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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. If you ever feel like elaborating on even a few of the changes you made this year that are allowing you to prevail next year, I would love to hear them. I am in the "enduring" part right now and it is definitely tough.
  2. @Granny_Weatherwax, I appreciate you doing this every day. It has been fascinating to review the year and now to look towards 2022. I look forward to your prompt every day. The daily prompt also stays with me throughout the day and invariably other revelations come to me (OMG! So much more unfinished business in 2021 than I listed). Thank you!🤗
  3. Thanks to a very kind hive member, my word for 2022 is: Rest. @Quill, I have not thought of having a phrase of the year. Interesting. I really like yours and the fact you have a coaster as a reminder. You are smart. I may give some thought to a phrase of the year. Nothing is immediately coming to me so I may not have one, but I am going to ponder having one.
  4. I have a fantastic dog treat recipe! So easy! Bone Appetit (from Chloe Flavor) 2 cups whole wheat flour, plus more for dusting 1 cup cooked mashed sweet potato 1/4 cup water, plus more as needed Preheat oven to 300. Line large baking sheet with parchment paper Combine flour, sweet potato, and water and mix using your hands until well combined. Add more water, 1 tbsp at a time, as needed. Roll out dough on lightly floured surface until about 1/4 inch thick. Cut out treats with a bone cookie cutter (I love our little bone cookie cutter) or any shape cutter. *I will say that sometimes I just plop them down and don't roll and they are fine. Bake for 40 minutes, then turn off heat and let them sit in closed oven for an additional hour. *Note: I never remember to leave them in there for that additional hour and they are fine. They keep for 5 days. *I freeze them and keep them that way.
  5. @Pawz4me...Thank you for giving me such good directions. I am very excited to try this method. For our menu we are having: chili, cornbread muffins, mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Sweets are: chocolate peppermint muffins, million dollar shortbread (first time I have made this and I am using a vegan recipe), and snickerdoodles. For me: Prosecco and OJ.
  6. This is life changing! I had no idea you could cook them this way. I can't wait to make them for Christmas this way. One more question, can they stacked up or must they be single layer (surely stacked, right?)?
  7. Would you please tell me how you cook the sweet potatoes in the crock pot? I am really hoping you say I can just stick the entire sweet potato (peel and all) in there and cook them that way!
  8. Unfinished business: Not working out regularly. Learning new things: this is something that is never finished.
  9. I realized today, after reading your post, that I am most definitely cussing more. A whole lot more. I should really work on that. Not today though.☺️
  10. I am so sorry. Everyone in my family is now triple vaxxed. 17 year old got hers yesterday (and is doing well!).
  11. Bad habits broken: Eating my feelings instead of actually feeling them. Relying on estranged husband to do certain things instead of putting on my big girl panties and learning how to do them myself. It is incredibly empowering to know you can do big hard things.
  12. 17 year old got her 3rd shot this afternoon! Oh Happy Day!!!!! We are both so relieved and happy! If she has any side effects I will modify this post with them. So far, so good, but it has only been a few hours.
  13. 2021 Good Habits formed: Intermittent fasting. It is doing wonderful things for both my appetite and weight loss. Getting off the computer earlier in the evening. I think those are the only new ones formed this year.
  14. My 17 year old gets her 3rd shot tomorrow. We are both incredibly excited!
  15. Smart decisions: every single step I have taken to learn new things and do the big stuff that scares me. Edit: Maintaining my pandemic pantry and stocking up.
  16. Oh no Elizabeth. I am very sorry. ((hugs))
  17. OMG I want this IMMEDIATELY! How soon can you be here, Nutella in hand, to make it for me?
  18. When I realized that estranged husband had no intention of trying to save our marriage. That he meant it fully when he said that he was too busy to be concerned about me.
  19. Okay, I feel really stupid, but I had no idea you could get jackfruit in a can. Is it found at the regular grocery store or Trader Joe's or only at specialty stores. Where in the store do I look for it?
  20. Thank you for the update. I pray they both continue to improve.
  21. New skills: basic toilet repair (the flapper and arm), changing break light on car, where to pay car taxes, finding a mechanic, how to tell when tires need air, how to tell when tires need replacing, how to teach my teen to drive (thank you to the hive for this skill), the pride that comes with mastering new and big tasks. There are still many new things on my plate to learn so this list will grow as time goes by, and that is both good and intimidating! Lastly, and this one deserves it's own line, how to get a jammed drawer unstuck without tearing apart the desk! (edit: all credit for this also goes to the hive)
  22. I would definitely get the 3rd dose now. I was able to schedule my teen for her 3rd shot! She gets it Wednesday afternoon, and it can't come quickly enough for me. She was every bit as excited as I was which I find very cool.
  23. Ditto


    Have you been able to get in touch with her yet?
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