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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. My entire family has now had the bivalent booster. I am very relieved. No side effects for at least 2 of us. The other ones just got it and so not sure if they will have them or not. I got mine the same day I got my flu and pneumonia shots.
  2. Pfizer or Moderna? I'm glad you are past it now.
  3. Teen and I are scheduled Monday for ours. So happy to have it scheduled and will be even happier once it is done. The pharmacist did say they are getting plenty of doses in now (after some issues with not getting nearly enough).
  4. Of the very many adulting tasks that are bad, this one truly is the absolute worst of the worst. Edit: missing words
  5. I just want to say how sad I am for you and your family. Sending you all lots of hugs and strength in the coming days.
  6. Thank you very much asking, I appreciate it. We had fun (gosh, I really hope she did, I think so). I am trying super hard to not replay everything and agonize over it. Easier said than done, but I am trying.
  7. I am having trouble finding it! The place we normally go said that they only got a small shipment in and they were gone almost immediately. The pharmacist told me to call back this week. I am really hoping we are able to get them soon.
  8. Thank you. I love the simple truth and wisdom. Nope, if I am ever in the fortunate position to divorce the thing I am married to now, no way in hell will I ever date.
  9. I am not sure. Your suggestion is a good one and worth considering though.
  10. This is, I believe, at the root of why (in addition to the introversion and HSP) it is much worse right now. In the last couple of years my self-esteem, which wasn't great to begin with, has really taken a beating due to several things/person. While I don't actually think these people are better than me, I just don't feel worthy. It is something I am working on but definitely takes time and is easier said than done. However, until your post, I didn't connect that to social anxiety. Thank you.
  11. You guys are seriously the best. Thank you very much! I appreciate all of your thoughts and commiseration so so much. I feel heard and much less alone.
  12. Me too!!!!! Gosh, I really did think it was just me. Thank you. Yep! However, I didn't realize that this was possible (or probably) related to me being both introverted and HSP. Interesting. Thank you.
  13. How do you guys deal with this? I am such an awkward mess. This morning at church someone complimented me on how well I did as Worship Assistant and that they wished I would do it every week. I should have just said "thank you" and moved on. Nope, my anxiety took over and I started babbling like it was my first day as a human! Hours later and I am still mortified at all I said and my general weirdness, I am sure she wishes she had never complimented me. I know Brene Brown says to "Stay Awkward. Stay Brave. Stay Kind." But ugh, I could do with a little less of the awkward! Tomorrow I am having lunch with a new friend and am already so anxious and worried that I will mess up and both make a fool of myself and turn her off from ever wanting to hang out with me again.
  14. I always get mine at my physical in late September. While it is a bit early to get it, I will forget if I don't get it then, and better a little early than not at all.
  15. My teen and I are getting it at the beginning of October for the same reason. We have a wedding to attend on October 22nd. It is one that I have huge concerns about attending, no one has been covid cautious at all (not even in the beginning). They are vaccinated but I am not sure if they are up to date on them. None of them mask and there will possibly be a sit-down dinner (the whole wedding is a bit of a hot mess and I have no clear info on the meal situation). Teen and I will be masked throughout, and we will not be eating. This will be my 5th vaccine and teen's 4th and we are looking forward to getting them! Flu shots will be done at our physicals this month and next month.
  16. This is exactly what I told my family. Edit: Almost word for word at that.
  17. Not a stalker, you are the paparazzi for our "news forum".
  18. Oh your new church (UCC) sounds so much like my Lutheran church. The focus is the same--all of the things you mentioned. Isn't it such a blessing to find such a warm wonderful church? It is sad to me that these kinds of churches/church communities are few and far between. We are both very fortunate to have found them.
  19. That is the one I requested from the library. How do you like it? Thank you! How do you like it? If I end up liking it a lot I will get my own copy too. Do you like it (outside of the glossary not being very efficient)? Thanks for the heads up on the workbook. My dog is small and low maintenance for sure.
  20. Oh this sounds lovely! But I always need to have my sweet dog with me (which I am positive everyone here understands and agrees with me). Which book? I requested one from the library (name escapes me at the moment) and need to pick it up this week. How very interesting that HSPs don't like to travel. Again, I really thought it was just me. 🤗 I have found my people for sure! I would like to know too. I really wonder if it the same one I requested from the library.
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