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Everything posted by Idalou

  1. It was found in a hole under their garage as a newborn, mom was run over, other babies died. They had it descented. It was very tame. They fed it chicken and vegetables, I think. It ran all over their house and slept in a bedroom corner. Whenever we would go visit them my aunt would let us pet it once and then it was put away, probably more for its safety than ours.
  2. I read awful comments. Maybe those who hoped it was a kidnapping rather than hoax also saw those hateful ones. They mean well, but it came across all wrong. There was an actor 2 or 3 years ago who faked an attack. He's black, and people still refer to him when stuff like this happens. If Carlee's turns out to be a hoax, then black women will suffer those same insults the next time we see a similar case on the news. We all know the type of nasty people who'll do this, and we know they have an influential voice overall. I don't know what will make people care more.
  3. Yes, this is how so many heat related deaths of kids left in cars happen here. A parent has the child in the backseat, but there's something different about that day's rhythm, such as different time of day to leave for work, or the other parent usually is the one to drop the child off at daycare, etc.
  4. Ok, I get that. I'm pretty sure that's standard procedure questions that police ask family and friends during an investigation. We also don't know how hard they looked for a toddler, beside the database search for missing ones in the area and a visual search. But also, who wants to be the one that says nah, don't look too hard, the kid doesn't exist? They HAVE to search, there really is no alternative, but I have faith they know what their limit is, it's not like police have never experienced this before. As to a hoax, yes, there should be consequences.
  5. Sorry, I worded that poorly. I mean I wasn't accusing anyone here of this, but things I was reading elsewhere. I don't really understand how police can ascertain if what happened is true or not, in the moment. They can't always tell if a 911 call was faked, their job is to do the most they can in any situation. "The resources used will vary depending on whether true..." Are you saying something like if police know for sure a person is clinically insane and they are missing after a 911 call, it's ok to slow things down or use less funds? Not sure how often that happens, or who gets to make the decision? They usually listen to family members, too, don't they? I can't imagine a family of a missing person being happy with lesser resources or slower actions. What should be truly sad is if this was a hoax, and then another woman, even a troubled woman, goes missing, the authorities say well, maybe we better go at this a bit differently, you know, because look what happened last time... The police said she appeared at home in foot, alone. She's already been released from the hospital. The police wished her well and said they were happy she was home. No mention of searching for abductor. I'm assuming it was some mental breakdown as opposed to a Walter White/Breaking Bad runaway weekend.
  6. Sorry, I meant to say I don't think their spray odor lasts long, unless it hits an animal, and their bodies don't normally smell. My aunt had one as a pet. It was a very clean little thing, slept in her back bedroom.
  7. I also think there are people, and I'm not responding to posters here, who think mental health crisis are less deserving than an abduction case. Are they? We stigmatize so many health issues. There are many, many cases of mentally unwell people who are found dead or never found at all. This woman, if it turns out to be the case, deserved to have whatever it took to find her.
  8. It's been a week or so? I don't think a skunk spray lasts that long, and they don't otherwise stink. A fox can smell musky, maybe there's a male marking your yard as his territory? Their urine odors last a loooonngg time. Is your neighborhood on city services or do neighbors have their own septic systems? A leaky system could give off a musky smell rather than merely a poop smell,lol. Sometimes a blocked roof vent can give off occasional odors, too.
  9. I think people need to give grace to family members who experience such agony. Turning it into a racial thing? Let him say what he wants. Let him believe it forever. Uses you are a person of color who lives it every day, the rest of us should try to keep out of it. I've done my share of accusations and then was wrong, but it still bothers me to see how quickly the internet goes from prayers to accusations of hoaxes, fishiness, what have you.
  10. No letter yet from ours. Maybe we lucked out for a while? We're paid up until 2024 on all the vehicles and home insurance with SF. Hopefully they won't send us another bill!
  11. I would think there are ways officials could clean up the video to see more clearly. Maybe they are not telling the public all they know in order to let the offender think he's unknown.
  12. State Farm- no increases here on ours, I've renewed both on t be past 4 months. I think they did increase about $15 once during the pandemic.
