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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. That sounds like a Digital Arts & Sciences degree. At our local university that degree is part of the engineering program.
  2. After having eldest dd use Singapore 6A, I decided to drop Singapore 6 except for the CWP book for all the younger kids. We do Saxon and Singapore through Singapore 5B and then switch to Saxon and Life of Fred. I don't foresee going past Saxon Algebra 2/ LOF Geometry for any of the children as they will likely all dual enroll, but I do have Saxon Advanced Math, just in case. I've been very happy with this set-up and my only regrets have to do with times that I have deviated from the plan.
  3. My dd took the SAT rather than the PSAT, but she did so average (1600) that she has decided not to take the PSAT next fall. There is no way she is willing to study enough to raise her score 55 points or more. :001_rolleyes: She only needs to raise her ACT a couple of points to earn the highest state scholarship. That is much more doable and should be a one (more) and done. Average test scores haven't stopped her from doing just fine as a dual enrollment student and I have no doubt she will do great as an average student at a state university. :D
  4. Sorry, it won't copy and paste. I'll type it out below. A - 4 A- - 3.67 B+ - 3.33 B - 3.0 B- - 2.67 C+ - 2.33 C - 2.0 C- - 1.67 D+ - 1.33 D - 1.0 D- - 0.67
  5. Saxon Course 1 is considered a sixth grade text. Its closest equivalent is Saxon 76. Most students using Course 1 will use Course 2 in 7th and Course 3 in eighth followed by Algebra 1 in 9th. Saxon 87 is a 7th/8th grade text. Strong students can go directly into Algebra 1 after completion. Students needing more time and/or study move into Saxon Algebra 1/2 or another pre-algebra program. Fifth grade is early for either text, but Saxon puts out placement exams to determine student readiness. The school using Course 1 in fifth probably plans to use Course 2 in sixth, Course 3 in seventh and Algebra 1 in eighth. That seems doable to me. I do not understand using Saxon 8/7 in fifth unless these are very advanced students that plan to start Algebra in 6th/7th grade.
  6. Religion might be a problem, as the books are by a Catholic distributor, but the owner of Hillside Education wrote two English books to follow Intermediate Language Lessons - Lingua Mater 7 (for 7th/8th) and Lingua Mater Americana (for 8th/9th.)
  7. Thanks for all of the replies!! I've shared your views and discussed more with dd. She agrees that she might be shutting a door too early, that likely could not be opened again. Once she quits the Latin classes, it would be very difficult to step back into those classes, as she is not allowed to retake any lower level Latin classes as a refresher. She feels she can at least do three more classes and have the minor to tuck into her file. :hurray: Her current plan is to major in advertising (though finance and digital arts are other possibilities.)
  8. Do any of the state universities have an honors college? They generally act as an intimate yet challenging smaller college within a larger state university. Students often share a restricted dorm, take most classes together, join clubs together, etc.
  9. My dd has to make a decision before the start of spring term. She is dual enrolled and has taken Latin every semester thus far. At the end of this term she will have met the foreign language requirements for both high school and state university. She is three classes (9 credits) short of a minor in Classics and six classes (18 credits) short of a major. She enjoys Latin and has put quite a bit of work into it, but is also very practical. Most of the Latin students are not going to continue as they will all have met the university foreign language requirement. She wonders whether a classics degree holds any value as a second major or minor. I can't really think of any professions other than teaching. She doesn't want to go that route as she would need at least a master's in classics before she could teach. She isn't that interested. Words such as stretching the mind or being good for the soul get no more than an eye roll. Most people she knows are telling her to drop it now. The classics department acknowledges that a master's degree in classics is generally the next step after earning the undergraduate degree. Would you continue with an undergraduate degree in classics even if you had no intention of pursing a masters?
  10. Our local university (in Florida) just made a similar change, though not as strict as yours. Up to now DE students could take ten credit hours per term - 30 credits per year. Starting this spring term DE students can only take two classes per term, or six classes per year. With the new change our current plan for the rest of her high school years won't work. The new trends don't bode well for dual enrollment for any of her younger siblings either. I wonder if we should plan on DE at all. It looks like you could petition for 8 units. I'd give that a try.
