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Everything posted by Once

  1. :iagree: Wise words. Wise words. I like the comment on not being legalistic. There is no better way to kill a love of God than to smash it down their throats. The act of courage comes from knowing that they have a free will and *may* choose to live outside of God's family.
  2. This is great question and one that I could be asking myself regarding my dd. One of the things that I think we as humans depend on a little too much is outward behavior to feel secure in our Lord. We forget that God sees the heart of all our behavior and calls it like rags compared to what He has to offer. My thoughts on this....we need to practice devotion to God ourselves if we want our children to devote themselves to Him. Giving up outward rules and setting our relationship with Him as primary. There is no curriculuum to be purchased. I see as I write this what a hugely broad undertaking this is. But what is impossible with man is possible with God. Gives you a sense of security knowing this truth. Rereading your post....any spiritual practices which bring this attitude to fruitition....certainly reflecting on what God wants from us, daily prayer and action based on His leading. All of these things again reflect the first idea which is devote yourself to God and your children will see and follow. My apologies, I am pondering out loud. Thank-you for posting this. What an encouragement to think of these things!
  3. :party: Sounds like fun! Congratulations on your new permanent addition!
  4. I soak venison in soya sauce before I cook it, it seems to help the strong taste. Of course, red wine is a good idea as well. :D
  5. Well, here when it smells downstairs it just means that there is root build up in our pipes going out of the house. I just call the plumber and he grinds tham out for a mear $300. But, I know what it is by looking at the hole in our floor next to the washing machine and there is water up and out where it shouldn't be. Maybe that is all it is. Quick, go look!
  6. This is a hard one. Spaghetti squash still seems like squash even with sauce on it. One thing you want to do is be sure to cook it well. It is even worse when it is undercooked. Here is a good recipe for Butternut squash. You put it over gourmet noodles from the store, cheese filled ravioli is best. Fry, until translucent, in 2 Tbls. butter two onions chopped. Add 1/2 cup white wine (optional), 2-3 cans chicken broth and 3 pounds cubed butternut squash (stab, microwave to soften, peel, deseed and cube or just chop it up the hard way). pinch of ginger and nutmeg Simmer till soft. Set aside to cool slightly. Then process in the food processor or blender, either all or part of the mixture. You get to decide what your family will like. Add to the processor 3/4 cream cheese *or* neufchalet cheese and 3/4 cup half and half (I have used regular milk in a pinch). When and if it needs reheating, warm it slowly just to warm. It will break otherwise and not be pleasant. I like bacon bits or fried bacon as a garnish. It is also very good as a soup with crusty bread. This one is from Saving Dinner by Leanne Fly. My kids love it and barely know it is squash.
  7. Yes. Well, in my defense, it was very old and the latch for the self cleaning oven was broken for a whole year. Yes, a whole year, the grunge collected. One day after a greasey sugary spill happened that *I was not aware of*....it...well...caught fire...big time, caught fire. So, since it was old, we bought a new one. You've got some good suggestions for cleaning ideas and a whole new reason to clean it. :D
  8. :blushing: mmm...yeah, I had one like that a few months ago. It caught fire one day and we bought a new one. Sorry, I'm no help.
  9. When I get Where I'm Going with Dolly Parton and someone else. Love it. And almost all the rest mentioned. I'm a sucker for sweet meaningful ones.
  10. Thanks for the info. Dh teases me about our egg consumption and I often make a trip to the grocery store just for eggs. But, I would be hard pressed to find the space for a months worth. Do you have an extra fridge? We do and it is not used well....hmmm. Off to measure. ;)
  11. We have been ordering for years. I like them but we have had ordering issues and moldy produce on occassion. I do however find them to be very accomodating. They are improving. I do not ever order milk, eggs or anything too perishable with them. I do get cheese and have ordered the Nancy's cream cheese. Their appple, pear and potato prices are amazing. They have good prices but I am camparing them to a small co-op with high prices in a small community. We do not have Trader Joe's or anything nice like that. I like their variety but again I am in a small isolated community. HTH
  12. 1) What's for breakfast at your house? Homemade pumpkin muffins, you caught me on a good day. 2) What kind of car do you drive? Town and Country mini van, 5 years old 3) What's your weather today? Sunny and 50* 4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? No but cut. Do I get points for that? 5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Reading...does No More Water in the Tub count. :001_huh: 6) Is your bed made? Yes, that one is always done. 7) What's for dinner? Church meal tonight. 8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. Three year old packed his own Kindermusic bag today. Dd helped him. Son sat, ate two muffins and chatted with me before anyone got up. :001_wub: 9) What color is your bathroom rug? Blue, but it's more of a small towel we put up after showers. 10) Who's your favorite artist? My dc. 11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Grape juice with Magma Plus 12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? I have wind up wooden clock that is shaped like a school house. 13) Do you collect anything? Does food count? I love to grocery shop. 14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) No. Never. Call me Scrooge. I strive to underacheive during the holidays. 15) What are you wearing today? 15 year old sweater, navy blue with a Denim skirt, off white. Sneakers with no socks (cuz they are all dirty) Only because we went to Kindermusic today....otherwise, would have been PJ's till after lunch. :tongue_smilie: I look like a stereotype. I'm not sure to think about that. __________________
  13. Since I also bake ww muffins at home, I know what you mean. I find spelt flour makes really soft muffins. It is higher in protien and I consider it a whole grain. I get mine from local mill but you could find it else where. Azure standard might send it by FedEx. I'm interesting in the responses of others, so I'll be watching.
  14. Our's isn't here either. I'm waiting patiently....or not.
  15. Loved your pictures...but loved the song on your blog(?) more. Thank-you! You have blessed me today as I surely needed to hear it.

