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Everything posted by Once

  1. Way to go! We are taming the clutter monster here as well. I want to be ready for the Christmas chaos because I like to relax that time of year. Keeping it up is always easier when the hard stuff is done. :party:
  2. The Vietnamese Chicken recipe I posted over at the In the Kitchen social group has always been received well. It is very easy to move from one house to the other...I have done it many times. Any white rice is fine with it and a salad rounds it off nicely. I haven't had a secret santa for 25 years....sounds like fun.:001_smile:
  3. How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? We started in PreK and dd is in 4th grade. So we have been hsing for 6 years. Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? Never even thought about it until dd was 4 years old. Were you homeschooled? No. I had some friends that were hs'd and knew some people hsing their kids. Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? No. Many are not even supportive. What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? We used Sonlight our first years with a mix of unschooling. What method and materials are you currently using? Currently, we are a mix of Classical and Charlotte Mason. Our materials are in my siggie line. What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? Charlotte Mason Companion What has been the most challenging aspect for you?Seasonal mood swings and writing mechanics. What aspect has come naturally for you? Supporting dc in their interests. What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Watching dd learn how to read. What is the best advice you've been given? They will learn it eventually. And they always have. What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Find what works for you and your dc. Do not worry about what others are doing. There is always going to be something else that comes along. Find your path a walk it one day at a time.
  4. We have had several foam floor puzzles (one a map) and they have not lasted long. They bend fairly easily when put away in a box making them useless for the next time. And, if there are any younger kids in the house, they tend to become teething rings and chokeables. I think a wooden one would be a much nicer gift. Where to find one...now that is another story.
  5. Chocolate, OmegaBrite and sleep, in large quantities.
  6. Spell to Write and Read uses the phonograms to make Canadian spelling understandable and acceptable.
  7. I had one for Green Tomato Relish from the Relish mag. It has a sweet chutney flavor to it with a kick of clove. I also have a wonderful Mystery Fudge cake made with green tomaotes. I'm afraid I paid for some green tomatoes last year, I love the cake so much. Any of those interst you?
  8. I just printed it off. I can't wait to try it. Thanks to the chef that is responsible. ;)
  9. :001_smile: Hi!

  10. I just read Spy Car's post about peroxide and vinegar in separate spray bottles. It was in one of the social groups and I would have to look for it. When I googled it, I was surprised. I have not tried it but he might be able to give you info on its easy of use. Looked effective according to the research.
  11. Good question. We have been doing Dave Ramsey style debt repayment for about two years now and had a goal of paying off a certain debt by Christmas. The last six months set us back from that goal so we are trying to make up some ground. We would have done the kitchen reno on debt (without DR permission) but decided not too considering the state of the economy. We are currently facing a long winter with higher natural gas prices and I want to make the best of the paychecks we get (and will continue to get as dh's job is as secure as it gets). I was wondering the other day about how much of the economy shrinking is related to the media and what they are focusing on. But I am not an economist and I do not know how these things work. I still think things will get worse before they get better regardless of the cause. As a result, I want my family to be in the best position to face that as possible.
  12. We gave up a kitchen reno. The kitchen isn't that bad if you don't mind falling all over each other every time we go to sit down to eat. This is the one that really bothers me cuz I'm a food girl. I like to bake and cook from scratch and I waited a long time for the plans to be made. We have given up lunch out on Saturday, our usual grocery day. We gave up new clothes a long time ago. We make due on all second hand stuff. Right now I'm the only one that notices. Dd is still a tish to young to care. I think.:glare: I gave up haircuts. Dh did my last one as it was bothering me so much. I have always done the haircuts for the kids and dh. We gave up our landline about 6 months ago. We still have two cell phones we need for dh's work. Food wise....I canned and preserved a lot this fall so we won't have to give anything up. Not sure I could go without fruit...my heart goes out to you. For us it is not so much what we gave up. We could have kept all these things but our debt would have grown. So, we made the choice to be responsible and cut back a little. Always interesting to me how this affects everyone. Sometimes I think I am the only one making the changes, even though the news says otherwise. Interesting how it isn't noticable from the outside.
