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Everything posted by Once

  1. I voted no. The reason being, I think there is a portion of people on the board that are not US residents or citizen. For these people the constant talk of US politics could be a tad....annoying. I am under the understanding that international diversity on the boards is not a bad thing. Right?
  2. (snort) I did not see that one coming. LOL! Write it down. ;) You will laugh about it for years. :lol:
  3. That's terrible. I'll be praying for another option. I hope it all works out well in the end.
  4. Congratulations! You did well! :party: Now go celebrate cheaply! :D
  5. I agree and share your frustration. Plain soup with just veggies can miss the mark, not all the time but often enough to be discouraging. Have you tried Bragg's liquid amino's? It tastes a little like beef (it is different enough for me that I do not use it). If I add Soy Sauce or Worchestershire sauce to soup sometimes that beefs it up a little without adding the canned soup. You can make a hearty soup without meat, just be sure you add lots of whole grains, lentils or beans. It is amazing how that will provide you with enough protien to keep going. Many vegetarians make it work just fine. ;) In the end, I would rather my kids learn to like barley (or lentils or beans) even if I have to add the soup from a can. It is better than never tasting barley at all. If I am making it, I can water it down as much as I would like to reduce the MSG and such. And I do....often. Bon Appetite!
  6. This looks like a great routine. Do you do all the review at the beginning of each lesson or do you pass over that by the end of the week? I really love AAS but we are still getting through the early books and dd finds it easy enough to only need one day on each lesson (or there about). I am sure when we get to the tough stuff we will have to slow down. I like the look of your week!
  7. Here's my Mediteranian Soup. It is easy but good. A package of dried Minestroni Soup mix (Knorr or some other brand) 4 cups of water...you can water it down later as it is a fairly hearty soup. 3/4 cup red french lentils 2 cloves garlic crushed 1 teaspoon cumin Mix all these together and bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes. Add one can drained chickpeas and simmer for 10 more minutes. This is a thick soup that tastes good with crusty bread and butter. You can garnish with sour cream and/or chopped parsley but I don't usually. I also like to make Beef and Barley Soup. Soak about one cup hulled barley for about 3 hours in plain water...it will sprout a little if you are lucky. Hulley barley is the unprocess kind and you do not usually get it in a regular grocery store. If you use pearled barley there is no need to soak. Fry one finely cut onion and add two cans of beef stock (this is the secret to all my good soups:glare:) with 2 cans of water or homemade stock from the bones. Add the drained barley. Throw in a handful or two of baby carrots that have been cut up on the round. I put this in the crockpot but you can simmer it on the stove. At the end I sometimes cube one or two swiss steaks or cube steak (the kind that has been pretenderized with the holes in it) and add it to the boiling soup. They just need to cook through for a few minutes. It is not an exact recipe so you can adjust as your family requires. We call this Beef and Barney Soup. :D Soups are wonderful but you gotta make'm with flavor! ;)
  8. I'm sorry you have to face such a difficult situation. Praying here for a speedy recovery! :grouphug:
  9. Happy Birthday, Parrothead!! I think my last fat lip lasted two days. Kids are great aren't they! :glare:
  10. I'm not sure I have a child with dysgraphia but I noticed your post when I hit "new posts" button. Coincidentally, our homeschool support group just had a meeting about dysgraphia Monday night and I listened to Diane Craft. She had a very simple and interesting remedy. Via CD, she presented a figure 8 exercise that is helpful in connecting the left and right hemisphere causing a correction in the corpus colosum. Here is the link to her book that covers it. http://stores.diannecraft.org/Detail.bok?no=1 I'm not sure you need to buy the book since the excerise was fairly simple to learn but hearing the CD might make you more likely to follow through with it. I could send you the copies of my handouts if you want. Just PM me if you wish. HTH
  11. OK. I thought I was just wrong when I wrote etc. since so many people wrote it ect. So, I changed to ect!!! Now, I'm gonna go back to the right way. Many Thanks! :leaving:
  12. After the embrassment dies down, you show have a good laugh over that one. Anyway, it made me laugh. ;) I'm missing the priveledge of voting right now. I'll be watching your results!
  13. The only reason I keep reading this thread *is because* I am curious about all the mistakes I make that annoy others. :001_smile: HTH
  14. :lol: :iagree: Now, if I was authoring the next amendment to the Constitution I would care but I'm not. (Yes, I know I'm missing comma's!)
  15. You are a heartier woman that I. Kudos to your kids, too! Congratulations on you indepedence!
  16. :iagree: It is like white rice. You need to pair it with a great mediteranian meal. My kids love it!
  17. Here is mine. I'm trying to get more faithful at this as I have taken some time off. Thanks for the encouragement. Monday - leftover Vietnamese Chicken Tuesday - Lamb patties and mashed potatoes Wed. - dinner out at church Thursday - Beef stew in the crockpot with curried veggies Friday - Chicken teriyaki Saturday - Spagetti We are on a tight budget these next two weeks so I am over compensating buy bring out all the nice cuts of meat from my freezer. :tongue_smilie: Dosen't make sense I know but it feels a little better to not have complaining kids. They love most of these meals. I'll give them lentil soup next month when the money is not so hard to stretch.:001_huh:
  18. I did cloth diapers with my first up until we moved. We moved into an apartment with washers and dryers three buildings over. That is when I stopped. Dh and I thought that the math of all the change required for the machines was not going to save money for us. It was challenging enough just going up there once a week. Diapers would have been worse. If you have a washer but no dryer I would think hanging them to dry outside would be fine of you live in a hot dry sunny area. I don't think that they would get disinfected enough just by hanging them inside on a rack. If your babe ever got a diaper infection the diapers would really need to be carefully disinfected. So, fwiw, I think no unless you live in the desert and have plenty of space for hang drying outside. Have you looked into the possibility of a diaper service?
  19. Oh! She always makes me laugh! Thank-you!
  20. I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad she is comfortable now. May you know the peace that passes understanding and may her little one know God's loving hand in his life. :grouphug: to you too!
  21. I think there is wisdom in not panicking....the more panic there is the worse it will get. We are staying in for the long haul....that is the only way we can guarantee that we get in at the bottom price. If I had extra cash, I might even consider buying right now. We live in interesting times that is for sure.
  22. Not sure about a stamp but I've heard of using grid paper or even lined paper turned sideways. My daughter had to copy her question out on another page but she practiced accuracy for testing situations. Dd had a hard time with that too!
  23. If it gives you any comfort.....we just came out of Gamma and had the exact same slump. It took dd the whole summer to get through it and it was hard going. But....she has just started Delta and is flying through the early lessons and remembers all her facts (knock on wood). Maybe it is the age or the fact that that part of Gamma is challenging but you are not alone. We just kept plugging and came out the other side quite by suprise! Good Luck!
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