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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. There is also cream you can put on, either in cream form... or by patch. It's the one that chemo patients can rub on their spot prior to getting chemo.
  2. Personally, I'd skip the pertussis, and pull apart any vaccines I wanted to give. Your Drs. office may have to special order them, but I would only give single vaccines. Also, check the ingredients to make sure what you are going to be giving them. For ethical reasons, I wouldn't get chicken pox vaccines. So, what vaccines are most important is something that is debated, but you can find a decent amount of good advice that suggests pulling the vaccines apart before giving them. Good Luck!!
  3. Here's my Mama's recipe :) This is for one loaf.... She makes it in the machine and then puts it in the oven for a softer crust than the machine :) You can try it in the machine, too, and see if the crust bothers you :) BREAD MACHINE FRIENDLY Honey; Butter; Yeast Serves 1 1/3 pound loaf 350º / 30 min. 1 1/8 cups Water, warm (about 120º) 3 Tablespoons Honey or other sweetener 3 Tablespoons Oil or Butter 3 to 3 1/4 cups Flour, warmed in oven 1/2 teaspoon Salt 2 teaspoons Yeast Put first 3 ingredients into pan; add remaining ingredients. Start machine. Let machine knead for about 15 to 20 minutes. Let sit for about 5 minutes (to “rest”). Remove from pan; shape loaf; place into prepared bread pan. Let rise for 30 to 45 minutes. (finger indentation will “pop” back) Put into preheated oven; bake for 30 minutes. Remove from pan onto a cooling rack. Let cool for at least 5 minutes. Slice hot loaf on its side, not upright. It won’t crush as badly. For rolls, use basically the same recipe, adding half again sweetener and/or butter. Use a little less flour, experience will help - the dough needs to be softer than for a loaf. Knead for only about 6 minutes. Let sit for 5 minutes; remove from pan; shape rolls or buns; place into pan or onto baking sheet. Bake at 375º until done, depending on whether or not the rolls are touching, how big they are, etc. Usually about 15 minutes.
  4. Pop :) Anyone have more links or success stories about doing these? :)
  5. Hi :) Yes, it is less $$$ :) How much does your dog weigh? It's really a good idea to do raw as early as you can. Think.... grain for cows.... meat for dogs ;) Nutramax Welactin for Dogs, 480 ml is what I do for Salmon Oil. Solid Gold Seameal Mineral and Vitamin Supplement for Horses, Dogs, and Cats (1 pound) is what I have for "greens".... Both of these are purchases that aren't often :) For food: Beef/Lamb/Sheep: Heart/Kidneys/Bits of meat that are scraps Bones (you just get bones meant for dogs, depends on the size of your dog) Chicken: Depends on what kind of dog you have. I can throw out a whole chicken and my dog can eat it. He's good for 2 days with this. I usually let him fast one day a week. Depends on your dog.... and also the age of your dog ;) My dog is 68lbs so I feed about 1lb 3oz each day. Some days I also feed him eggs or leftovers that I have. :)
  6. I suggest teaching him Handwriting Without Tears for the first part (cursive, 3rd grade) You need the Teacher's Guide and the student. Then... just go with the flow. If he ends up in school, fine. If not, fine, too :) You can get the Teacher's Guide for 3rd grade and modify the preschool writing book to cursive with a pen :) The advantage to that would be that the letters are bigger. I liken this to.... I would still teach phonics if my child were going to a school that didn't... I'd teach math differently, even if at school he's be taught a more mainstream way. Kids are smart! He'll be fine :)
  7. Raw food is the least expensive to feed. (well, with anything other than cheap nasty) You can do all organs as "meat" except for liver. So, heart, kidney, etc. NO cooked chicken bones, but raw is great. Watch the first couple times to make sure your pup isn't gulping. Dogs are remarkable. They are seriously smart and will usually just eat slow enough to be fine. I mean... take a look at a wolf eating their food. That's what's meant for dogs, too. I like to try to mix it up and do chicken and beef... a week at a time. Life's not perfect, though, and it's easier to pick up chicken at a decent price, rather than beef. I do try though :) I also feed a bit of raw and cooked veggies. Look up a list.... there are "for sure" no's.... (Like, raisin/grapes etc..) Benefits are clean teeth and less poop in the yard. I suggest something like "Taste of the Wild" if going with kibble.... Amazon has good prices as well as just ordering from Petco or whatever... But seriously, my dog was on the verge of being put to sleep he was so miserable due to allergies. Raw solved it ;) (Also, if you do raw, Salmon oil.... and you can do some dry veggy flakes if you want) I can tell you what I use if you'd like.... Probiotics are good too.... All cheaper than good dog food/kibble ;)
