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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. This is exactly what I need to say. Thank you!
  2. :( That's so sad. I wish there was an easy answer to all of this!
  3. Yes, and I was going to mention a capsule wardrobe. I'm going to see if I can figure out a situation where I can do this for myself!
  4. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: In this particular case, she was remembering incorrectly, or just plain making stuff up, so I gently corrected her. (It had to do with speech, and I think I remember correctly, but maybe I'm being defensive, it definitely caught me off guard.) In any event, correct or not, I think it's totally inappropriate to say something like that. Whoever asked, it's not MY sibling. ;)
  5. Thank you for all of the thoughtful replies! I really appreciate the support. I stopped talking about ds a long time ago, I never really did actually, because by the time I realized what I was dealing with, I was aware that I needed to check myself and any ego I could have at the door. We also have always had over exciteabilities, asynchronicity issues galore, etc, so those were always at the forefront of my mind. It's just that he started reading as a young toddler, and was easy to pick out as "gifted" pretty much since he started talking. Her child is also very bright, but she (the mother) hasn't yet realized (or doesn't care?) how the bragging comes across. I usually just ignore that, but recently there was a very pointed comment made along the lines of "my child does this better than yours did at that age." Exact words. I mean, what does one do with that kind of comment?
  6. I have a family member who has always been competitive. I'm pretty laid back, so it's never been a huge issue, but now that she has a child, it's becoming one. :glare: I do feel like having an "out there" kind of kid opens us up to that. I find that people go out of their way to mention their children's strengths & achievements to me, which I always congratulate. That doesn't bother me so much, except when it gets excessive. However, this situation I'm dealing with now is blatant comparisons, which in the past while it made me uncomfortable, has now crossed the line to hurtful. (and it's based on her revisionist history, but that's besides the point.) Plus it's a family member that I can't really avoid. If you've experienced this, how do you deal?
  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one. This is actually my SIL's book club, I'm afraid I'm going to embarrass her. :laugh:
  8. This. And this is why it's very hard for me to stay non-judgemental in these situations.
  9. I'm struggling with this too! We are doing swim lessons in June and July (3 week sessions) so I think we will be schooling very little during that time.
  10. Hmmm, not buying online has me stumped. Zappos has free returns? :lol:
  11. Well, I hated The Girl on the Train. I actually wrote hate notes for my book club tonight. :lol: The writing came across as lazy and I figured the end out halfway through. I don't want to give spoilers so I'll leave it at that. :laugh:
  12. Ds started at 6, and I tried to drop it this year but he won't let me. I think it's highly subjective.
  13. We runners like talking about our gear. Don't get us started on shoes.
  14. That's weird. It sounds like EoE, but if it's the first time you've felt it, that wouldn't be the case.
  15. I've been wanting to try this, it looks way cuter than a spi belt. My spi belt works perfectly though, so I haven't wanted to spend the money.
  16. I have run 2 half marathons and done countless hours of yoga and Pilates since I've had my twins. This skin isn't going anywhere. Much to my dismay.
  17. Bahahaha! Note to self: READ ALL POSTS BEFORE RESPONDING.
  18. I found our costco map, I hung it for the time being, but it's definitely lacking in style. :lol:
  19. I think I'll re read this! I read it as a 17 year old on vacation, and it sticks with me to this day.
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