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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. Because the noose is a symbol of it. I'm probably still not articulating myself well.
  2. racism [rey-siz-uh m] noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. (This particular case falls under #2 and #3.) And I'm not trying to be sarcastic posting the definition. I was having a hard time articulating myself. Also, just because the young men in the picture weren't offended, doesn't make it not offensive. I also don't understand how they didn't see it as racist.
  3. Also, I bookmarked this a couple of weeks ago. A blog post from a homeschooler about this exact predicament. https://quillandcamera.wordpress.com/2015/03/11/how-a-homeschooling-mindset-changes-everything/
  4. I feel the same. ETA: That being said, I think I'd try to figure out more why he hates it. My DS says he hates his bass, but what he really hates is doing work. :lol: Music is really important for our family too, and just like other PP's DH's family is gifted musically, so we put a lot of emphasis on music. I don't feel like it HAS to be lessons, you an learn tons on the internet these days. ;)
  5. No, intent isn't necessary. Just because someone doesn't mean to insult you doesn't mean words aren't still mean, insulting, sexist, etc etc etc. Just because you don't mean something to be racist, doesn't mean it isn't.
  6. I can't get in the habit of using it. I love the idea of it. I lack follow through, so that's probably why it's not working for me. :lol: I'm inspired to try again now!
  7. No, and when my DS is with me running errands during school hours they ask if he had a doctor's appointment or if he just has a day off school. I've never been asked if I home school.
  8. I just ordered a hold from the library. My 8 yo DS and I have room fights on the regular. The only time he told me he hated me was while I was standing in his room with a garbage bag because he refused to even begin cleaning. I've lowered my expectations a lot, I've made check lists, I've organized things different ways. I help him. The bottom line is, he hates to clean and doesn't want to. I don't blame him, but I want to try to help him develope the ability to focus on mundane, horrible tasks that are necessary in life, like picking up a million Legos. I hope you guys are having a better day today.
  9. For YNAB, they run a sale through Steam periodically, I got mine 1/2 price that way.
  10. I'm not a dave ramsey follower at all, but I LOVE You Need a Budget. It really has changed our lives.
  11. I agree on that last point, I would recommend bermuda shorts instead of cropped pants. I get what the commenters are saying, and I agree, wear what you want! BUT, it doesn't make it "fashionable." If you don't care about that, then I'm not sure why even you would enter into the conversation? (Not YOU personally, YOU generally.)
  12. Just saw this on my twitter feed. Try this chic alternative to capri pants.
  13. Chiming I only to respond that I know 4 instances of ACA helping families/individuals. 1. A family of 4, mom is a music teacher, dad is an adjunct prof. 2. An unemployed man in his late 50's (why he doesn't have a job is a great question, and I'm not at all supportive of his lifestyle, but being that it's a family member, I'm relieved he now has coverage for his heart and diabetes medications. Oh yeah, and his therapist. ) 3. A same sex couple where one person had health care through work and the other did not, and coverage for same sex domestic partners is not mandated in my state. 4. Single, self employed mom. ACA is far from perfect, but it's a step up for a lot of people close to me. I'm willing to support any other plans that cover more people more affordably. You know what I've heard from the opposition regarding a replacement? Crickets.
  14. I disagree. I think there are classics that women of any age look good in. Capris just aren't one of them.
  15. Yes. slow clap. I agree with amal's outfit too. Oh Em Gee. and I agree, the cute stuff that is being linked are cropped pants, essentially longer "capris." True capri pants came back 15 years ago, and are most certainly not fashion forward. I'm mostly "classic mom" so definitely not a fashionista, although I do buy trendy pieces when the budget allows. And my family is waiting in the car for me while I answer this very important post. :lol:
  16. Do either of these options have a peer interaction component?
  17. Ok, now that I've read the whole thread, this may be one of my favorite threads ever.
  18. Yes, I believe we are tier 36.
  19. Sorry, the EG thing is just to give a general idea of level as far as course work would go. I prob should have just said a grade level. :) Anyways, I was looking at lukeion & Landry. Landry has a prep course for younger kids, but I don't know if that would be review.
  20. I have decided that Latin would be a good opening to online classes for DS. I'd love something not *too* intense since this will be his first course with a teacher other than me. As far as placement, we will probably finish BB1 of LL by the fall. DS will turn 9 in November.
  21. WTF? That's horrific. (I'm sorry, but this deserves that "F.") ETA: We've only read through the elementary books, but I despise Fred, and my DS loves him. We've always thought of him as our little Alex P Keaton, so it didn't surprise me. :lol: I REALLY don't want to buy anymore, but DS is asking for them. :glare:
  22. I guess i didn't know if it was a waste of time. We are sleeping on it until Monday. Thanks for your advice!
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