  8. I wonder if it's still the "name carrier" thing. Out of all my husband's sibling's... my son (the last grandchild) is the only one to carry his last name. All the rest are either girls or from daughters.... So, my son being a boy was a cool thing. I had a girl first and gave her my last name. My husband and I were married when we had our son and so my son has my husband's last name. I am kinda sad that my father doesn't have anyone (but me with a hyphen) to carry our last name. My brother has a son, but his son has the mother's maiden last name ;( SO, I just think that's part of it.... weird or not. BTW, I was elated to have a girl; I didn't want a little version of my ex.
  9. The Laggoto breed should be easier for you to purchase in the UK, I would think. Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are my other favorite. I'll never get another shedding dog. Both of the above need someone experienced, which it sounds like you are, and both have hair instead of fur which makes them better inside dogs for me. Low allergy problems for both of them... I love my pup, but it's the last time I look at anything at the Humane Society. I can't resist a cute pup and I'm still vacuuming..... and will be for the next 10 yrs or so...
  10. I don't know about that; I would never dare to ask anything after that answer :) I might just have my son learn a little about it and have that answer memorized :)
  11. Ours is Brownie, named by our 4 yr old. He's still proud that he named him :) I wanted Max or Henry... Henry preferably ;)
  12. Yup, as a co-op leader, I see this as worded in a way I wouldn't... although.... Younger children need a higher ratio of teachers to children. I would word it that if you had children in the under 8 classes, you must teach. Perhaps that's what they mean. 8 and under you may teach... but also you may fulfill your co-op responsibilities in other ways. I can't tell you how many people want to participate in a co-op, but by participation they mean show up to enjoy it. "Co-op" is part of a "cooperative" right? It's just not cooperating during class times :)
  13. Funny, we were talking about manners at Christmas. As a child, we knew to hop up if an adult didn't have a seat... we used proper names for referring to most adults... we were taught to be "Southern Polite". My father is the most polite gentleman I know. He opens the door for all females and for my brother, too. He always asks if anyone would like to have any food that is almost gone, before he serves himself. (Last soda... he'll call out "Anyone want this? Anyone want to split it with me?) When he goes into the kitchen, and we're in the other room watching tv he'll ask "Anyone need anything in here?" He'd give his very life for my mother in a heartbeat, and would probably instinctively die for any woman... perhaps anyone. He's just a gentle soul. :)
  14. I'm sure someone has commented about this, but you're moving to the State of the Free! Oklahoma is great!! I don't think you need to test there....... I think you're kinda off the hook. My son would do fine and I registered him a year behind; I just didn't want him to be tested at age 8...... Hopefully I'm right and you're just fine with no testing this year, or test as a baseline and you'll see a "growth" pattern. The one thing I'd do is see what tests are easy to have done in OK. (if you're testing before you get there...) Dig in, find out why it's not sticking... or getting done. You may need to get an accountability partner. From everything I've heard, OK still has great homeschooling groups and opportunities ;)
  15. I think it'd be fun to meet you :) I can't remember where you said you are, but even if just for a field trip, I'm always up to meeting someone :) My son is 8 and he loves new friends.... OMSI or Gilbert House are common places for us to go :)
  16. But, very realistically, I would think they'd have a target to shoot at... if she yelled out. And, I'd almost be afraid they'd come back later. I feel sorry for the man who doesn't get to make better choices, but when in OK... if you're a robber... better know that there's a gun behind that door you're breaking down. Sometimes we forget that people breaking in are being VIOLENT just in their decision to break down the door.... never mind what they (the guys breaking in) do after. I actually hate having guns around where I'm living, but better know that if you break in my house... you are gonna die :( Take all that I have in my yard... steal my money if you want... but don't come near my children or bust in my house. I was reared in Texas and ya gotta know that my kid's safety, and mine because I plan to rear them... comes first. (What's the saying about "Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6") ;)
  17. Hmmm, I was thinking of the Black edition, whichever that was. :) I suppose "several" is not descriptive enough. I have 3 editions and they seem different to me. Oh well, I'm sure you're more versed in how they're different.
