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Everything posted by wagnfun

  1. I want her to visit my neighborhood!! http://www.threedollardinner.com/blog/ :tongue_smilie:
  2. Facials are fun. Don't be afraid! Tell them you break out easily, they will be able to use products made for your skin type. My spa doesn't use "chemicals" but natural products (strawberries, nuts, etc) When I go to the spa, I go in yoga pants or jeans & bring my bathing suit. For your facial, they'll probaby have you remove your clothing & wrap in a towel or robe (they provide). Oh the kids aspect, you should probably find a sitter. My facials are generally 1 hour long. I think, at least here, leaving kids in a waiting room may be an issue and wouldn't be accepted to well. Finally, end the end, they will "show you" the products you used and they will be costly. I go enough that sometimes I buy it, sometimes I don't. I will ask them for a business card or info on the products so I can look over/remember them & come get them if I like how my skin feels later that day. Go! Have Fun! Relax! Enjoy it!!
  3. The 3 FKCs by my house have a note on the door that says "out of grilled chicken"- what did they think would happen when they teamed up with Oprah?
  4. Quick answer here, boys are boys, kids are kids-- where was the adult in charge b/c hes the one to blame? Last week my kids got a ball caught in a tree. My 13 yr old & his 14 yr old friend threw a push broom in the air at the stuck ball. Neither one thought about the 6 yr old under the street looking up at the ball. 6 hrs & 3 stitches to the 6 yr olds head later, I blame myself for not being out there watching instead of just listening from the kitchen while cleaning up. I do not blame the 13 yr old for not thinking like an adult.
  5. I'm with the "it depends" camp but really, of my 4 kidos, the lefty thinks soo much differently then the righties. We joke with him b/c as our girls would use the front door to enter a house, our boy would use the back- well the lefty would use a window. He is a bright child & very much a deep thinker. He just learns very differently then the rest of us and I have had to learn that about him. How old is your son? When mine was in kinder and we were learning the alphabet & to read- it just wasn't sticking. I am a list maker and a step by step person, so I taught letter by letter & tried connecting them as we went. He just wasn't getting it. He couldn't even read Bob books. Through trial & error, I finally figured out how his mind was working, the boy had to know every letter, every sound & every phonics rule before his brain grasped the concept as a whole. As soon as we figured that out, he was reading chapter books in no time. Now, a year & a half later, he can finish a 10 chapter chapter book in a few days. His mind was the same for math, once he was introduced to complete multiplication facts and not just one number at a time, he flew through division & anything to do with fractions. He approaches problems in life the same way. He has to know everything then sits on it a while, then comes up with 2-3 really good solving answers. Frustrates the heck outta me all the time b/c I am a surface thinker & quick answer-er but.... he is teaching me the art of "thinking"... :tongue_smilie: His wife will have to be a patient woman who likes a man that tinkers.... ;) We blame his differenceness on his leftism. (word?)
  6. been here done that. Slighshots work but after a while, the bb gun worked better. No it doesn't hurt the animal, no it wasn't a dog either but a rooster. The neighbors stupid rooster would come in my yard, poop, and taunt my dog. My dog would go CRAZY trying to get this stupid rooster that would sit on a pool ledge and I swear laugh. My other neighbors complained about my barking dog!! Well.... the bb would get it to jump up a bit, never once hurt the animal. I however had to get video & photos of the animal uncontained b4 the city would do anything about it. AND>. I live in the city. There isn't a farm, or country type land within miles of me. I don't care if someone wants a rooster just keep it in their yard! CALL everytime that animal is loose, and really-- to save yourself drama, I'd have a hose & shoot the animal opn high if it came in your yard.
  7. umm... First off, random crimes happen every where --your area however being a high drug area is bringing the crime to you. My kids wouldnt' go outside alone in the area you've described. I would make it a point to hang in the backyard with them often, I'd have a big dog & I"d do what I could to move- even to an apt, even to a smaller house if thats what I had to do. I am curious though as we are looking to move ourselves, how did you find all that crime info about your area, I am a research freak & want to know EVERYTHING I can about an area before I move there.
  8. ironically my daughter gets hers at Barnes & Noble used online. For 3 semesters now, we've found them cheapest!
