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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I ordered Narrative 2 to look through. The majority of the students are 4th-5th grade. I'm hoping I can work it so that the youngest students can hang in there and the oldest students still feel challenged. I thought the Chreia and Proverb book looked too difficult for the younger students as well. This program does feel like a good fit. I'm looking forward to receiving the books and sharing them with the other families.
  2. I've ordered Writing & Rhetoric so I can look through a whole book at home. I like how much of it is discussion based and the added Speak It section which would work well in a co-op situation.
  3. Any suggestions on a writing curriculum for a weekly co-op? I need something that I can work with the kids on once a week in class. They can submit work to me through email during the week. The age range is 3rd-6th grade. I know it is a large span! I would prefer secular. Something that really works on paragraph and essay skills. Ideal grade level is 5th. I'm struggling with the once a week aspect of the class.
  4. Is this common among universities? I have not seen it at any colleges my first dd looked into, only a higher tuition for graduate classes. Locally, graduate class prices are 2.5 times as much as undergrad classes. How much does tuition generally increase as a junior? This is something new to me that I didn't know to warn my kids about.
  5. For the secular K-6 it gave me Saxon (11) as my first choice and Beast Academy (6) as my second choice (one of three second places.) Those are the two that we use so it worked for me. I did the secular 7-12 twice, once for each child. It chose Art of Problem Solving for my strong math student, which is what we will be using and Saxon second which is a good fit for me and what I will be using to teach her if the online AOPS class doesn't work out. For my weaker math student it chose Saxon, which again is good for me but not for her. We switched from Saxon two years ago as it was too difficult for dd. The second choice was Teaching Textbooks. Maybe that would work, but she doesn't want any computer based math. We use MUS (which scored a 0) with success.
  6. My dd looked at the two universities she was most likely to attend and took the classes she knew she would need rather than the classes toward an AA. Since she knew she was staying in state this was easier to do. I did think of another issue, but one that cannot really be anticipated. Universities can change their degree requirements from year to year and dual enrollment students are not grandfathered in. My dd has several classes on her transcript that would have worked three years ago, but are no longer relevant toward any of the degrees she wishes to pursue. She is also still short one gen ed class that was added as a requirement last year.
  7. I've always sent mine outside. We live in FL so it works all year. They've always spent 2-3 hours a day outdoors. When they were little, I would sit on the porch to watch them. As they got older, I would watch them out the window. Now, they just do their own thing. :) All four of them are still outdoors at least a couple of hours a day. I also did a weekly park day so I could get together with other parents while they played outside. Now, I do a co-op that is two educational classes plus park play.
  8. We've evacuated twice. Once for a wildfire and once for a hurricane. We've come to realize that we are not attached to much of anything. For the wildfire we were given no notice and were barely able to leave with our car. But, we weren't stressed about what we left in the house. The only really shocking thing was that there was NOWHERE to get gas, especially during the hurricane evacuation. The gas stations just all ran out. We were very worried about getting stranded in our car. People were hoarding gas in anything they could fill - milk jugs, 2-liter jugs, etc. The lines for gas were out into the streets. Now we fill our tanks and all of our extra gas tanks a few days before any hurricane and keep refilling the cars daily.
  9. Dd is spending the summer sleeping in and studying for the GRE. She's taking it in August and really wants this exam to be a one and done.
  10. My son is using Art Adventures in Narnia next year. It has drawing instruction for castles, knights, armor, shields, etc.
  11. For us, the graduation date is the date I set on my student's transcript and diploma. I had my dd choose the date before she applied to colleges and applied for summer jobs. As a side note, that day is today! So, my first one is now officially graduated.
