim Weiss. www.greathall.com :)
  10. Yes and I always have. He use to work construction & got up at 4, now his hours vary from up at 4:30 to as late as 6:00. I get up with his alarm clock & make coffee & a light lunch for him to take while he is in the shower. I require little sleep so unless we're brewing tea in the evening :tongue_smilie:, I go to bed after him. He has never asked this of me I just remember once when I had just had a baby & he stated how hard it is to see me cuddled warm in bed & having to peel himself up for a cold shower at 430 am. The morning is great for an hr workout or quiet computer time before the herd awakens', and I NEED my alone time. It is AMAZING what can get done in the morning w/ no distractions. And no, if the situation is reversed as it sometimes is, he doesn't get up with me & I'm 100% ok with that.
  11. wow, you are living with my 13 yr old son! He gets his answers correct but using modern teen speak while doing it exactly how you've described above! I'm ok with it as long as the sentence structure is correct, I understand the vernacular & if questioned he can pull out the proper answer for dad. Goofy, silly boys...:tongue_smilie:
  12. Hey Jen! DO you use STAR?BIOLA? We do for our middle schooler & drama!! Thanks btw, for the VANS park info a while back- it is my sons favorite playground!
  13. ohmygosh YES!!! A HUGE cultural difference!! We are on the La Mirada outskirts & hubby travels to south OC (Mission Viejo) all the time. We are hoping to move out that way within a year but whoever said communite is part of Ca life was right!
  14. I second La Mirada beings as I am 3 minutes from there! I also recommend Susans book. Shes a friend of mine & I'm AMAZED at her both as a mom, a woman & an author. Shes just a crack up all the time. We call that book the Homeschooling Bible. We meet at La Mirada & Whittier parks weekly. I dont' think La Mirada is close to Hawthorne though, -- but then again, I wouldn't live that close to LAX at all... Feel free to email me w/ any questions! Corby
  15. ha ha ha-- The other night at dinner my hubby was telling me about this lawyer he had to work with. He said she wasn't bad looking just very fake in every California way possible. He went on to describe her as "almost 40 ya know a cougar" -- Being 38 he got a look from me as I do NOT think 40 is cougar age!!! *** um, is it?? **
  16. Hubby and I resently lost 50 lbs each. For me, the best way was to exercise first then healthy eating followed. I started paying attention to what I ate & really the thing was after 40 minutes of cardio, it became VERY apparent that those handfull of bbq chips were NOT worth that 40 minutes!!! No candy bar was worth another half hr on the tread mill!
  17. I went to a Dodger themed wedding (it was a BLAST,even the reception was a snack shack!) anyway,their guest book was a baseball bat! I'm thinking somehthing along the lines of a huge (fake) pancake, or bucket (the kind you'd tap the tree with) would be fun. I'd use something maple related.
  18. My teen is taking classes at the local community college & joined a few clubs (Christian club, photography club,etc) to find like minded peeps. She also started volunteering for a local non profit that works w/ kids & has made some friends there. I get the skills vs minimum job thing but would he be interested in getting a minimum seasonal job for fun? The local malls higher teens to work the trains in the malls, or the local water parks hire for the 2 months of summer only. Disneyland hires seasonal also. Just a few ideas.
  19. Yes but we found with my dh who had lost 50lbs & needed the jacket altered 2 sizes, it was only a few dollars off getting a new coat. Ask around & check the price for NEW! Corb
  20. :lol::grouphug::) YES!!!!! Man you guys are gooooooddddd!!! Thank you soo much! Hubby is out of town for 2 weeks & I *plan* on spending the first week decluttering & the second starting my photo organization project! THANK YOU!! Corby
  21. The site I"m looking for is from a mom who decided to tackle organizing photos not scrap supplies. I just liked her simple but complete step by step system! Thanks for any help! Corby
  22. About a year ago I saved a link to a blog from a mom who had posted on her step by step w/ photos, on how she organized her photos. Embarrassing to admit, I have 10+ years of photos/scrap supplies I'd like to organize along w/ MANY digital cds of photos never printed sitting in rubber maid tubs! I have no idea where to start! My computer crashed a few months ago and now that I'm ready to understake this project, I can't find the link to the blog I loved & have NO memory where it may be!!! The mom had the photos put in black slide albums & labeled I think by years... ?!?!?! Ideas? blog links? help? sympathy? know where to start? Thanks!!!! Corby
  23. We've been able to download instructions online for different games as well as called the company who sent us a new set.
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