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Everything posted by Once

  1. deleted Oh never mind. I answered my own question. (rolling my eyes at myself)
  2. I'll throw a success story in here. Our PLC in Canada was paid off this summer. We have a small HEL and will pay it off by Christmas. Free of medical bills as of this month. OT for dd and broken arm for ds. Our next goal after the HEL is our van. Then we will only have a mortage. It will be tight for us the next four months but there is alot to motivate me. And we still do not have it as bad as some since we live in a very prosperous state. The state I live in is one of three in the nation with surplus and Dh is paid by the state. So, we have a lot to work on but also a fair amount of security. I am very thankful.
  3. Thanks ladies for all your great replies. I needed to find some perspective.
  4. I was suprised when the doctor had so many X rays for ds's broken arm. One in the emergency room, one when cast was put on (the next day) and one when the cast was taken off. HTH
  5. Anyone care to share what they expect from their dc from K - 4th grade with respect to written narrations. I'm especially curious about the physical act of writing out narrations when a child has a hard time with paper pencil work. I vaguely remember a post with the progression through the grammar years. Something like this.... Kindergarten being only oral narrations. 1st grade is writen by mom. 2nd is writen by mom but copied by child. ect. But I cannot find it now. It was a helpful post but it cannot get to it again. I'm curious what people do with their own children when their child has a difficult time with the act of writing. Thanks to all of you!
  6. Thanks for posting this. He has a beautifully deep voice. I highly recommend the movie for anyone interested. I will not forget it.
  7. I'm trying to post a reply which is both funny and humble; I cannot find the "words" (I really mean punctuation). One part of me wants to laugh at the uniqueness of this site and the other part of me wants to spend the night learning how to punctuate correctly...just so's [sic] I could use the tools correctly. Many thanks for your link but I could cry - no bemoan, rail and complain- at my inability to post an adequate response using all the listed punctuation! Alas, I do not want to appear to be a know-it-all. ;) :leaving: How does one celebrate said day? (I left the colon out for obvious reasons.):lol:
  8. I had serious morning sickness with my first, a girl. I also had very bad heartburn. Not much nausea with either boy. But others wise they were pretty much the same on all the other factors. Still no baby I see. I hated being over due the first two times. Here's to a big storm to push you over the edge. (I hear that helps)
  9. After reading your post I realized we are in the same place. I'm going to listen in. :001_smile: :bigear:
  10. Great news!! I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers!
  11. We start a "grade" in September as we are required to send in forms to the school district two weeks before we start school. But we take a substantial break at Christmas time which has on occassion included parts of November. So we start up our review in January and we keep going during the summer since it is so easy to get school done then without outside activites to change our routine. I generally dislike the review period *we* have to take when we take more than a few days off so I avoid long breaks unless absolutely neccessary. I feel very tired and unmotivated during the holidays so that is like our long break for the year. Although, dd does a page or two of math here and there when dd will do it without complaint. :tongue_smilie: So we are just wrapping up in two months and we just go started in August!!!!
  12. Praying for your friend successful surgery! I'm so sad you all have to go through this. You are right....it makes the small challenges we face each day so trivial. I pray all goes well tommorrow!
  13. When dh is out late working at the office before a conference I do not stay up on purpose. But if I were out I would hope that dh would stay up for me until I am safe and sound. But there has never been a case where I was out that late. (He is a bit of a night owl!) How is that for a double standard!
  14. :iagree: For the summer temp too. 76 degrees. We did not need it much this summer since we opened up the windows at night and cooled the house off.
  15. A nursing home. Villian is a chef in the kitchen skilled at making low fat gravy. Everyone loves him because it tastes sooo good. :D The romance in the west wing is the most convoluted. But the east wing rivales it since the residents are older ...... by ten years. ;) (Please, I am not trying to offend older people.....some day I will be one.) :tongue_smilie:
  16. Well, I have gone through stages when we do *all* of our read alouds outside. Just get a big blanket and start a great book anywhere without bugs! Science is another one that is great outdoors. Go for a nature walk and draw what you find. Charlotte Mason had some great ideas about the value of those walks. Gym happens outside here too...... It is fun to get out this time of year. We know our time outside is coming to an end. Winter looms. :tongue_smilie:
  17. I do this alot. I'm thankful sometimes but I'm afraid it means I lurk more than I post. Which just feels weird, kwim? I'm not big on chatting irl either. I like to discuss but do not argue with people. Rep on the other hand, I just give out whether I have posted or not that day. :tongue_smilie:
  18. In the case of tomatoes, the canned ones have more if they are in a condensed form. So, tomato paste is better than fresh tomatoes if you are considering lycopene. With canned goods you lose the vitamin C but there are other things that are retained. If you want an item to store which will increase fresh ingredients into your diet you could try sprouts. Sprouting has many nutritional advantages. Mung beans are the easiest to do but may not be palitable. HTH
  19. We just finished watching Mr. Bean's Holiday. It is rated G. My kids laughed alot. I think Mr. Bean is as screwball as you can get. Dh and I remembered It's a Mad Mad Mad World. It is an oldie but we remembered liking it way back when. There is a 1970's version out but I have not watched it. I'm thinking of the one from 1963. :001_smile:
  20. :iagree: I think the manufacturing maybe a tish off. I'm looking at buying my second one. I do love my Fannie Farmer!
  21. LOL! So you feel very strongly that to harvest it now would do some harm?:lol: OK, let's talk. So what if one had a plant that was 7 feet across and talking up lots of space. And said plant was harvested off of last year in late August with an early winter following. This plant is bigger this year than last and keeps on keeping on. Do you still feel like it would put the plant at risk? I do not want to kill it but so far anything I do seems to make it grow even better. (I'm afraid in a whinny voice....and I really want some more rhubarb jam.....) Do you still think I shouldn't? :bigear:
  22. Thanks for thinking of this! I'm going to make some stewed rhubarb right now while dc are doing math.
  23. Would it be OK to harvest rhubarb today? I was thinking of starting to winterize parts of my garden this week and I usually start with my rhubarb. When I went out the stalks were beautiful, even more beautiful than the first crop I pulled earlier this summer. I was wanting to put some rhubarb jam up for the winter so I was thinking instead of compositing perfectly good stalks should I make up some jam this week instead? Anyone have compelling evidence to say this is a bad idea? (Just to let you know I am not worried about killing the plants, they are very hearty and I have harvested late before!) Thanks ahead of time!
  24. My Mary Kay rep spent a few minutes one day asking dd her addition facts and grilling her on American history facts. She was in Kindergarten. :001_huh: Yeah. It happens and it can be hard to not take personally. I think I have changed in this area. Perhaps it was the testing results perhaps it was just feeling a bit more confident but now it does not bother me when others do it. (But I cannot stand it when it comes from my family!!!!!) She was just trying to be chatty while I wrote the check and sometimes things like that have different meanings than intended. Ftr, I do not buy MK anymore. ;) So I guess I haven't changed that much.
  25. No, but if is good would you let us know. It maybe enough for dd to finally get the motivation to read it cover to cover. :tongue_smilie:
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