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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. I started by just ending my eating for the day by 4 at the latest. I used to eat breakfast but have found the earlier in the day I start eating, the hungrier I am. Slowly I started moving morning eating to at least 10 am. I drink water and black coffee before then. The more rules there are, the worse I do. I also don't follow any one plan because it just sets me up for failure. I keep "rules" super loose and allow for set-backs and non-perfection. Right now my "plan" is that I eat from 10-4. Ideally I finish eating by 3, but that isn't always possible. This way of eating really works for me, which I admit kind of surprises me!
  2. I really like how you phrased this and can fully relate (as I lie in bed with zero energy to even get up even though I have a list a mile long of things to do!).
  3. 2022 will feel successful if: -I reach and remain at my goal weight -Teen is able to master driving and be ready for driving test/license (even if she doesn't actually get it before end of year) -I am able to get and enjoy a part time job -Homeschooling goes well/teen does well in school -Cancer stays in remission -Relationship with my estranged husband at least stabilizes and doesn't deteriorate further -We all remain healthy **These are the things that come immediately to mind. Listed in no particular order.**
  4. I'm very sorry. Yes, Covid sucks. Many hugs.
  5. I chose "too stressed to choose..." but in almost every way 2021 was far worse for me. It feels like 2020 was just the highlight reel of bad and 2021 was the entire movie.
  6. Yeah, this is how I feel too. I am so tired of being afraid, overwhelmed, and super cautious. I mean, I will remain super cautious, but I am worn out from all of this.
  7. Yes, I am in! I have cleaned up my diet a whole lot and practice intermittent fasting (usually at least a 16 hour fast--sometimes 18). Of course with the holidays I have not eaten as well as usual and I feel it. Having some accountability and community would be beneficial and fun! I am making a vegan "bone" broth now. The other thing I desperately need to do is work out. Good grief I just don't enjoy it and it is always the first thing to go when I am tired/busy etc. Weight- wise I think I have figured out my goal weight range and need to lose about 25 pounds to put me in the upper end of that range. @Soror thank you for this!
  8. Like @Eos I will be homeschooling my youngest for her last year (teen now a junior) of HS. I am hoping to start subbing at my church's preschool starting in January. From there, we will see where it goes. I really just don't know what I want to do and don't really feel a pulling anywhere. Drifting and paddling underwater to keep my head above water is truly a full time job right now. So I am taking it a baby step at a time and subbing is it for now.
  9. Ditto


    Thank you all for the advice and reassurance. I appreciate it. Your stories are also helpful and make me feel not nearly as alone. This particular cancer med better be keeping the cancer away because it is truly beating the crap out of my body.
  10. Ditto


    This does sound very scary. I hope you are okay.
  11. Gosh I have nothing even remotely appropriate for a fancy night out. I am also incredibly introverted and the thought of a fancy party fills me with dread so I would politely decline the invitation. I am having fun reading through what you all would wear!
  12. Ditto


    I have 4 more years on the cancer med, ugh. I guess I will see how they progress and then decide whether I want to stop the med early or not. I am with you, I am terrified at even the thought of the surgery.
  13. I am already a voracious reader! I love your other suggestions as well and you have given me a lot to think about. Thank you.
  14. Ditto


    When I had my last eye exam my dr mentioned that I have very early stage cataracts. I am in my mid-50s and was so stunned I couldn't even think, much less as more questions. She did say that my cancer med is most likely contributing to them as well as my 70s upbringing of basking in the sun, sans sunglasses, all the time. My question for the brilliant hive: other than sunglasses (which I am good about), is there anything else I can do to slow the progression of the cataracts?
  15. Well poop! Sending healing thoughts for a quick illness, no complications, and no one else tests positive.
  16. I had my regular 6th month cleaning this morning and am so glad to get it done.
  17. Education and growth: Ladies I have no idea on this one. While I am constantly working on my own mental and spiritual health, outside of that I have no clue. If anyone would like to offer me some constructive advice, I will take it.
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