  18. I'd betcha that if you eat no processed sugar (at least that would be the goal), whole grains... (so think grains with a bit of "broken grain") in whatever you eat.... and as much organic as possible... you'll do great... possibly losing... and produce a well nourished baby :) I only really gained 7 lbs (figuring in the 8 lbs I lost at first) and had a 9lb 2 oz with my first. I gained a bit more with my son and he was 10lbs 3 ounces. I was around 150lbs to start with both of them and I'm 5ft 4inches. :) I have been doing the no sugar, whole grain, organic thing since last year and am 25lbs lighter than I was when I started. Pregnancy was great for my weight, and nursing after uses even more calories. To me, it's the perfect time to get in shape ;) Good Luck!! :)
  19. I also like this page for practice (Online Spalding practice) :)
  20. Well, to use the original Spalding method that Mrs. Spalding came up with... and was pleased with... would take going back a few editions. Many "updates" were made after her death, I believe. The "updates" were not "approved" by her. Just my thoughts :) And, I can't remember the story of Orton asking Spalding to develop a program. Did he (Orton) not have his own program? Perhaps he just developed the phonograms with Gillingham with no program to go with it? (And then someone else was able to use their names to develop a program? I had thought that Spalding was based off of using his phonogram cards/system, but as something she saw as an improvement. As far as writing, I suppose I like the France story about how they are taught to do handwriting, because of their switch to manuscript and return to joined letters. (cursive) It was just meant to be a thought... not something to hate me over.
  21. I just went through this with my MIL this wknd. I told her that I don't like the cream of soups. She made hot dish/casserole for everyone with cream of soup... and french onion soup mix. YUCK. Nice MIL and yucky looking casserole. I made my Chicken Divan with Organic White sauce made with half oat/half whole wheat freshly ground flour.... with butter and milk :) Yum :)
  22. I put whole beets in a black skillet and put butter in with the lid. I then put it in the oven for a while... (1 hr??) I just test them every once in a while to see if they're ready. I slip the skins off.... and yum!!!! The next day I eat them on salads. They will have a bit of butter that's solidified the next day, which comes off when you take the skin off ;) (originally I had a recipe that said to add a bit of orange juice, perhaps concentrate and brown sugar) YUM!!
  23. I was living in N Jersey and driving to New York City with a friend at that age.... Course, I took a train cross country when I was 17.... You watch out... and be smart... don't go with any guys.... (or girls) that you don't know... Common sense and try to develop some street smarts :) AND I didn't have a GPS... :)
  24. But, if you think about the fact that Spalding is a using phonograms to teach sounds, and that's a "return" to the "best" way to teach reading, it seems that returning to the "best" way to teach writing would be appropriate as well. Students return to the way they were taught first, which is why you should teach how to write. This includes how to form the letters and cursive just makes sense to me. It also has been proven that using "joined letters" helps blend the letters into words. I taught my son to read before he was ready to write letters, because he was late in writing readiness. BUT, either way, when they're ready for writing.... cursive is developmentally appropriate. Spalding as it is now and SWR is close. And yes, I know the older version, too. ;) My mom was trained from a woman who was taught directly by Mrs. Spalding.... about 30 years ago :) The new book is different :) BTW, the pencil flip that Handwriting Without Tears shows as well as using regular diameter pencils, but golf pencil length... is a great idea for writing :)
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