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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. As this is where I found out about Stephanie's wonderful offer, I hope you all will allow me a quick update as well. :) Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! What a generous donation. I have just begun to sift through all the incredible boxes. But this is better than Christmas, as only fellow WTM homeschoolers could understand - it is like the best Christmas ever. I've never seen so much curricula listed in the WTM all at one time. And in such lovely condition, too!! Our co-op has already set the spring classes, but I think we need to add another science class just to dig into all the great science kits early and introduce the kids to all the incredible new science equipment. And I am going to discuss with the co-op leaders the idea of setting up a local homeschool lending library. There is just so much here that could benefit so many families. Stephanie, I will speak on behalf of our entire co-op and say that we are very grateful to have received such an incredible blessing. We will do our best to support as many families as possible through your generosity. ~Melissa
  2. 2 non-STEM dds dd 1 8th - Physical Science (no credit) 9th - Botany (1cr) 10th - Oceanography (.5 cr) 10th - Earth Science (.5 cr) 11th - Biology (1 cr) planned 12th - Intro to Chemistry (.5) planned 12th - Advanced Botany (.5) planned dd 2 8th - Geology (.5) 9th - Conceptual Physics or Physical Science (1 cr) planned 10th - Biology (1 cr) planned 11th - Chemistry (1 cr) planned 12th - Advanced Geology (1 cr) planned 12th - Advanced Biology (.5 cr) planned
  3. I've used Latin Practice Exercises by Galore Park with good result. There are three levels available.
  4. Hi Stephanie, I sent a PM, (I hope.) I'm in Gainesville, but our homeschool co-op would love to acquire your boxes of homeschool curricula. I could drive over anytime this weekend. Thanks! ~Melissa
  5. Florida Virtual School offers online Latin 3, but there isn't any weekly meeting or group work. It is free for Florida residents, but I don't know how much it costs for out-of-state students.
  6. These are the current Florida Statutes on homeschooling. There are no graduation rules or requirements for homeschoolers as so stated in our statutes. We do have to meet the entrance requirements of any college/university our students may wish to attend.
  7. Florida homeschoolers don't have any credit requirements. Are you trying to make sure your transcript looks similar to Florida public school transcripts? If so, it is common around here for public school students to use 8th grade Algebra I and science (if at the high school level) credits on their high school transcript.
  8. I have that daughter. :) My dd 14 is an average student, not academically inclined, behind in math (and loves Sherlock.) Here is my 9th grade plan for her. Saxon Algebra I --- To be started after we finish up Saxon Algebra 1/2 (which likely won't be until late fall, early winter) Conceptual Physics --- maybe Hewitt?? Psychology --- Florida Virtual School plus CLEP exam Lukeion Classical Mythology --- this class will stretch her & require a lot of her time, but English is her strongest subject U.S. History --- at home and stretched out over multiple years (we've already begun) followed by CLEP exam Dd would also like to do Screenwriting using a Connect the Thoughts program, but I do not see us having the time. All of her extra time is devoted to theater and music.
  9. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Velveteen Rabbit Madeline Eloise Indian in the Cupboard How to Eat Fried Worms
  10. local university current requirements (state flagship) Calculus 1-3 Differential Equations Linear Algebra + 3 math electives at 4000 level all 3 electives must be taken at the uni at least 2 classes cannot count toward any other major/minor
  11. I just wanted to mention, for those thinking of doing this - check with your local uni and CC first. We have new policies now (and I don't know if they are local or state wide) and students withdrawing from public/private school to homeschool their senior year are NOT eligible to dual enroll. I had wondered if the schools were having too many students choosing to homeschool their senior year as DE here is completely free - books and everything.
  12. Why aren't you continuing with TOPS?
  13. I voted other. He will graduate the week of his birthday, so he will be 18 or 19 depending on what day of the week his birthday falls. He will also likely graduate high school with an AA or AS degree.
