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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. My mom, a WRTR convert from 20+ years ago:), also pronounces "Di-a-per". because of the type of phonogram or something.. that it is.
  2. Hey There, I'm doing Classical Conversations Info Mtgs in the Salem area. I have some spaces left; anyone want to check out CC in Salem?? PM Me :)
  3. Incredible it would be, but it's so not for me! (cuz I'm all the way on the West Coast!) Bummer!
  4. Hmmmm, probably not tonight! But, do a lot of smiles and other cute faces, and you'll get yourself there someday soon... :)
  5. Ouch! Have you checked looking for it on Craigslist? Once Upon a Child? Also, what are you going to use it for? The MacLaren Double stroller is nice if it's just to be around town... :)
  6. You could make a "garbage bag" wrap for her! What is she suppose to wear? Maybe some dress up to her neck and down to her ankles? I'm sorry! I'd be tempted to make some really funky duct tape dress.... but then... that's without giving it the proper time to settle. Now, my 14 year old... has some serious cleavage... it's kinda hard to hide... it's just... out there... she's little (5') and to find a dress for her is difficult. I know, as I tried last time she had a dance! Good Luck!
  7. "Edit: After further reflection, I can't see how you would be concerned about my internet viewing, seeing as I have at least three handheld devices that can fully access the internet, which you do not require me to have in a public area. I believe you are aware of this." Wow, if I were to be made aware of this, I'd be thankful for your comments and take the electronics away. Also, I'd tell you about spell check. :) PS, It all looks simple to parent, until YOU'RE the parent, and then it's just hard!
  8. How's putting the kids to bed working out? :) Wow, that was FAST! :)
  9. You know.. when Andrew was talking about NY and showed that Reuben, I wanted to grab it through the screen! I miss Pizza, real deli subs, the nasty smell when you're walking past those vent things.. smell of nuts that they sold from the carts, and other yummy foods! :)
  10. Persuasion! I'd wanna persuade! And, I'm not sure what other methods light the fire, under those who don't want to learn! So, if your kids love another way, great! But, I always think, "at least I love it!" They'll love it later! Stick around to talk with us :)
  11. I feel for you!! Are you just perfectly sure you can't work it out?? Borrow a Mom for that baby you need?? :)
  12. They're necessary :) as well as his other cds :)
  13. I'm SO flipping excited to see you're back!! I loved your posts before. I have Shirley 7, and I can use a ton of it for my son. (the method, not necessarily the actual sentences that are in 7) I noticed this when I was asking my older daughter some of the questions, and my son could answer... I actually like the older jingles; they're slightly longer or different than the younger ones. I figure it's easiest to just learn the whole thing right away. As for Singapore, once you start using it, you're going to love it! I absolutely love it for both my 7 and 11 year olds! I love the way that you're suppose to think while doing the math! It's all about the thinking behind it... and not just the answer. I do think it's easiest when you start while they're younger.. rather than older! :)
  14. Well, My very favorite... has been Singapore! :) :)
  15. Perhaps she's getting paid?? She carries his spare nuts? I see some jokes here!!
  16. Oops.. was gonna suggest the self cleaning cycle, too. Don't be surprised if it needs 2-3 cycles... :)
  17. Oops... yes.. if you'll have electricity... all the Jim Weiss cds you could... and The Story of the World cds and volumes 1-4 of the softcover... :)
  18. I would take a look at the Latin Centered Curriculum by Andrew Campbell, as it's simple and great in my opinion. It's what to do... I'd take 4 years of books at a time, and the Latin Centered Curriculum, a copy of The Well Trained Mind, and a copy of The Bluedorn's Teaching the Trivium. I would take The Well Trained Mind, because it's great on how to implement some ideas. For where you will be, I think book wise... Campbell's book would be good to use as a base... Since your kids will be young, I'd look at taking 1 or 2 sets of Beeswax crayons... because they last... forever!! I'd take the blocks, kinda chubby looking ones and "pencil" looking ones. http://www.oliebollen.com/detail.aspx?ID=9637&Code=MUR004&loc=related&cc=go something like these. And journals for your children to draw the nature around them. Be sure to purchase one or two sharpeners. (Our crayons have last 8 years with some pretty decent use.) And, while I like the simplicity of the Robinson's curriculum... and think you could gain lots of encouragement about keeping it "simple", I wouldn't think that'd be the best... just my opinion... :)
  19. I like these! I wish that little stainless cups were made instead of the plastic... oh well... someday :) Thanks for sharing!
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