  12. Two months later: Saxon Algebra I w/ Alcumus WTMA Prealgebra (AOPS) w/Alcumus FLVS H Physical Science w/ TOPS Elemental Science Logic Level Chemistry CLRC Intermediate Latin I or MP online First Form Latin CLRC Latin I (Oxford Latin I) WTMA Story of Modern Times TC History of the United States Build Your Library 7 - World Geography (also includes lit) FLVS Adv US History CTC US History Detective I / TC History of the United States WTMA Socratic Discussion (Fall) WTMA Geography (Spring) Hake Grammar 8 WTMA Writing With Skill 2 Lightning Literature 8 Megawords FLVS Intro to Information Technology (started now, hoping to finish over the summer) Crew, triathlon team, fitness training
  13. My dd took a 1 credit class at the local university. I listed it on her high school transcript, but marked it no credit - NC. Around here most 3 credit classes transfer to a half credit for high school and I didn't want to get into quarter credits.
  14. I was going to ask the author, but then saw that she sells her curriculum on Currclick. I'll probably just buy it there. I'll wait for Memorial Day weekend though, just to see if there is a sale and it includes the Currclick orders. :)
  15. Oh no, I was think May 1-15. I don't know. It is still on the front page of their website. I'll have to check. Thanks!!
  16. I was just on the Build Your Library website and they are having a spring sale starting tomorrow. It runs 4/1 - 4/15 - code SpringFling 20% off your order I've decided to do science with ds10 next year using the Harry Potter unit studies. We're both Harry Potter fans. :) Each unit study focuses on a Hogwarts class. We'll spend 9 or 10 weeks per book. Hopefully, the unit study for the fourth book will be out by spring. Sorcerer's Stone: Herbology + Ellen McHenry's Botany in 8 Lessons Chamber of Secrets: Astronomy + TOPS Science Earth, Moon, Sun and TOPS Planets & Stars Prisoner of Azkaban: Care of Magical Creatures + Memoria Press What's That Bird? I think I'll also order the BYL 7 World Geography for dd12 instead of history.
  17. My dd dual enrolled at the local university where she will now attend as a regular student. Because it is the same school, she DOES keep her dual enrollment GPA and grades.
  18. Personally, I would start with one class. My dd started dual enrollment at the local university in 9th grade. She had higher ACT scores and a very good work ethic. It was still a huge learning curve. It is basically covering the amount of information she used to cover in one year in 16 weeks. There are only a few assignments that are the entire grade. Bomb one and it can be enough to destroy the entire semester's grade. She had to learn to process information faster, utilize professor office hours, ask the right questions, study more efficiently, interact in a classroom where she was certainly the youngest student, etc. She has now had 15 semesters of dual enrollment and the first was her worst semester GPA. I am glad she only took 6 credit hours that term!
  19. 1) What state are you in? Florida 2) Do dual enrollment students pay tuition in your area? No, and we don't pay for books either if we want to borrow them, but I think we are the only county in the state with this policy. 3) Can dual enrollment students count their courses towards their HS diploma? Yes 4) How many credits can a dual enrollment student take? As many as they like. My dd will graduate high school next month with 115 credit hours. However, many colleges will only transfer 45-60 credit hours. 5) Are there limits on the DE classes a student can take? Some. In our area: no physical education classes, remedial classes, completely online classes, or university classes that are limited access.
  20. Could you register as a public school student the summer before junior year and do full time dual enrollment? It sounds like public school students can be older.
  21. I get great joy in cancelling out my husband's vote year after year. We rarely discuss politics. There are other things to talk about. I avoid politics with several friends and other family members as well. We rarely remind each other to vote, hoping to occasionally sneak in a vote that doesn't get cancelled out. Although sometimes we see alike on local issues and can vote together. I figure I am going to cancel someone's vote. So it is my husband's rather than my neighbor's. Someone has to do it!
  22. Do they both require that the scores be directly sent? Neither the schools where my children dual enroll not the local school board where I report test results require that the scores come to them directly. I just photocopy/print a copy for each and drop them off.
  23. I voted but not really any of those. I put the emphasis on RE and those all appear to put the emphasis at the end of the world. REE-al-tore
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