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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I've never used it, but I think Veritas Press must. They start Omnibus in 7th grade and that is much more like a high school level program in both history and English. They do US history in 1st and then a 5 year rotation of history in 2nd - 6th, followed by two three-year rotations. Saxon math. Originally the first book was 54 and could be started as soon as a student had very solid math facts. So six books: 54, 65, 76, 87, Algebra 1/2, Algebra 1.
  2. We do them at the end of the year before the final exam. I don't really remember how important they were. However, I can't imagine there is anything in Saxon that won't be covered again the following year. :tongue_smilie:
  3. I started out in Marine Biology, switched to Environmental Science, then Social Work and finally Secondary Education. The degree was referred to as Secondary Ed - Core 4, but I don't think that was the official title - maybe Comprehensive Secondary Education (or something similar.) I wish I would have stuck with any of the first three. I did not enjoy teaching and have no desire to go back to it after the kids are grown.
  4. I have the outline and used some of the science for my older two when they were little. It was good. I didn't realize they updated/expanded their elementary plans. I'll have to go take a look.
  5. Our state requires 18 credits for a three year degree and 24 credits for a four year degree. So my requirements for my first two who are planning to attend state universities are: 4 math 4 English 4 science 4 social science 4 foreign language 8 elective 28 credits total My third is considering a top tier university so we will likely use an accredited program that requires 4 math 4 English 4 Literature 4 history 4 science 4 theology 2 fine arts 2 physical education Then we will likely add: 4 second foreign language 4 elective So 36 credits total.
  6. Saxon Math 2 Singapore Challenging Word Problems 2 Hooked on Phonics 4 & 5 Pentime Handwriting 2 Memoria Press Storytime & More Storytime Treasures Beautiful Feet Geography (Holling Hollings books) Memoria Press U.S. States & Capitals Memoria Press Christian Studies 1 (orally) Memoria Press Greek Myths (orally) Galore Park Jr. History 1 Skoldo French 2 Memoria Press Prima Latina
  7. Definitely check with the school, as around here no homeschool credits other than those earned through the state virtual school are accepted. Also, I don't think he would really be ahead of his peers (at least not in this area) so that shouldn't be a problem. Geometry and Biology in 9th are the norm. We also have a three year public high school plan. I do know some homeschoolers that have taken that route in order to keep their kids home through 9th grade and still give them the high school experience/diploma/scholarship opportunities. However, I'm not so sure that many states offer that option? It isn't discussed much.
  8. Memoria Press - Famous Men of the Middle Ages (or their Dorothy Mills - Middle Ages program is likely set up that way if it is complete.)
  9. Maybe Kolbe? They provide tests and don't use a textbook, but don't really have a spine either - more of a great books approach.
  10. Around here that would be a good rate for a competitive (places well at invitationals, etc.) team.
  11. Bring a jacket. It is sometimes cold in the rooms. Answer all the questions. There is no penalty for guessing. Wear a watch. There isn't always a clock in the room. Eat a good breakfast. :)
  12. My eldest got away with very little science :blush: though she will still take 4 science classes through dual enrollment. The next three will likely use Kolbe for science (with added labs for 8th - 10th grade.) 6th - Earth 7th - Physical 8th - Biology 9th - Chemistry 10th - Physics 11th - DE (at least 2 classes) 12th - DE (at least 2 classes)
  13. I really like Kolbe, as far as the materials. I've never used the teacher services. Weekly schedules for each class are available. Samples of each syllabus are online. It does look like they will be offering online classes for the first time this coming fall. In my opinion, the program does require parental discussions (at least weekly) in order to be done successfully. Although with the new online classes this is likely less necessary. Another online program I have heard good things about, but have never looked into is Regina Colei (Fisher More Academy.)
  14. Most of our middle schools require six credits, one of them elective. There is also a zero hour if the student desires to add a second elective. Electives include: physical education, band, orchestra, art, technology, drama, foreign language (if not a requirement.) ETA: My upcoming 8th grade dd (homeschooled) is going to attempt 7 credits. I consider six required - math, science, history, English, Spanish and literature. The 7th is her elective - Introduction to Screenwriting.
  15. It will vary by state. Here they would normally be going into 6th and 7th grade this fall.
  16. We don't have an basements, but we are in the horse area of FL so there are many houses like that in this area for $500,000 - $600,000 and up. Finding any for less though would likely be short sales or real fix-er-uppers.
  17. You might like Galore Park's Junior English. Book 1 is generally for 2nd grade.
  18. There is a BA Special Education and a BS Special Education. You could try CollegeBoard's college search to find all of the colleges in the NW that offer those two degrees. The college I worked at in FL offered the BA in Special Ed and it required quite a bit of observation in special ed related classrooms and a semester long internship related to special ed along with 5 or so classes specific to the major.
  19. Here's our plan for fall, updated from the list in the older link: Math: Saxon 65 / Singapore 4 Science: Scott Foresman Grade 4 Grammar: finish MCT Practice Island / Galore Park Jr. English 3 Spelling: finish Sequential Spelling 1 Literature: Kolbe Elementary Literature Handwriting: Pentime 4 Writing: IEW Geography Geography: Beautiful Feet Geography & memorizing states and capitals US History: Pearson (Core Knowledge) Grade 3 Classical History: Memoria Press Intro to Classical Studies French: Skoldo French 2 Latin: Memoria Press Latina Christiana 1 / Lingua Angelica Greek: Memoria Press Greek Alphabet Bonus: After showing dd the great book list/challenge linked by elladarcy (post #20,) we've added that to our plan at dd's request :) Extracurricular: gymnastics swimming art Spanish club
  20. We've decided not to assign any grades to classes that do not have outside verification, either through an outsourced instructor or a standardized exam.
  21. What are you going to do with the Glencoe World Geography book? I picked this up at the local library sale last week, but I don't really know if/how I want to use it. I don't love the layout - but I loved the price and my dd really does need some World Geography.
  22. Thanks. Is the Introduction exam equivalent to junior high level Greek and the Beginning exam equivalent to a level one high school class?
  23. 4th grade plan for fall (at least this week): Math: Saxon 65 / Singapore 4 Science: Scott Foresman Grade 4 Grammar: finish MCT Practice Island / Galore Park Jr. English 3 Spelling: finish Sequential Spelling 1 Literature: Kolbe Elementary Literature Handwriting: Pentime 4 Writing: IEW Geography Geography: Beautiful Feet Geography & memorizing states and capitals US History: Pearson (Core Knowledge) Grade 3 Classical History: Memoria Press Intro to Classical Studies French: Skoldo French 2 Latin: Memoria Press Latina Christiana 1 / Lingua Angelica Greek: Memoria Press Greek Alphabet Extracurricular: gymnastics swimming art Spanish club
  24. Latin has an AP exam and an SAT II. Is there anything similar for ancient Greek?
  25. I see First Form Greek being offered as an online course, but no mention of the program for sale. I'm wondering if the program will be available soon for purchase? I might have to change up our foreign language plans if they have a solid Greek program available soon. :hurray:
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