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Everything posted by Once

  1. Can I bump this so that all the AAS people reading the other post could chime in on this question too? Thanks
  2. Just curious if it is one of those things you have to go back to the beginning and learn the whole system or if you can jump in part way? Anyone have any opinions or ideas? I am getting ready to test dd for the new school year with SWR. Would that help to place her or does she just need to start at level one? Also, how long does it take to work through one lesson? Is it week or just as long as it takes to learn the material? Could she work through level one really fast and start level two by Christmas? I really have no idea how well she is spelling. However, I know level one would be too easy for her. :bigear: Thanks in advance.
  3. It's beautiful. You must be looking forward to the start of school. You have some genius ideas.
  4. Congrats on the job well done. It looks ready for the new school year! Do you have time to come over and do mine? :)
  5. Elaine Speling errer grammer lawjic postes are the best wons! :001_smile:
  6. OK, now I know, your talking, about me. :D :leaving: I don't see them. :tongue_smilie:
  7. The only one I can think of is Math u See. It has an advanced stewardship course. It would be Christian but I have not used it. Kids are not old enough. Maybe others will have ideas but I like MUS in general. OOpppsss. I hit new posts and got to the hs board. My apologies. I do not do high school yet but the MUS curr does. :-)
  8. I'm sure you have all noticed that I do this alot. Not sure it is because I have a fast brain. I think it is slow all round fingers and brain. AFTR, my new keyboard is really confusing. I'm sure whatever you are refering to was not all that bad. :001_smile: I am glad I'm not the only one that feels challenged in this area.
  9. This looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing. Can't believe I missed it the first time around. I've wanted to try sour dough bread for years but I do not seem to have the time. Is is close to a sour dough bread flavor?
  10. I actually like meanu planning. I have a very simple system. I take an 81/2 by 11 inch page and fold it down the middle making two sides about 4 by 51/2 inches. Top of one is "menu" top of the other is "grocery list". Down the side of menu I put the days of the week. I fill it in with a variety of food (see below) and add the ingredients I need in the grocery section (which can be sectioned off like a grogery store fruit, veg, meat, dairy, freezer, other stuff, and ailse) I ask the kids what they want to eat that week, they give me an answer and slot it in. I sometimes put extra activites in like soccer so I know a meal has to be easy to make and clean up. I *always* put on pay day so I know if we can go out for supper. ;) I then fill in the rest....spacing apart beef, fish, chicken and vegetarian meals so we do not get sick of a main dish item. When I'm feeling smart :) I space out the rice, potatoes and bread too. Always add the ingradients you do not have and try to think of recipes that you have the ingredients to. I am consistantly suprised at how short our shopping list is and then I can fill it in with extra friut and veggies that I know my kids will eat and add sale items to my cart and think of things to do with them the next week. Sometimes I substitue on the go because I have my menu and my list to shop with. I put the list on my fridge and look at it each night to thaw meat for the next day. Maybe this will help. For the record, I have Saving Dinner and it is great!!!
  11. I am wondering quietly if a lack of gammar skills is a product of the Canadian education system. I had a really hard time teaching grammar and still struggle in this area. We went with Easy Grammar after working through R&S 3. We also do Prima Latina so my younger son will get an overview of the parts of speach. I like EG since it is very independent work. I set up dd and she does it. No need for me to teach it. Although it does require persistence since you miss the skills if you do not work through the book and there are alot of pages - over 200 I think. Maybe this would help. Don't give up! You are working toward a successful year.
  12. Hold your ground Remudamom!!! Don't let her get away with it. Any horse deserved to be valued. Bargin or not let her know your children are not for sale!!;) Really they should be out of the conversation!
  13. Praying here too. I hope she finds a little peace until the tests are done and results aare back. Must be scarry to face this over a weekend.
  14. Follow my Leader is one I thought of. It's not about baseball persay but if your ready to make a stretch it is good literature.
