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Everything posted by Once

  1. Actually, we have had a similar experience here. Dd will read almost anything and enjoy it. She has read many difficult to read classics repeatedly. But Caddie Woodlawn was not a hit. I tried to read it out loud to her but lost interest myself. I am glad we are not alone. That being said, I may still require dd to read it this year as we are studying American history and I think it is good practice to read things that are outside one's field of enjoyment.
  2. It is spectacular Jessica. Wonderful work. Looks like you guys love to be outside. Goal accomplished!
  3. I'm not sure this helps but have you looked at Life of Fred?
  4. Were those chickens or cows???? ;) Very funny video.
  5. Yes, I'm with you on that one. I refuse to eat meatball stirfry. Yes, that's right, Italian meatball stirfry. :ack2:
  6. Yes, we have had cold damp weather for about three days now. I'm hoping it passes as we still have green tomatoes to ripen.
  7. I'd trade you. We are at 48 degrees tonight and might have to start up our furnace before the end of Sept. Ugg! Our heating bill will be awful this year!
  8. We just purchased Almond Milk but I was suprised by the low protien content. We bought the Blue Diamond brand and the protien for an 8 oz. serving is 1 gram. The calcium is 20% of daily requirments. Nutritionally it is not the same as milk. My kids both love the taste though. :001_smile:
  9. Yes, that is what I thought too. Apparently, if you have a bad headache a can of coke will help. Something about opening up the bloodflow to your brain :001_huh:...not sure. I just tried it this weekend and it worked. I never would have thought it....it's called the Black Sludge of Death around here and dh *loves* it. :seeya: Hope you are feeling better Philothea!! Take care.
  10. Is this about that big machine in Europe that is smashing particles or something? That sounded freaky and I had no idea it was starting up so soon. :001_huh::willy_nilly: I'm really not worried. :leaving:
  11. Congrats! We started late in life too and we love owning our own home. You are lucky that the market is in your favor. I hope you find what you are looking for!!
  12. I just spent an hour "entertaining" ds at his sibling's soccer practice drawing sharks and divers. I think he told me to put flippers on one diver ten times. I couldn't help but laugh by the end as I just keep drawing over the other nine to make it look better. It. didn't. look. better. :lol:
  13. I totally got it. No problem. :001_smile:
  14. You are in my prayers! I had the worst headache of my life this weekend. No amount of drugs fixed it and all I could do is lay there. A few friends suggested the Coke remedy and it worked like a charm. I have never heard of it before! Keep resting and try to smile when dh brings those meals. He's so sweet to be working so hard for you all. How is your little bundle doing?
  15. I'd bring you Vietnamese Chicken and fragrant rice. My family loves it and it disappears very fast. I have given it to many friends and they always ask for the recipe. It is not too hard to make just one difficult step and one unusual ingredient. I am carmelizing the sugar now, just for you!! I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I was so sure that the procedure would work. When did you get it done and why is it not working?
  16. Aww. Poor thing. I was just thinking you might be able to put a portion of a cut up blanket (or some other old fabric) over the bandage the vet put on. At least that would slow her down a little until she gives up or the meds kick in. You could attach it with duck tape or a strong tensor bandage. Sorry no help here, I've never made a collar. You must be exhausted chasing after her!
  17. I would ask God why He has a favorite people. I think that would answer the question of why there is a hell for others. But I reserve the right to edit my post, this one has me thinking. If I could meet a famous person, I'd choose Susan Wise Bauer...just so I could see how organized her life is. Geessh, can she publish great stuff.
  18. I can see you are very motivated. It is a gift my friend. But it is also a right. ;)
  19. My dh uses cbc.ca. It has a good mix of all news but he uses it mostly for the hockey scores. :tongue_smilie: HTH. For what it is worth, I'm in the same boat as you. I do not know much about Canadian news.
  20. Yes, we are a fun bunch. I'm afraid I may have offended poor Heather already. At the risk of being Candian....I am so sorry. (as I leave to find out what the moderators will start deleting.) Boy, I wish I lived back home. :leaving:
  21. It can be disheartening if you find yourself in the situations of working harder to get behind. We were once in that spot with our taxes. We worked hard to get just above the cut off and actually had a lower net income the next year. But we saw that as a temporary thing. The year after we were better off again. I quoted you Colleen because I believe that your insight shows that same value in long term growth rather than the bottom line at the end of the tax year. Having the social net helps people become everything they commit to being and zeros out any crisis that is definately short term. If there is no social net then these temorary set backs can sink you for much longer perhaps until the end of your life if you talking about health related expenses. So in a weird way, after you get accustom to the social net, you are more motivated because you know that crisis will not slow you down and knock you from the game.
  22. :iagree: Having lived in both I will say that they have similarities. The difference is how the culture and the people commit to it. I beleive Canadians commit less to capitalism, maybe even to the point of shunning it. Although, Canadians benifit from the similarities between the countries in that when you work hard you get ahead.
  23. Funny, very funny! :001_smile: You are right. We love to argue about our hockey. Dh still follows the Senators. It has been 10 years since we lived in Ottawa. Honsestly, I do not even know the political issues in Canada anymore. I'm sure I am not familiar with the parties. They have changed alot in the last 10 years. I'd really like to vote. I miss many things about home but that is the worst.
  24. Oh, you must be Canadians! All you peacemakers can't even get past two pages when you argue. ;) I'll be watching from afar in case we ever return home. I will have to pay attention though as it will fly by quickly. :D
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