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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. If you look at their s*x ed programs being discussed with their goals, even in our small community, you can understand why a child who is in a mixed gender class talking about s*x from when they are very little....that they would want to start trying something.... I mean...if they start in kindergarten, by the time they are 12, they've been talking about it for 7 years... I'm not against educating your own children about "family life" but a mixed gender class and talking about things in depth, doesn't promote modesty. (So, even in our small community, I've heard that students have been found in closets....) There seem to be no rules when you go visit the highschool here....about public affection.... Carrie:-)
  2. There's Cursive First:-) You might agree with it, if you read the book. It explains that cursive has been taught first, until the last 60 or so years. You did manuscript in Highschool for mapping. There's http://www.masterypublications.com/Handwriting.htm http://www.masterypublications.com/Cursive.htm I ordered the sample, and while it's clear that it's a small company, I liked it. I ended up using Cursive First because I use WRTR, but I liked this. I also like the fact that for my 5 yr old, there was a place to trace inside of their letters instead of over dotted lines. Much easier for my son. Carrie:-)
  3. Sizzled Green beans. You either use canned, or you boil or steam fresh until soft..like canned beans. Then you put butter in a skillet...lots of butter...and sizzle until they are really buttery. It takes a few minutes. They are SO yummy this way, and as our dairy farmer friends say, "butter is good for you!." Carrie:-)
  4. I'd like a "By subjects" and "By level" But to really say what I'd like...I'd have to have my copy in my hands! It should be here soon:-)
  5. It depends on how old "grandpa" is. Schools aren't what they use to be...goes farther with someone older... Also, just remember that it helps to pick things that won't make him feel defensive about how he raised his children. Carrie:-)
  6. Winston grammar (even just using the cards) might be good. (You don't have to use the whole program to use the cards; they are nice cards and have hints on them.) You can just use the cards to set above the words to help show what parts of speech each word is. Carrie:-)
  7. We have a Sienna, and while I like it...don't get a used one...ours (2004) has some problems. If I had it to do over again...I'd get an Odyssey.... Carrie:-)
  8. I'm looking for cds that would help my children learn the following Endings. We are using Classical Pronunciation although it's really not too much different. Noun Endings (Single and Plural 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th, declension) Verb Endings (1st Conjugation, Present tense, Imperfect Tense, Future Tense, Present Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect) If anyone has suggestions, that'd be great! It's hard to compare the cds when I'm looking around at the possibilities... Carrie:-)
  9. Hi There, I was just looking at Cycle 1 and I'm wondering if all the Latin Noun Endings are to music? Is that how the children learn them? Any other hints or thoughts on Cycle 1? I'm having Open Houses next month, so if anyone wants to give me any hints or what you loved preparing ....or having prepared for you....at Open Houses...I'd welcome those comments, too! Thanks! Carrie:-)
  10. The Latin in Classical Conversations is not overwhelming. Looks like Cycle 1 is filled with 24 weeks of non ending. Hmmm....I hope it's little songs. We haven't done Cycle 1 yet, so I guess we'll see. I am in the process of having little books read to my son in multiple languages (he's 5) I'm going to try for Spanish, Japanese, French and Russian. Just for the accent...and getting some sentences down. He's really good at languages, and I figure he can build on this knowledge later. He's five this year and so I can say, that for us, it looks like you have a lot of fun stuff planned. For handwriting, I'm doing Cursive First, It maintains that cursive should be taught first and after researching this, I agree. Memoria Press has a good article about why cursive is best, too. You might check into this:-) I'd say for the next year or two...plan to have lots of activities and do everything that the 3 of you thinks is fun! (And wait for anything you think isn't making everyone smile.) Just my opinion. Course, I believe in slow and steady:-) Carrie:-)
  11. We have the Redbox at McDonald's and it's only one dollar a movie...It's a good option for us. Cheaper than movies at the local Movie Rental place. Carrie:-) (Oh, and you can reserve the movies online...)
  12. Could you just explain that you need to have him be the "big brother" example and tell him that you need him to say, "fill in here whatever answer you want your children to have..our's would be 'yes ma'am' " and do what you say...without hesitation. Just explain that your children are watching, and you need him to act as you expect your children to act...when they are his age. Just apologize for not telling him ahead of time...and set up the expectations from here on out.. Very calmly, without any talkings of the past...Just talk about the future. Even about the thing with lying, I know that small lies aren't considered important by many, but my kids are watching, and it's a big deal to us...Please remember before you speak.... Always tell us the truth... Maybe?? Carrie:-)
  13. I can't wait till I get the memory book...I hear mine's been sent..Today! I should have it within a week:-) Carrie:-) Does anyone actually have his book in hand????