  14. I like the lists like the first one only all in one line so each line starts a college name. And alphabetical so that all kids accepted to the same college are clustered together. (Just my 2 cents, as I don't actually have anyone graduating this year. :blush: ) Alma College - son of... University of Tampa - son of... University of Tampa - son of XXX
  15. As I mentioned in another list, I am back to work next fall so we need more structure. Ds 8 will be using: Memoria Press Year 2 - full curriculum Additional work: Saxon Math 3 Galore Park Junior English 1 Galore Park Junior History 2 Skoldo French 2 Elemental Science Biology Logic Stage Extras: Soccer 4-H
  16. When the kids were younger we had place names for our school: Cypress Cove Academy, River Bend Academy, School at Beautiful Island. We renamed our school whenever we moved. But two years ago I needed an official name for dual enrollment and now we are (Last Name) Homeschool. :001_rolleyes:
  17. I've only been to two gyms, but at both the turnover of recreational gymnastics coaches was quite high. All coaches start out there and the pay is low. If they are any good they usually get moved up to competitive team coach within a year. I've never met a coach that chooses to stay a rec instructor rather than accepting the promotion. And lots of the rec coaches are students needing a little income during school months, but they leave over the summer (or when finals are nearing) and often find something else to do the following year. That said, our competitive team coaches do put on one day tumbling camps. I'm not sure how often they do them, maybe one Saturday a month? They are specifically for girls on cheer teams, etc. that need more intense work on their tumbling skills. They are about four hours long. I've heard the camps are good and they focus more one on one with each student to improve exact techniques needed. Maybe you could look for similar camps in your area? I've seen flyers at other gyms where we've competed offering similar tumbling day camps.
  18. We've used the first two levels of French. I liked them fine and saved them to use with my next two. I do think their language programs work better for a parent or teacher that has some knowledge of the language. We tried the Latin, but I needed more teacher instruction. However, we have used their Latin Practice Exercises (not part of Latin Prep or STRWTL Latin) with much success.
  19. 9th grade Saxon Algebra I US History 2 --- using Teaching Company DVDs and additional readings (CLEP test) Conceptual Physics --- using Teaching Company DVDs and ??? Lukeion Classical Mythology (English credit) Psychology --- maybe Florida Virtual School or at home with college texts or TC DVDs or ???? (CLEP test) Screenwriting I --- Connect the Thoughts Creative Writing VI Master Screenwriter (if we can fit it in) Extras: Driver's Ed 4-H guitar lessons voice lessons acting lessons auditions theater performances - these basically run her life (and sometimes mine) :) 11th grade Dd is dual enrolled for all classes. Classes she is planning/hoping to take for 11th grade: Macroeconomics / science elective (summer classes) College Algebra / Precalculus US History 2 / American Government Digital Photography I / II Adv. Poetry Writing / Oral Performance Literature (a class accepted toward her degree in place of speech :) ) Cicero / Vergil (upper level Latin classes) Extras: 4-H swimming volunteer work at animal shelter FLVS class - User Interface Design
  20. We try and get our house cleaning and chores done during the week. Our weekends are more about fun. Friday - went to the local Medieval Faire, cooked smores in the fireplace, said good-bye to family staying with us, went to college gymnastics meet Saturday - took kids to a science class at a local science center, went to the library and grocery shopping, went to a college basketball game, had family game night (son chose Monopoly so that was a few hours) watched Sense & Sensibility Sunday - grocery shopping again for Superbowl, pet store for some fish, card game, prepare weekly lists for school on Monday (while watching Harry Potter 7) and Superbowl party I did fit four or five loads of laundry into the weekend and thought about mopping the floors, but decided to save it for Monday. :) ETA - We live in Florida as well and after our last house and its year round yard work, we moved into a town home so we can enjoy the lovely landscaping (and pool) without doing any of the required work.
  21. I've never done a portfolio either. On the years we do go the portfolio route, I invite the teacher over to our house and the kids show whatever work they want to pull off their shelves. We usually have math and handwriting workbooks available and then it is whatever the kids have saved or are currently working on. She glances over the shelf to see what books the kids are working through and asks a question or two. It's very low key.
  22. I have to provide a high school transcript as well as sending the university transcript. They will look exactly the same, except that the high school transcript will be ordered according to subject.
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