  9. WOW, Thanks for this. I'm surprised at the replies that said they wouldn't use more then one coupon at all. I went in with 8 people. The coupons were buy a hamburger & get a soda free, or buy an adult meal & get a kids meal at half price. I see NOTHING wrong w/ using one coupon per person if we ring up seperate (which I tried to do) as they state one per customer NOT PARTY.
  10. Hmmm... maybe I'm reallllyy from a different planet BUT... Is this bad customer service vs customer responsibility?? We have coupon books for B1G1F food at the local fast food joint. These were a baseball fundraiser as I normally don't buy these booklets. I used 3 coupons at fast food place in one sitting. I did read the back stated "one per person per visit". I intended on having each person in our party pay for their own however, cashier had no problem ringing them up together. I noticed on the receipt, we did not get some of the items free as the coupon stated. The manager refunded my money for the food I wasnt suppose to be charged for and said this: **If you want the entire discount next time you have to tell the cashier to ring them all up seperate.**** Hence my question.Bad customer service vs customer responsibility? Shouldn't he train his employees on their coupons and not their customers on how the cashier rings up the order? Am I thinking this backwards?
  11. Can you call and ask for help? I know in California I can walk into the county records office & get a BC on the spot. I think they only have from like 1960 to current though. Same with marriage certs. Do you need a passport to enter the US from Mexico?
  12. ha ... as someone who lives a bit to close to the "OC" I can tell you that YES the Real Wives of the OC are very much as they are shown on the show!
  13. :) WOW what a change in 30 days! Starting June1st, I' putting myself on a 60 day boot camp challenge to see exactly what I can do to my body in 60 days, now I"m even more inspired! Great site btw, going low carb was the best for me both mentally & physically! Thanks for sharing! Corby
  14. DD got money for her birthday. She wants to add to her book collection. We have the Little House books and some American Girl books but I think she is a bit to young for them. What are some of the favorites for a 6 yr old girl? Any bedtime book suggestions? Chapter book ideas? Thanks for any ideas! Corby
  15. :iagree::iagree::iagree: There I said it.:auto:
  16. :lurk5:.. I'm bumping this my self b/c I really liked the suits on this site. THey were ADORABLE and modest but very cute/trendy not omish modest (ok theres nothing wrong w/ omish modest... I"m just saying..) :001_smile:
  17. Ha ha.. Funny post. Glad you found a place. Hope you enjoy our weather, while you're stuck in your traffic that is! :auto: I recommed the book Fun & Educational Places in So Cal. It is by Susan Peterson & will run you around $15 but will become your best friend. You can find it at Costco sometimes but AAA all the time.The book has HUNDREDS of fun/educational places to visit, their cost, their hrs & info & a very detailed description of the locations (we're talking from parks, to fun restaurants to Dland). Have a safe move!!
  18. My niece is a very small 12 yr old national champ gymnast w/ the same clothing rule. She got her first period a week before her national comp. SHe had to start off with period one with a tampon. It took her a few days but she got it. They make them very small.. good luck.
  19. :iagree::iagree: This was my first thought. and my second thought and matter of fact, yep, my third thought. Laying down adds pressure, as does drinking anything. Poor lil one...
  20. Some one posted a site where you could buy bathsuits online. They were very very cute & modest. My daughter would like to order from them but neigher of us can find the link!! HELP!! Thanks!
  21. From what I read, this family plans to stay THROUGH Easter? Coming over for dinner is one thing but staying the night, the evening before so they are there Easter morning when the bunny has come & done his thing wouldn't be ok in my house. I like those special dh/me w/ kids ONLY moments. Ok seriously-- I'd pull the mother aside and tell her straight up-- You know we love you right? OK well.. (& yes this is how'd i'd say it).. Im kind of confused & maybe it was my misunderstanding but... I was under the impression you guys were coming for the weekend. We had no intentions of taking a spring break but at this point, I need some time to prep for the weekend (Holiday). Then I'd mention helping them make resos at the local hotel. Yes seriously. OR have dh said it to the man of the family.
  22. Yep I would. Right now we pay $115 a month for science classes. It is a new subject every month. They meet Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1-3. This includes hands on activities, some sort of keep sake (reading book about subject or biography about persons life, in bug class it is a moth to raise then mount/preserve, in water painting class it is a framed piece of art student painted & portfolio to keep rest of art in) & very cool teacher made curriculum we get to keep. So yes, I'd pay!
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