  14. Hey Hornblower...with all your info...can you train a hamster (and or guinea pig for that matter) to only go in litter? I know you can with (some) rabbits. Wouldn't that be nice?? I bet you could make a cool glass cage with a good lid on it. I'm pretty sure my husband could, and then you could do it for wherever you were planning to keep it.... (Oh..or metal...now I see the ones you're recommending...they're nice! and much better than what we had for our gerbils when I was young!) And...the water bottles (glass) look very nice...I'd get a couple of those! That way you could always have nice water for them! My daughter may get a guinea pig next year, so I'm watching all of this...and of course, we have a cat who would love a guinea to pounce on....so I'm watching for how to make it safe for all:-) Carrie:-)
  15. Hornblower, Maybe this is the case between having Siberian Huskies and What's an easier submissive dog? EXCEPT when you have babies you don't get to choose the breed. I mean, with children that you can explain things to and they will listen or listen and choose to talk until you get to an agreement..that's great! But, what you do with a child who refuses to listen...or listens agrees and then just does what they want to.... Carrie
  16. My brother did it in a group setting when he was younger.... We'd probably use it now, but we have to many grammar things going on... Although, my mom does use it when she's teaching my girls Latin... Carrie:-)
  17. I just received an email saying that my book is on it's way! I'm SO excited...... Carrie:-)
  18. So, I'm seeing your post, and maybe you're like me....Nice? Too nice? I'm not passive, but I'm very easy going. I really see the way I like to parent, work with my two oldest children. (step) They were partly raised before I got them (6 & 9) and they had some sadness happen before my husband and I were married. (The sadness is that their parents had divorced...and they were in daycare which they hated.) SO, I was a welcomed person in their life, since they got to stay at home instead of daycare. SO, I'm not sure how these things affected how they are, but they just obey. Maybe once every 6 months, I say something corrective, and they are positive in their response. On the other hand, my 10 year old sounds like your daughter. Dramatic, and would throw her ballet shoes if she didn't get her way! I have spanked her, and would again, and yes it does help to change their attitude. BUT, if you're like me....at all...I don't want to spank her every day. I don't ever spank out of anger, and so I can decide what to do. For us, instead of spanking...we usually talk about her heart change...what we need from her...how it can benefit her now and later. If you want an attitude change, and you would like something that helps without spanking...try work. For us, it means that my husband will make her work until she's no longer stubborn. For me, it's hard, because I would quit the attitude after the first 15 minutes...or maybe an hour! For her, the first time took all day, literally. All she had to do..was the first job (this was working outside with my husband moving bricks or wood or something like that) and then do the next job without yelling or stomping or something like that. They worked all day long, probably a total of something like 9 hrs...(with a lunch break) and finally at the almost end of the day, he told her to do her next chore, and she did it without any attitude. This is the funny thing, I would HATE someone who did this to/for me, and she LOVES him for his efforts. She actually respects his strictness. Don't think this makes it so she never has an attitude, but it's great for making a huge step in the right direction. You have to commit to following through. Lately, I started having her do time out with her hands on her head. I just do small increments with her...2 minutes with a minutes added if she argues... For us, it's working so far...because I only use it for attitude...and she's got the ability to stop the consequence early. (And, I can apply this with no guilt...so I don't go back on my word. I mean...when it's something that's hard to enforce, you're more likely to lighten up later on the consequence.) You really can't spank a child into a good attitude. Well, that's my opinion. (If you do spank them and they catch a good attitude (one that isn't just out of fear of another spank) it's because of being willing to listen, not just a spanking) The positive is that if you can help them control themselves without anyone being too bitter (you included) that when she gets older... She can be a strong even-tempered leader! :-) That's what I like to think about...is what this is shaping her to be. Carrie:-)
  19. (At least one of ) Our Oregon schools had the book about different ways for (rabbits) to commit suicide.... Library books just aren't always appropriate....and we still get to pay for the books...Ugh... And the Bible shouldn't be there..... Even if it's not true (and I believe it is) the writing is good! Which is more than you can say about most of the books in the school's libraries... Carrie:-)
  20. Hi Beth in SW WA :-0) So I looked at your blog again tonight...and realized that your little ones go to school. Do you plan to do this long term? We wouldn't have this choice, even if we wanted to send ours...as the closest classical school is almost an hour away...anyway... Just curious:-) You have a very nice blog....:-) Carrie:-)
  21. You're in New Jersey, right? I lived in Leonia when I was 21 (I'm 37 now) small and sweet place. Of course, remember, can you steer clear of all politics...because in a small town, you must not become involved in politics....or you know all the good and evil main people in town... Carrie:-)
  22. I have to say that I wouldn't read the Ezzo's for child discipline. Instructing Your Child's Heart is good. (By Tripp) Even though some will disagree strongly with his book about Sheparding Your Child's Heart, his Instructing Your Child's Heart is about getting to WHY they aren't obeying you. I also like Love and Logic, although I have a hard time letting them fall. And, as far as time out, if used for specific instances, I'm not sure 8 or 9 is too old. I just started an experiment with my kids, I have them do time out with their hands on their head. Takes away all the fun. I just do it for things like yelling. I'm very calm and say "two" and then if they are arguing..."three" "four" or if they keep yelling....I call it by 2 at a time... (2,4,...) so far I've only got to 8 and it's greatly improved my daughter's attitude. I'm fine with spanking sometimes, but it wasn't really something to spank for....(and at her age, not much would be...) BUT, for some reason, when she has an opportunity to stop right away...she has been....and WITH a good attitude! And, if relationship is the issue, I'm sure that hornblowers book is great, but you might want to look at the Love and Logic suggestion of spending a certain amount of time with just that child...at a specified time...I think the book goes through the suggestion...we went through it in class. Carrie:-) (IF you don't take care of it now, you'll be doing it next year.)
  23. Hey There, If you were double covered, would that pay for itself when you think of meds and visits and such. For us, I bet it would be pretty close. Also, for short term...it was pretty expensive for a month! We had to do it twice and it was spendy. AND, double pays quickly with the kids...The oldest three are double covered..... If it's dental too, it's a great time to start anything needed like braces:-) Carrie:-) (Who wishes our 5th grader hadn't used all her ortho benefits ...for life!)
  24. What I really want is the book that has the front page from the last 150 pages in it.... I haven't read it lately. Hmmm.... Do your kids read your local paper? I always wondered why schools thought it was a good idea to have them in the classroom..... Carrie:-)
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