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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. I find it very hard to believe that those opposed are opposed for any other reason than religious views. Why is it "wrong" if the answer is not "because my religion says so?" Homosexuality can be found in plenty of other species, so that throws the "nature" out of it. I strongly believe in separation of church and state. Also "OUR" culture is mostly for gay marriage. http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/data-mine/2015/06/26/supreme-court-affirms-right-to-gay-marriage Sooooooo.....
  2. i'm in Ohio, one of the thirteen shameful states that needed this decision. I'm dying to go down to the courthouse and watch all the love.
  3. He literally just started reading last lesson. there is a theory class component where he learned the basics over this past school year. I've been talking to him and he really wants to do guitar. Our Suzuki program does have guitar, so maybe that's our answer. I really want him to do piano for the reasons everyone mentioned, but he is more interested in guitar. (I'm guessing because of the rock band. ;))
  4. I agree, and honestly he's ready to read music so I don't know that he needs the Suzuki method at this point. I definitely hear what everyone is saying about the chamber orchestra. The problem is, he has no interest in this, because he'd still be playing the bass. He does want to be in a rock band. Of course. :laugh:
  5. This is what has kept me from making the leap. I do really appreciate what Suzuki has to offer. I am considering switching him to Suzuki piano. He just finished book 1 of Bass, I think he could work through it fast in piano since he already knows the notes. ETA: He would never go for getting music lessons as birthday gifts. Unless it wasn't bass. :-/
  6. He originally chose bass because he wanted to play jazz. (which I couldn't say no to a 5 year old jazz player. ;)) The establishment where he takes suzuki has ensembles and also a rock band group, but he is just now aging into them. I should probably look into those before we decide.
  7. Unfortunately there's no way to scale back with the suzuki program.
  8. Good advice! The suzuki program does both piano and guitar. It's just I have 2 other kids who I'd like to start on an instrument in the next year, and we can't afford suzuki for everyone. :( ETA: I thought we'd magically be able to afford it by now. :lol:
  9. Here's the background, my DS (8.5) loves music. My husband's family is very musically inclined, and they all have a natural talent. My DS definitely inherited that gene. He only played with instruments until about 6. This is how obsessed he was, but he has since branched out. Anyways, he started formal drum lessons at 4, formal double bass lessons at 5. He did both until 6, when we decided it was too much money going towards lessons and we made him choose. He chose the double bass. It's at a very good suzuki program. There are weekly lessons and twice a month group classes. We LOVE the program. The downside is of course, cost. It averages out to over $200 a month when you include the rental of the bass. We are happy to pay it except for, it seems for the past 2 years that he doesn't really enjoy the bass. :lol: He still has his drum set, and we bought him a nice weighted keyboard a couple of years ago that he plays. He taught himself all of the keys and will play radio songs by ear on it. When he plays that and the drums, I see real joy. When he plays the bass, its definitely drudgery. (Even at a recital, when he's mastered a song.) Also, the bass is not as versatile as other instruments, so he feels a little stifled. His bass teacher is also leaving at the end of the summer. The woman who is replacing her is also great, but it provides a nice breaking off point, one that we were considering since the fall anyways. DS did a practice piano lesson yesterday, and while the teacher was not at all what we are used to, I think DS can learn a lot from him, and I'll be honest, the cost is much less. It's also a lot closer to our house. DS wants to switch to piano and guitar, but I told him we'd just do one for now, and then possibly add in guitar after the new year if things are going well. He agreed and wants to switch. I'm just apprehensive because change is difficult, and I'm afraid he will miss the suzuki program. However, I don't want to keep paying all of the money for an instrument he doesn't really enjoy playing. (I do realize no kid wants to practice, and have tried really hard to separate the work from the playing.) Help!
  10. I lived just north of SF for 4 years, but not as a parent. I just took my kids to NYC, and I talked a lot about this with DH, you know, just daydreaming about what we could do as home schoolers. I ultimately chose NYC for the museums. SF has better weather though!
  11. I've been here too. It's okay to mourn these things.
  12. Love this. I need to print it out and hang it on my fridge.
  13. Been there. I just remind myself that no one's life is perfect, and to appreciate what I have.
  14. I was able to do just therapy. I really recommend it!
  15. No, I thought about it for a short time, but ultimately decided to just discuss the books as we go in an informal manner for elementary ages. 8filltheheart is one that sticks out, but many posters advised me against adding more than just discussion.
  16. I do think there is some "luck" to it all. I mean, life is luck though, right? Being in the right place at the right time, literally and figuratively, can sometimes matter. I do agree with the incredible suckiness of gifted ed right now.
  17. Hugs mama. It's hard when you want more, no matter how many you have.
  18. In all seriousness, I come from a very dysfunctional family. I've worked super hard to break a lot of cycles. I will always be working on it, but I have really made vast improvements over the childhood experience I had with my parents, for my own kids. (It helps that I do not have undiagnosed mental illness and addictions.) Now, I NEVER swear AT my kids. I still yell too much, but I've made a lot of improvement there too. So what I'm trying to say is that the swearing is kind of my last thing left to fix, and I actually really like saying bad words. :lol: :lol: :lol: I definitely don't swear in front of other people's kids, and I'm really trying to have a better reaction when I'm angry, but if I'm being honest, I doubt I'll ever stop completely. :ph34r: In short, I justify my potty mouth by telling myself I could be a lot worse.
  19. Well, we LOVED the grammar in both Island and Town levels. DS really loved the little Mud trilogy too. We decided against the lit books because we had already read 2 of them, and the general consensus on the boards was that they weren't really worth it. So I guess I'm suggesting you do the opposite of what you posted. :lol: Feel free to ignore me. In all seriousness, I would just keep going along with the AO book lists. (We use these too.) I don't think you need the special "lit" books MCT offers, and I'm a total MCT fangirl.
  20. The only thing I've purchased for next year is math. I'd love to sell the odds and ends I have, I haven't had much luck on classifieds.
  21. http://www.salon.com/2015/06/13/talent_practice_luck_all_of_the_above_what_it_takes_for_the_gifted_child_to_succeed/ I dislike the use of the term "scary smart," but I found it interesting/comforting.
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