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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. My in-laws pretend we don't exist. We kindly reciprocate. My dh's in-laws on the other hand are awesome. :D
  2. 50 books and 8 DVDs per card. We currently have 3 cards, but could register for three more if needed. We have a great system. We can keep books for 30 days and DVDs for 7 days with two additional renewals (which they will automatically do for you.) I've never been fined, even when (a few days) over the extended limit.
  3. I attended around 20 years ago. :eek: Where has the time gone! Positives - Loved the winter terms - my trip to Greece is an absolute highlight of my school experiences Loved that they provided a mentor (professor not student) for all entering freshmen Beautiful location Friendly, laid-back atmosphere I started in Marine Biology and the program was quite good Easy to make friends, no issues with students ever Interesting classes, many have stuck with me for 20 years Could be Cons- It was quite liberal. And I came from a public inner-city high school. Drinking tended to be overlooked even for underage students, but I wasn't a drinker and had many friends that also weren't I took a literature class that I wish I never had, and causes me to blush even now thinking about it. Notes - Coming from the north, the no shoes thing made me cringe I didn't notice any drug problems, but this was 20 years ago There wasn't much religion, but the church on campus was open to everyone and bus arrangements to other churches could be made
  4. If she wants to get into Cardiff it looks like you will need to do at least two or three AP classes. Cardiff admission requirements She could also apply to the US colleges that have an exchange program with Cardiff, if that works better for your family. The specific colleges listed on the website are College of William and Mary, University of Miami, Rutgers and University of Pennsylvania.
  5. I don't know of an plans, but you could look at the sample MP curriculum lesson plan (3rd grade) to see what they do during a one-week period.
  6. I don't use it myself, but I thought most people followed up Math Mammoth 6 with prealgebra or Math Mammoth 7?
  7. Thanks so much! I just saved $58 on next year's math. The Saxon prices are great.
  8. Dd 15: 6 or 7 hours during the week - more on the weekend - in bed between 11 and 12 Dd 13: 7 or 8 hours during the week - more on the weekend - in bed between 11 and 12 Dd 9 and Ds 7: 10 or 11 hours on average every night - in bed around 9
  9. True, but I would still use it (and just add in a US history spine) because I think the last three history books are a very good writing program - especially the first and third books. I tried to find any other texts written by Bob Pace, as I like them so well - no luck.
  10. Galore Park - math, science, history, english and two foreign languages. That should all fit in one box. The other box I would fill with literature (including a good US history book.) I would wing it for art and music - no curriculum.
  11. Others my kids really like - Fiddler on the Roof Bride and Prejudice Hairspray
  12. Thanks, I will call them as I also want their opinion on taking the SAT II in Latin after their Latin 3 class.
  13. I'm glad to hear that about FF Latin. I haven't seen the books yet, but maybe I can swap Wheelock assignments for the Henle assignments since that is what Lukeion uses. Our schedule is now looking better! :D Spanish over the summer is a good idea. That is what many students I know do (although my dd has already said no. :rolleyes:) Here Spanish I and II are only offered as 5 credit hour classes so they take up a great deal of time during the regular school year. But they are always offered back to back in Summer A/B and most students say it is really intense, but they are glad to have fulfilled those ten hours over a single summer.
  14. Honestly, I think your 12th grade year is too much. If you add up the college credits that would be 35-43 college credits. In this area 24-30 credits is considered full time for fall/spring. I have a question about your Latin though. Is Fourth Form Latin supposed to go directly into Henle Latin 3 or is MP putting together a Latin 3 class to follow Fourth Form? In my penciled long term plan I have Henle Latin 2 following Fourth Form but, I haven't seen the FF books. It would work out great for me if my dd could go directly from Fourth Form into Lukeion Latin 3.
  15. Where do you see this? Could you post a link? The only link I see on their website says everything is open. I was thinking about signing my dd up for Witty Wordsmith. I didn't realize it would need to be so soon! Thanks.
  16. Sorry, I wasn't clear. :blush: College Algebra credit is always received here as a standard credit (not remedial) but there are no College Algebra class offerings taught by professor at the university. It is only offered as a web based class with tutorial help as needed. So while not being called remedial, it is only offered like a remedial class. DE students cannot take any remedial or web based tutorial classes here. My dd would need a professor anyway. She already struggles with online type classes. Putting math and online together would be a nightmare for her.
  17. The state universities around here consider College Algebra to be a math credit for non-STEM majors and an elective credit or no credit for STEM majors. My dd tests into College Algebra but she cannot take it at the university as they consider it remedial and therefore not open to DE students. She plans to take College Algebra at the CC where it is not considered remedial and then transfer the credit back to the university. :tongue_smilie: Her math plan is to take College Algebra and Statistics junior year and Pre-calculus and Survey of Calculus senior year. This will cover all of the math needed for nearly any non-STEM degree.
  18. If I were putting a student into school in 9th grade, I would work through both levels 1 and 2 of WWS, dropping CW if needed. Otherwise, I would worry that the student wouldn't be prepared for either the level or amount of writing needed in 9th grade. If I were homeschooling through high school it wouldn't be such a big deal. However, I would just work through the books at a comfortable pace rather than plan to take two years though level 1. I liked the look of WWS 2 and the scope of the series so much, that I am having my 7th grade dd work through WWS 1 now in order to be ready for WWS 2 next fall. She just started after Christmas break, but is moving through fairly quickly.
  19. Are you sending him to high school or homeschooling through high school?
  20. My 9th grader spends approximately 50 hours per week, including weekend hours.
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