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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. DS is a "verbally" gifted kid, read very early, extensive vocabulary, etc. We are about 1/2 through Grammar Town and he is doing really well. I want to add in more creative writing because he's finally getting to a point stamina wise where he can write more than a sentence or two. I plan on doing the voyage level next year, but I'm also drawn to Bravewriter. I'm wondering if this would be overkill? Essay Voyage seems like a great book, but I'm wondering if it has enough writing? DS will turn 9 in November, and it will be his 4th grade year.
  2. We are doing the same thing! Following this thread closely. DS got interested in electromagnetism after a Cosmos episode on Michael Faraday.
  3. I started suspecting early, when he was 18 months and could recognize all the letters and their sounds because he was constantly pointing to letters and asking what they were, I figured something was up. He started reading at 2, and I just blamed it on an enriched environment. I didn't really think "gifted" because he was my oldest and I had no gauge of "typical." He started preschool at 3, almost 4, and the directress was talking about his abilities within the first week. He apparently read a box on the shelf that said "geometric solids," and she was quite taken aback. :lol: At that point she sort of clued us in. My twins are a different story. My DS is turning out to be pretty mathy, and my DD is more of a globally bright/ moderately gifted sort of girl. It's different with them because their brother came first, so I had different expectations. It's been a ride, that's for sure!
  4. Nuun tablets in the water bottle or nooma (Cleveland based company owned by two cool brothers.) Coconut water has electrolytes but I think it tastes awful.
  5. I think it's silly and would not want my kids to participate, but I also wouldn't want them to feel left out. So I would do it but not like it.
  6. I'd wear work out clothes for the errands and the. Change for MNO
  7. I dropped it after K! I would randomly get out spelling power and check his progress, and he kept progressing, so I didn't worry about it. He ceilinged the WJ-III spelling subtest last spring, so I don't even check his progress anymore. All that to say, I think it's totally fine to drop it!
  8. Yes, he plays the double bass which is definitely work for him. Also, he has fine motor issues, so the act of writing is character building for us both. :lol:
  9. I do have Ceasar's English here waiting for us. Maybe I will drop LL and just do that for a while, along with a living language. I am at about an intermediate level with French, so it would be way easier for me. Thank you for the replies. I did need someone to tell me it's ok. :lol: I love the idea of my kids learning Latin, and I do see the value in it as far as grammar and other languages are concerned. Maybe we will pick it up again later.
  10. Is it worth it for us to continue? DS would rather not do it, but he doesn't hate it. I'm the bigger problem here. :lol: I do not like it. It's a slog. I would rather teach him a living language. (I know, blasphemy!) :leaving:
  11. It's been 2.5 years and I've yet to feel anything but pure relief. :) Eta: I was only 32, but I was sure. Very sure. Lol
  12. Homeschooling was the furthest thing from my mind. It quickly became the "least worst option" because of academics and food allergy concerns. Now I can't imagine doing anything else!
  13. I've dealt with anxiety off and on for years. Yoga and running help, along with getting enough sleep, but the only thing that has made a significant difference is therapy. I avoided it for years, and I wasted a lot of time.
  14. Lol! My mom says those ridiculous things too. I also agree about gut flora/ immune system link.
  15. The author is definitely biased, as she has a good allergic child of her own, but she makes some good points. http://www.robynobrien.com/_blog/Inspiring_Ideas/post/guess-who-funded-the-latest-peanut-study/
  16. You should go now. A little running is still running. Even for walking properly fitted shoes make all the difference. Congrats on taking on this challenge! I'm running my 3rd half this fall.
  17. I plan on doing this when my kids are a little bit older. I think as long as the work gets down, and the kids are taken care of, there is no reason it can't work. :)
  18. Ds and I just started the Pyle version of King Arthur. We aren't very far in, but now I want to switch to something else. lol! We really enjoyed Pyle's Robin Hood. Hopefully KA won't be too horrible.
  19. I lived in the SF bay for 4 years, it's astronmically expensive compared to Tennessee.
  20. Ours is having the opposite problem, everything in the fridge has ice crystals, even though it's turned all the way down. Maybe the thermometer is broken? Your post inspired me to figure this out. :lol:
  21. I'm 3 books behind! February is when it always falls apart for me. I think I get legitimately depressed, and I just get lazy. I'm the poster child for S.A.D, and I live in the Midwest. :thumbdown: Anyways, I'm buckling down. I'm 1/3 of the way thrugh Running with Scissors, and after that I'll be on a Jane Austen spree. Hopefully they aren't too much of a slog. I love Brit lit, and most people can't believe I've never read these!
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