  16. A friend recommended Till we Have Faces by CS Lewis. I just found it a few days ago, essentially free, so I though I would offer the suggestion.
  17. I tried coconut oil in a muffin recipe I have made several times and found it to be more greasy than usual. Next time I will 1/2 it and use water to make up the rest. Great tip!
  18. If you have apple sauce or pumpkin puree and choclate chips you could make a great no butter brownie recipe. Moosewood is my fav recipe for that but I have not made it in awhile. They have to be eaten right away but you won't mind. ;) Preheat oven to 350. Oil an 8X11 inch pan. Sift and set aside - 1 cup white flour 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder pinch of salt In a saucepan, melt one ounce baking chocolate (or chocolate chips) with 1/4 cup oil and transfer into a mixing bowl. Add 1/4 corn syrup and 1/4 cup apple sauce or pumpkin puree. Add 1 cup brown sugar packed and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat for two minutes, until creamy. Add one egg and 1 egg white and beat another minute or two, until smooth. Fold in sifted ingredients until just barely mixed. Pour batter into pan. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until knife inserted comes out clean. Let me know what you think!
  19. Loved your post about crying babies and the conservative church. Makes me very glad that I am saved by a wise and loving God. We humans miss it sometimes. If I could give you rep - I would.

  20. Missed your post a few minutes ago, after reading that I think you are a perfect candidate for a one time cleaning (still from a private cleaner) to get you a few paces closer than you are. You and your kids can keep doing your chore routine and retain the clean feeling with a little work. Soccer session is awful around here, I feel for you. :auto:
  21. I have a cleaning lady and a fairly spartan house. I still have piles that drive me crazy and the cleaning lady cleans around them. :glare: She is wonderful but I see clutter even when the house is clean. This is stressful for me. So I think you need to look around to see if it is dirt or clutter that is bothering you. If it is clutter, then go ahead and give it away or move it into cheap storage (ie, basement) and wait to find out if you still feel the strain. If it is truely dirt, then I say go for it. If I were stretched beyond my limits at supper time I would not think twice about buying supper from a restaurant. So, if I was stretched emotionally around the cleanliness of my house I would not feel bad about hiring a person to clean it. Just do not expect it to be decluttered when you arrive home...she will not be a miracle worker.;) I say that as I have asked alot of my cleaning lady lately and I know the house looks nicer if it is mimimal, clean or not. Another thought, a cleaning business will cost more...you are better to find someone by word of mouth and hire privately. They cost a lot less, especially now that people are laying off private cleaning ladies to save a bit of money and some people are starting part time work to make a bit of money. You might be suprised when you ask around at who knows of a person that is looking for work. Overall, I say go for it and see how it works. Especially if the money is not a serious issue. If it is serious maybe you could "hire" one of your kids to work at a cleaning schedule one hour a day for an agree upon amount of money which goes toward the cost of sports and activites. There are a lot of great cleaning schedules out there for almost free.
  22. I'm glad you have success. They are wonderful when they are well seasoned but it takes practice to get it right.
  23. I had sticky pan issues about 3 years ago. I found a grapeseed oil that is cleaner and makes a smoother finish when it is done. When reseasoning, the smoking issue is normal and can be a real mess. I have found it better to season regularily each time and add a new coat over the previous one and not let it get too worn off. I make sure not to scrubb too hard or use soap...just really hot water. If I do that, it does not ever get to the point of needing to be completely reseasoned...which is undersirable, as you have found out. I hope you get some other anwers to help you on your way. Cast iron pans are wonderful alternative to non-stick. Oh, to answer your question, reseason it with another oil, perhaps turn the oven up higher and leave it in longer. Messy but worth it. Be careful not to put to much on as that will make a mess in your oven and will smoke regardless of how you do it.
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