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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. This is what I want as well. You are very fortunate to have it.
  2. My eating has been a bit up and down over the past week. My stress has been up and that leads to not great food choices. But I am working on the stress and the eating has been falling back in line. It is really nice to be on track. My weight went up due to the poor food choice days but I have been losing it. Overall I am not down for the month though, which is disheartening even if it isn't surprising. I am really hoping to finish the month down though, even if it is a measly pound!
  3. No, not in at least the last 10 years and probably a lot longer. Now, not only am I not cherished, I am not even seen or heard.
  4. I have learned so much about hounds on this thread. It has been interesting. I know this isn't funny and is endlessly frustrating but it did make me laugh. I can picture them standing there staring at you looking completely adorable and yet very confused as to what you are saying.
  5. I guess I am the odd one out because it doesn't bother me at all.
  6. Do you have to order these through the Tupperware site or are they available other places? I really need to get these. I have the same problem OP has and it is maddening.
  7. Just ordered mine and got the confirmation notice. It was easy and the site was working perfectly.
  8. Thank you both for the lanolin info! Now I know what to look for and where. Some of my favorite hand lotions/creams: Trader Joe's, Burts Bees, Eucerin.
  9. This past week wasn't my best. It could have been far worse so I am grateful that I did as well as I did. It was our first week back to school, I was semi-sick for 2 days (dizzy and just didn't feel well). I did lose 1 pound so I am taking that mini win! My plan for this upcoming week is the same as every week: stick to my food plan, IF, 80 oz of water, work out on Tuesday (ultimate goal is work out 3-4 days a week, since I hate working out I am increasing by 1 day a month to meet the goal in a few months). To the wonderful person who posted the vegan black bean soup recipe last week: thank you! That is the best black bean soup I have ever had. It will be in regular rotation in our home now.
  10. My dogs barking like mad at absolutely nothing. TV
  11. I didn't realize you could buy/use plain lanolin. Is there a particular brand you recommend? Do you know if Whole Foods has lanolin?
  12. Shelves are definitely less full than they have been in a long time. I would describe them as getting progressively worse. Prices are also climbing at the same time as packaging is smaller.
  13. This bloody frightening as hell. I am thinking of you and so hope they all recover.
  14. I did well this past week and met my goals. Today, not so much though. I am thinking through what I can and will do to make tomorrow better and be right back on track. One off day isn't a big deal, but they do add up if I let it get past one. We are back to school Monday and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and not ready to go back (though all lesson plans are done and there is no reason to feel this way). Just a down day. Week 2 goals: IF, eating according to my food plan, exercise (yoga) Tuesday. *Main goal is to not let this day and my poopy frame of mind go past today*
  15. Same here. Mine is downright embarrassing compared to hers.
  16. Wow, her fridge puts mine to shame! But what beautiful pics. I am going to go through her website and see what other info/inspiration she has on it. Thank you for sharing.
  17. She would fit in nicely with our spoiled dogs! Ours really like puppcinos from Starbucks.
  18. Yes. OP needs to be seen by a doctor. No one online or non-medical (even in person) can adequately assess exactly what is going on. Edit: clarification
  19. I make coffee using the pour over method. It is delicious and so easy. My coffee pot is from Ovalware and specifically for pour over coffee.
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