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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. 2022 goals: 1-lose 25 pounds and then maintain that loss (if lost before end of year) 2-work out regularly=3 days per week for 20-30 min. January mini goals: -lose 4 pounds. *weigh daily, drink at least 80 oz of water daily, IF, eat only pre-planned foods that I have documented -work out 1 time per week * work out every Tuesday using DVDs that I have currently. work out will be at least 15 min long. While I have other goals I would like to work on, I am keeping it to these 2 for the board. If I can master these 2 it will just increase my self-confidence and energy for mastering the other few that I have. The 2 I have chosen for here are the 2 that I really need to get a firm handle on!
  2. This is a good plan and what I would do as well.
  3. Yes, we frequently use one in winter when it is just so dry. It works well and makes a difference.
  4. I love this! I am not sure I have that many things to donate/toss because I declutter regularly, but I would love to words towards it and see how close I can get.
  5. What you could do is take your goal and then break it down into much smaller pieces and not move on until you master the first. So if you want to sleep an extra hour a day, make a first goal for an extra 15 min. That, hopefully, you help you be accountable, yet not stress you out to the point that you are getting less sleep than ever.
  6. To me, "super cool" means anything full of love and compassion. I am positive that you could handle that with no trouble at all.
  7. I think we all thought that! To be honest, even though I knew she wasn't, there was a part of me that just thought she was immortal and would be with us forever.
  8. This is what I thought too. I know she lived a very long, good life. But man I am so sad that she is no longer here. The world just won't be the same without her in it.
  9. It is a good idea! Sleeping goals are never bad ideas.
  10. I am 10 years older than you and I still have absolutely no clue what I want to be when I grow up. I think I have just given up at this point, though I really wish I could figure it out.
  11. I also want to say thank you to @Granny_Weatherwax and to all who have answered these daily prompts. It has really been beneficial to get insight from other people and to also self-reflect. I do hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and that 2022 is kinder and more gentle to us all than the last couple of years have been. I look forward to being a part of the goals group and continuing the work that these daily December prompts have started.
  12. Ooohhh....are you going to send me something super cool??
  13. I am sending good thoughts and hope you are back home soon. The pictures out of Colorado make me sick, the devastation is heartbreaking.
  14. We don't go back until the 10th. We take an extra long (4 weeks) Christmas/Winter break. We are both really happy to still have another week off. We aren't ready to go back at all.
  15. What an adorable puppy!!!! Please let us know if you adopt him and, if so, what you name him.
  16. I'm so sorry. It simply isn't fair. It is sweet that they never lost each other. Married for 62 years is a wonderful thing!
  17. I'm in! I definitely need the accountability. @Just Kate I have several goals too.
  18. I started by just ending my eating for the day by 4 at the latest. I used to eat breakfast but have found the earlier in the day I start eating, the hungrier I am. Slowly I started moving morning eating to at least 10 am. I drink water and black coffee before then. The more rules there are, the worse I do. I also don't follow any one plan because it just sets me up for failure. I keep "rules" super loose and allow for set-backs and non-perfection. Right now my "plan" is that I eat from 10-4. Ideally I finish eating by 3, but that isn't always possible. This way of eating really works for me, which I admit kind of surprises me!
  19. I really like how you phrased this and can fully relate (as I lie in bed with zero energy to even get up even though I have a list a mile long of things to do!).
  20. 2022 will feel successful if: -I reach and remain at my goal weight -Teen is able to master driving and be ready for driving test/license (even if she doesn't actually get it before end of year) -I am able to get and enjoy a part time job -Homeschooling goes well/teen does well in school -Cancer stays in remission -Relationship with my estranged husband at least stabilizes and doesn't deteriorate further -We all remain healthy **These are the things that come immediately to mind. Listed in no particular order.**
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