  11. Are you asking for other suggestions for high school Latin? My dd used Wheelock's Latin with good result.
  12. FLVS is the area on which we are waffling. My daughter will have six or seven FLVS credits. All of them are high school credits, but 4.5 were earning in eighth grade. For the sake of clarity, we are thinking we will leave all of the FLVS credits off her transcript. If we only use some of the credits, but send a FLVS transcript it would be confusing to the schools. Especially as we've decided to do her transcript according to subject. It seems clearer to just list the classes done the last four years (minus a couple of FLVS classes.) But, I feel a little guilty for a several reasons. One, I know schooled students have to report the grades - like it or not. Two, all of her grades are A's so I am lowering her GPA by not including them (but does this really matter, if most schools don't bother to take homeschool GPA into account anyway.) And three, I know those classes/grades are all floating around out there and it seems somehow wrong to simply leave them off like she never took those classes or they don't exist. I don't know why any college would care, but it just seems somehow sneaky. :)
  13. Is there any time that adding high school credits earned in eighth grade is necessary - or is it basically personal preference? Also, would not listing every credit taken during high school (if it were done for the sake of clarity) be considered duplicitous? Or is it again personal preference?
  14. If all goes according to plan :rolleyes: eldest dd will have 26 credits. Math: 4.5 Latin: 6 English: 4 Science: 4.5 Social Science: 4 Elective: 3
  15. I asked our state schools (UF, FSU) a similar question as my dd will have enough credits to transfer in as a junior, but all through dual enrollment. They told me the same thing - to have her apply as a freshman and they will switch it to a transfer application themselves if necessary. Their primary reasoning was due to an excess credit law we have in Florida. I don't know if you have a similar law? But any credits earned over 132 credit hours are charged at a much higher rate (50% more.) If the student is accepted as a freshman all dual credits are accepted, but not counted toward the 132 allowed. But if the student is accepted as a transfer student all of those dual credits will be put toward the 132 credit limit. So we are definitely having her apply as a freshman.
  16. Hmm... I think your desires should be respected by the family - whatever they may be. It is not unreasonable of you to expect them to listen to and respect your decisions. That said, for us family trumps school work. I would be more flexible. If one child needs to see the doctor, the others could be visiting with grandparents (or doing schoolwork with grandparents) not sitting in a doctor's office waiting room. If I had generous time off for vacations, holidays and weekends, I would use some of that time to do school work and devote more time to meeting with the grandparents. But that is just us. YMMV. :)
  17. Sorry to hijack, could you direct/link me to the discussion on not pursuing a master's as an undergrad? I would like to see the potential cons. Thanks!
  18. Boy of the Painted Cave - Denzel Return to the Painted Cave - Denzel The Cave Twins - Perkins
  19. Hake Grammar includes grammar, writing and vocabulary. It also has a weekly copywork/dictation selection and journal writing prompts.
  20. I outsource most classes in high school and they are all going along fine. However, we do have two huge hits this year outside of the classroom. Dd 15 has found a perfect volunteer opportunity. The local humane society was looking for cat readers. A volunteer sits inside an enclosed, glass room and reads aloud to 3-5 cats while they sit in the reader's lap, get pet, or (I guess) just listen to the story. You can bring any book you'd like to read. My dd loves cats and couldn't dream up a better way to get volunteer hours. :D She finally has time to start on her growing stack of pleasure reading books. And dd 13 was cast in her first (primarily adult) community theater performance. Up to now, she has done all children's performances. She plays a daughter. She really wanted to get this role so she could work with and learn from adult actors. This opportunity has actually caused her to focus more on her school work as she is more motivated than ever to start the dual enrollment theater program as soon as she turns sixteen. :hurray:
  21. Are you talking about the same thing as Florida Virtual School, or is this something different?
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