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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. :iagree: Make it a service project for your children. It's a great lesson for them of giving to those in need.
  2. Breastmilk is the only natural remedy I've ever known to completely cure it.
  3. I just finished my first SK book, Under the Dome. Loved it. Are there any others similar to that one??
  4. That is me. Especially if I'm going to pay that much for curriculum, I want to know what each piece is and how to use it (even though we won't be able to use it ALL). Thanks!!! :)
  5. This will be our first year to use TOG (Year 1). I will have two LG, one UP, and one D. I was hoping to have it purchased by now but house selling & buying expenses have taken priority. It's possible I will be able to purchase it sometime in July, hopefully the middle of the month. Will a couple of weeks give me time to be ready for school starting the first of August?? Or should I wait and give myself more time with planning and aim to start in September? I know there is a lot to this curriculum and we won't cover everything they offer. I just have no idea of what kind of time I'll need to do the initial planning to get us going. Thanks!
  6. Not necessarily. It has to do with how the baby rotates.
  7. That. Nothing is going to work if your body isn't ready. If you do castor oil, be very careful. It can dehydrate you. So be sure to push the fluids once the loose stools kick in. I have never seen nipple stimulation work to put a woman into labor.
  8. Three is a hard age. ((Hug)) I always stand back and look at the surroundings and other things that might influence my child's behavior. Were they tired? Was it close to snack time? Were we in a new, exciting place? Were they bored? Usually there is something I can link it to and the next time I plan accordingly. If I were a little one in a place new to me, with plenty of room to run and I was tired of waiting, I'd probably run away too. ;) It sounds like a mix of boredom + testing the waters. Does he need to learn to stop and come when you ask? Absolutely!!! But it's not going to happen overnight. It will take gentle and patient training on your part. Does he have a library card? Perhaps he would be excited to have a card and have the ability (with your help of course) to check his books out himself. While you are in the training stage, yes, the stroller is a great idea!!
  9. I'm married to one of those too!! His dad is the same way!! Have you brought that up to him?? Ditto the storage suggestion. My FIL has a secret (lol..MIL doesn't know about it) storage unit that he keeps stuff in.
  10. A warning means....go outside on the porch and see if you can see the storm. :tongue_smilie: A watch means that there is potential for such storm. The conditions are favorable for it. Which usually means absolutely nothing is going to come of it. A warning means there is a strong possibility (i.e. an active super cell is headed our way) and/or rotation has been seen somewhere in the surrounding area. Which usually means it's a good chance to keep an eye on things and be ready. We don't take cover unless the weather folks say there is rotation spotted or a tornado has been spotted on the ground near our neighborhood and is moving in our direction. For example, last week. There were storms headed this way and eventually three cells converged about 20 miles from us. At first we thought it would pass us by but it ended up heading right for our neighborhood. It was starting to develop a hook and some rotation was spotted in the clouds. We stood outside for a while (when it was about 10 miles away) to watch it come in. As it got closer (within about 5 miles) it was really starting to get dark and the chasers were talking about rain-wrapped rotation. All was quiet then BAM! the rain and crazy wind started. That's when we all headed for the bathroom. So no, we don't take cover unless there is an actual need to. If we took cover here for every storm warning, we'd be spending A LOT of time in our hidey-hole. LOL
  11. I've grown up in tornado alley. We don't take cover until we hear them talking about cloud rotation that is heading our way or tornadoes on the ground that are heading our way. If those things aren't happening, it's life as usual.
  12. Why not just get the hose out and spray them down. Then dry them with a towel. ??
  13. I would be in the bathroom...huddled around the toilet as best we could. That. Look at pictures of tornado damaged areas. Typically the toilets are left in place.
  14. I went to my 10th. It was fun! I graduated with people I went to preschool with so it was fun to see them all again 10 years after graduation. :) I'm not sure if I'll go to my 20th. Now that we have Facebook I can connect with some of them there. Anyone else I'm not really interested in reunioning (lol :tongue_smilie:) with.
  15. Yes. They were spoofs. ;) I'm way behind the game here. Interesting theories. I was disappointed but not devastated at the ending. I've said all along that I didn't want the show to end with them all being dead in some way. But I guess we all die sometime huh? lol
  16. The Final Journey is the recap show. The End is the series finale.
  17. We have both here. I prefer Hobby Lobby to Michaels. Bigger store. Lower prices. And owned by a great family.
  18. The whole finale isn't that long. The first couple of hours is a recap. Interesting theory.
  19. It is NOT appropriate for young children. Older teens, yes. And it does not have a happy ending. I know the circumstances of that time period are not happy, but I wasn't expecting that ending.
  20. And name their first son Quad. Yes...I know someone who did that.
  21. It's definitely a season for girls! For the past year the majority of my clients have had boys. Now everyone seems to be having girls. :)
  22. Flavorings probably contain MSG. BHA is a preservative (BHA, BHT, and TBHQ are commonly added to foods and/or the packaging. Most cereals have at least one of these in the packaging). Anything that's not found in nature isn't going to be great for your body. ;) You will drive yourself crazy trying to "eat right". There is always something wrong with whatever you do. I just do the best I can with what I know.
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