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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Ergo from Favoritebabycarrier.com (90 day money back guarantee) They have other carriers, too.
  2. Hey There, So I'm just learning how to use HTML.... but on this one forum type thing (with no true support) they have a tool you can use... to format... to do things like paragraphs and color changes. I tried to use this... and at the end of the paragraph... there's the crazy  How do I get around this?? I hate posting on the spot, because it's not like here.... Here it's easy peasy!! :bigear:
  3. Wow, to cremate a Catholic? Is that allowed? They really have final say? This could very well be because of the $$$ to cremate -v- bury a casket. Very sorry.... I'd want to look and see who is in charge. I think it's wrong to cremate someone if that wasn't their decision. So Sorry...
  4. Yup, Probably would have, but maybe not what you're imagining. I would say, "Wow, look at your beautiful kids. I know how it is to have little kids who are antsy about coming to the Dentist. It's just not fair that moms never get breaks, huh? I'd love to read them a story right here while you take a break for a few minutes. Would you like to take a smoke or whatever??" Yup, I'd say it. Now... shoot me if you want... but I've been out there with the little boy getting spanked, but I can promise you he wasn't just looking at magazines... But, usually in public, it's better to just take a chill pill. It's hard, but remembering what my little angel boy looks like at night.... asleep... helps :) (Don't they just look so sweet with their little eyes fluttering??!!) :)
  5. Dang It!! Sooooo sorry, my husband's sister has it right now, and it's just not a kind disease. Prayers for you and your family as you deal with this. Get lots of videos of you right now... You have some time at the front to do some family stuff... that you won't be able to later. I'm seriously SOOOO sorry and wish I could take away the pain of this...
  6. So, spurred by a request for my 14 year old step-daughter (almost 15) to trade two days(two days that she'll be at her mom's house... really a very even exchange)... so I could go to a seminar... and having her tell me... "If I pay her she would".... I just think "Wow" this is a selfish kid! I mean, is this the same kid that is going to Israel with my Dad?? on a tour for a week and a half? That somehow we're probably going to be giving money for some of it... either to her or towards the trip..... And, my 17 (almost 18) year old step-daughter is moving full time to her mom's.... and thinks that maybe she'll come back to the house for the weekends that use to be "ours"? She's doing this after the summer... (but when oh when will she get a job??) I really wish she'd go now so she could get her job hunting going... (or volunteering or SOMETHING) And then my going to be 12 year old and 7 year olds.... Parenting just isn't my thing right now. I'm tired of angry, selfish kids.... who think that taking out the trash should bring eye rolling and snotty attitudes... I want a mansion with servants (who are happy to be with me:) Just thought I'd share. On a more serious note, we're all pretty healthy... and tomorrow after I sleep... I'll be in a better mood... I'll stop griping... and I'll try to be pleasant to be around. :)
  7. http://www.therebelution.com/blog/2010/05/happy-mothers-day-mom/ So, I couldn't find threads talking about the Harris'. They've been Homeschool Conference Speakers for ages, and now have had sad news about their Mom. For the Homeschooling community, and most of all for the children and other family members involved.... it's very sad! (cancer) So, for those of you who pray, I'm asking for prayers for the Harris family!!
  8. Hey Everyone In Oregon... I really hope you see this... I'm jealous... I just saw another person who is joining the Albany CC group!! But... happy for you and the Albany group! Someday, it'd be fun to have a big... WTM or CC... or combo of the two... Picnic Day or something. So, Everyone who's around here.... it'd be fun to know what group you're joining... And, for everyone else... join our CC Social Group so we can say "Hi". :)
  9. Spelling errors? You can't be serious! How about the difference between "accept" and "except" or between "loose" and "lose". Sometimes, especially the latter two, make for a really funny sentence! :)
  10. I really hate to see the kittie's killed :) Yup... I think of all those Kitty's everytime I see anything about Kittee's. Yup... I do!! :)
  11. Well, I love the Cutco scoop, too. Haven't use the Pampered Chef ones... OXO is a great brand for older people :) (Well, I like 'em too)
  12. How bout if he put up an invisible fence with the whole collar thing to train it not to go past his property. Would that work with a wolf?? Otherwise, I would just say, "fine" and it's understandable. So, when your wolf kills our chickies, how bout $40 a chick or something?? I'd put a camera up.... seems like you could charge something, right? Usually... money talks... But, I'm not sure I'd want a wolf roaming around anyway... since I have kids and such.... Can't contain an animal? Maybe you shouldn't have one???!!!!
  13. Well, if she does, you want antibiotics RIGHT away, because I've seen the difference between my children that received the antibiotics and not... :)
  14. I've used it, but don't remember about the premade lessons. I make all my own, for my own copywork from The Writing Road to Reading... and others. :) (Yes, I love my Mac!!)
  15. How bout the latest of "It Couldn't Just Happen" and books on Intelligent Design, which is not from a "Christian Perspective".
  16. I have used Tea Tree laundry detergent... and bleach... rinse well and then dry... and lay it out... so it dries... All the way... :)
  17. Either way, I'd rather a f*or*sk*n be cut off with a medical person in charge... (rather than rituals where the adult men chase a young man down... and cut it off... while the poor younger man is in pain) and a young girl being nicked by someone... who has a steady hand... and is doing minimal damage. Both of them have decreased S*x**l pleasure for the man and perhaps the woman.... But, although I don't agree with c*rcing... at least while they don't have a say... I don't agree at ALL with little baby girls being cut on. (and I wouldn't pierce their ears... either...) And... I have to say that male c*rcing is not at all the same. AT least guys enjoy s*x either way... which is MUCH more than the women with it cut up... Hmm
  18. I'd use an Ergo... or if you're visiting friends... borrow... or at a park... plan on renting. I'll tell ya... you can't go wrong with an Ergo!! (and with what you pay.. you're not too far behind with purchasing one! myfavoritebabycarrier.com and they have a 90 day money back guarantee!!) And yes, I'd rent the carseat, too. Except for the baby. I always purchased seats for my son. For under age 2, there's usually the offer of half off. Well.... that's how it was 6 years ago... :)
  19. NO, I'm not saying they have to agree or sign a SOF. I am saying that they have to sign that they UNDERSTAND what statement of faith that the group as an organization is coming from.... I think the difference between understanding where the group is coming from... and saying that you BELIEVE the statement of faith... is a HUGE difference.... :)
  20. I think it could work for you! In our group, we have had an "unchurched" family with us. They left due to behavior expectations, not faith issues. (We're a newish group) Can you deal with the fact that CC comes with a Christian Worldview? The top of the organization is very conservative... in every way! Those in CC, even leadership on a local level, have a wide range of beliefs.... but must be from a Christian standpoint that is summed up on their Statement of Faith. As a member, you do not have to AGREE with the SOF, just sign that you understand that it's where CC is coming from. Where this might come into play in the younger years.... The "date" that is attached in some groups to Creation. (you can choose to explain that this differs depending on what people believe) There are some instances where there may be references to things you would disagree with. There will be prayer and prayer requests, probably every week. In the most liberal spot in our State, I asked the Director how she deals with having Christians of many beliefs and also non-Christians. She said that she explains at the beginning that CC is for learning the grammar work... not for explaining your beliefs... or lack of them.... or anything except... well... the grammar work. It's not for converting... or chatting around donuts and coffee.... She backs this up by insisting that parents stay involved in the classes... and helping with the class.... versus chatting at the back. I know that there are a variety of different beliefs... from Muslim... to faiths that aren't considered "Christian" by many... to secular... involved with CC. If I know the answer... I'd be happy to help with any questions :) :)
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