  13. The article I read said someone called in a tip to say her saw a tall man in shorts leaning over her car door
  14. I don't know of an actual study guide, but there's an excellent, old program with several episodes, of Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell called The Power of Myth.
  15. There were a couple of films with that impact here, in 1983 or 84. Testament and The Day After. One scene haunted me, a little boy's ears were bleeding. I had nightmares for a long time.
  16. If I were you, I'd keep him home. An 8 year old, strong reader, curious, super honest, etc sounds like a dream child! Why not let this coming year be one devoted to coding, robotics, engineering? Let him read and watch anything and everything related to those- manuals, biographies, tutorials, even youtube type videos. Does he enjoy the cello? If so, expand on that. Science should be fairly easy, my 8 year olds love to experiment, the messier and 'grosser' ones the better. They can sit and look at and draw and research for hours about stuff they see in pond water under a microscope. It seems like you already know he thrives on Khan more than the school's choice for mathematics. My reluctant writers realized they loved to make powerpoints about their current obsessions for me to view. They learned how to write summaries and add charts and bar graphs. They weren't writing multiple paragraphs at 8, but later had no troubles with that. It sounds like a main concern is socializing. Can I ask why he wouldn't enjoy playing with the local homeschoolers? I'm not conservative, not a Christian, basically the opposite of what you described. Are the kids aggressive that way towards him at park days, or is it you who feels out of place with the other moms? I understand that totally. I had to force myself to put on a neutral face and sit at a picnic table with that type, because my kid did enjoy the weekly play dates. We've worked around that by finding summer programs at local centers and UU church groups. The layer of stress? Would it be more than dealing with a grumpy child who complains about not feeling well at school?
  17. Another review of the movie https://slate.com/culture/2023/07/sound-of-freedom-movie-jim-caviezel-trafficking-qanon.html And more in the ick factor of the starring role https://www.mediamatters.org/qanon-conspiracy-theory/jim-caviezel-pushes-qanon-bizarre-media-blitz-new-anti-trafficking-movie
  18. The state school superintendant says it's ok to teach it, just don't make kids feel bad about it. What a sweetheart to think of his kids. He also spread conspiracies about cat litter in schools, but apparently Oklahoma has enough idiots who get fired up on that kind of crap.
  19. Sorry, I don't know what's happening. When I click on my link it won't load the whole article, but I just tried googling Rolling Stone article Sound Freedom several times and each time it loads in entirity. I don't subscribe to RS.
  20. Hard pass https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/sound-of-freedom-jim-caviezel-child-trafficking-qanon-movie-1234783837/
  21. Do you live near an airport? Southwest has a link that lets you sign up for possible hirings other than flight attendants. https://careers.southwestair.com/jointalentcommunity?applyType=JTC Also, are there any upscale restaurants nearby? Maybe that type would provide more than the $13-15/hour you're encountering? I know you're in a state that, let's face it, sucks income and benefit wise. I'm so sorry. County and state jobs here seem to offer much better pay and insurance than where you are, too. Are there any postal job openings?
  22. I read everything I could get my hands on from Maria Montessori. I loved her way of thinking about discipline.
  23. I know that 78 or 79 indoor temps would be a living hell for me, Heart, if I lived in the South. Maybe if the heat index was 100 outside and then I walked indoors to 78 I'd feel cooler for a few minutes before becoming miserable, lol. And 78 in a humid environment? No way. We don't have central air at our home, just a portable unit, but I turn it on once outside temps start going past 70 and try to keep the house at 68. It's never very humid here, so that helps immensely. I do think that there are types of older homes that were built for better cross air patterns. I've been in old houses where all the windows were raised and the breeze made things bearable.
  24. I'm familiar with that company, and there's a few details you left out. It was not just those who did not pay who were forgiven, and those who "faithfully" paid were not. I understand the hard feelings, and I don't care to explain the facts, because I think you already knew them.
  25. All I know about the state is that the areas from I30 and across to 40 stink. Literally. It's the grossest smelling stretch of country I've ever encountered, and I've driven in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.
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