  13. I PM'd you but I know you are busy with all the others first. ;)
  14. Thank-you! I just might need this one someday. Very cool by the way.
  15. I have done something similar with chicken breasts. I prefer the taste but it takes more planning and advance work for everyday meals. We have brined Chicken in citrus water and that was excellent as well. It is very common in the south to soak in buttermilk. My experience has been a much moister meat with a clean flavour. I'm not sure I could describe the flavour better than that since I have not done one for a few months. I would say it was mildly tart but it is not overpowering or unpleasant. The meat is more tender as the buttermilk breaks down any tough fiber. Do not over brine or soak as it will feel mushy in your mouth. Follow a decent recipe and compare it to others for confirmation. We just found ours on the internet. I don't think you would regret it but I have not done a turkey. HTH
  16. I hate it when the Azure order gets delivered in the middle of my date night with dh and the babysitter is already booked. That is all.
  17. :iagree: My marriage is living proof of that one. I would say *I* did all the work and dh would say *he* did all the work. We've had tough times and we are stronger now. Hang in there Jessica! Things can be better. :grouphug:
  18. If anyone deserves a whine you do. Sounds like a really bad day. Hope you manage to get some sleep and start what is left on the list tommorrow. BTW, 10 items a day is pretty good around here. Maybe I should get a move on! :grouphug: to you KidsHappen!
  19. Colleen :grouphug: to you! It sounds like forgeting Thanksgiving with your family is not much of an option. So, you should do whatever makes *you* comfortable to be sure it happens for your boys. I was in a similar situation once and *I* was not comfortable navigating the relationship maze anymore. It seems you are not as angry about it as I was and only frustrated. That is a better place to be and will serve you well on Thanksgiving Day. My suggestion would be to stay out of the kitchen and let her do what she wants. If your dad complains about it change the subject and do what you do every year. It maybe that she is starting to tire of the work but is not yet willing to pass it on to the next generation. There is a certain amount of humility required for that step and she may need a year or two more with the struggles. Lovingly offer and help when you can but step aside if she doesn't want it and don't let your dad make you feel bad. Have him talk to her himself. She has to relinquish it and she has to do it on her own terms. What strikes me the most is that you are also facing challenges in your marriage and needing her to help by listening. I am wondering if this is one area of your life she is just not able to help you with. Understandably, you turned to someone who you thought would be able to help by sharing wisdom and a loving ear. But not all mothers are well equiped to help their children through such complex and personal subjects and some think they are done helping when the kids move out. If I were you, and I have been, I would find a way to talk to your dh and work it out with him. I found that once the other options were gone, I just had to work it out with dh and the results were pleasing. I'm hoping you find some peace in your marriage, as I know that can often spill into other relationships and make them harder. :grouphug: It is hard to watch our parents age. Someday you maybe able to do the Thanksgiving meal entirely for her and she will thank-you for it. But it sounds like it will be a bit of a wait.
  20. I love these recipes, I hope you do to. This recipe is for Pork Tourtier. It is not so much cheap but filling. I use it as a brunch and it will hold my kids until an early dinner. Fry 1 1/2 lbs ground pork with 1 or 2 onions chopped fine 1/2 cup boiling water 1 clove garlic chopped 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 or 2 stalks celery chopped 1/2 teaspoon sage 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper 1 clove ( be ready to take it out at the end before the mashed potatoes get added) Cook over low heat, stiring often, until half of liquid is evaporated. Cover and cook about 45 minutes and most of liquid has evaporated. Meanwhile, boil and mash 3 medium sized potatoes that have been peeled (I often used mashed potato leftovers) Mix both together well and let cool. Spoon into pie shell and cover with top pastry shell and seal closed. Brush with milk and cut in vent holes. Bake at 450* for 10 mins and the turn down to 350* for 30 minutes or until pastry is golden brown. Serve with ketchup and fruit for desert. This will keep the kids full for half a day. Yum! This one is for baked oatmeal. It is a whole lunch with some fruit or yogurt. Mix 1/2 cup brown sugar with 1/2 cup melted butter and two eggs. Add 3 cups oatmeal (old fashioned or quick oats) 2 teaspoons baking powder pinch of salt 1 cup milk. Mix well and pour into greased pan. Bake at 350* for 30 mins. Serve by pouring whipping cream over it or with fruit and yogurt. Happy cooking!
  21. Orange Cranberry Muffins Ginger Crunch Shortbread I usually do less baking not more at Christmas. Maybe this year I will enlist dd to do most of it. If you want to talk main meals...I have a whole list of those. We have traditions for the whole week.
  22. Very thoughful of you to share. I was just discussing this with others on In the Kitchen social group. I'm going to look into this more. Thank-you!
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