  15. OK Cadam. That was a really kind post. I'll rep ya when I can. Alana, Welcome Back! It has been awhile and I was thinking of you the other day. I guess we are all preparing for the new school year. I have no great advice but just to hang in there. If Cadam is right then you do have a doable schedule. I've felt behind to at times to and then sometimes things just click. Take heart. This year I am putting a schedule up like the one in the post about Word Publisher....I think Jennifer@SSA posted the info. If you can search for it and go there you may find it helpful. It is about setting a schedule for the year at a glance. I did one and school is already going better. I put in lots of wiggle room and so I am not worried about sticking to it. I did not do both on Publisher..I just photocopied on colored paper some colomns and set in the lessons by hand. I forgot about where I needed to be and just placed it down in a doable way so the kids do not get discouraged. You are never behind!! The benifit of it is that you do not need to worry about the day. Just get the week done whenever you can as a family. We still have one page of math to do this weekend.:D One thing you might want to think about is that your kids might actually know the stuff just have not done the work sheets. You've probably done the thinking around that since you asked about skipping RandS and going to 5th grade. Anyhow. Good to see you again.
  16. I hope it works out for you. This will forever go down in history as the weekend of 4-H on these boards for me. I'm sorry if I have been a bother and worry to you. I only wish I could post her work. It is really very good for her age. 4-H can be great. Really!
  17. Hi Oasis Mom Let me go on the record as saying.....we have liked 4-H very much. Our group is not agricultural but some kids live on the outskirts of town and do farm type activites. Our group is run my two moms that basically teach the Roberts Rules of order at meetings and the kids make most of the decisions. The meetings include one lesson about one hour long in a skills such as harmonica playing, quilting, birdhouse building, stenciling etc... There is also a business meeting component which helps make decisions about things like commmunity service and such. Some times there are special classes on other nights to accomadate longer lessons on things like bread baking and welding. The there is a time for each child (through out the year) to present something they have done, we call it a demonstration but it can be a speach. Then they play and eat snacks. It is a great opportunity to learn leadership skills and comfidence. Dd had the unusual title of song leader and helped with leading a song each week. She was 8 and loved the oppurtunity to participate. This is why on my other post I am so confused and frustrated. The environment is usually so encouraging on supportive for the young ones. It was not my intention to bash 4-H. I was only expressing frustration about the judging at the state competition. I needed to know if others have had the same experiences. I am thinking that a self contained 4-H group has the opportunity to choose what works for the kids and help them grow up confident and skilled in whatever areas they want. Kind of like "It is what *you* make of it". If I found trust in the process of the competition again I would definately allow dc to participate. HTH
  18. This was how I feel. A child is a child and that needs to be acknowledged when giving feed back. I really hope you have a better experience with your dd.
  19. No words...just I'm sorry that you gotta let him go. I'm not looking forward to those days. :grouphug:
  20. Yes, I think that younger children thrive better under critcism that is paced to their skills level and mixed with positive messages that are genuine. I wish I had a camera to take a picture. For a nine year old she really did a nice job. The books said for younger kids to pick a simple pattern which is what she did. The sample was in pastels...which was carefully selected by her. She submitted it as an other art project. I encouraged her to not frame it until after since I was under the understanding that she was being judged on the cross stitch not the framing. Well she got docked for not having it framed! What! The poster industry proves that you can make anything look good if you frame it right. I have to go to bed. I am clearly tired. I sent an e-mail off to our 4-H leader and asked a few questions and apologized for any snark. Maybe I'll hear from her, maybe I won't.
  21. Thank you for your gentle and thoughtful responses. But I still disagree. If the competion is going to be judged so critically they should have warned her. She was asked to make the decision *before* she was judged at county level. If they want it to be like an adult comption at state level *they* should make the decisions about who goes not her. Asking an entusiastic innocent child, after praising her work up and down, to make a choice about going to state is setting her up for hurt. I'm wondering if my philosopy in life lines up with 4-H at all. GRRRRR.
  22. I had a friend do this last year for health reasons. She was not disappointed with the results. You speak words of wisdom Aubrey. If you are in God's plan, nothing will bring you down. Blessing to you and yours. These weeks fly by fast!
  23. So this is not an uncommon experience?!! I was hoping that they read her age wrong or something and that they really did not mean to cut her up so much. What does the judge get from doing that?
  24. I'm just here to grieve a little. Please pass me by if you don't want to listen to my whine. Dd participated in 4-H fairs (county and state) this year for the first time. She worked very hard on a crosstich sampler and I am very proud of her. She was 8 at the start of the year and 9 when she submitted her sampler and it took her the whole year to complete. It is not perfect....she's eight and had a bad teacher :tongue_smilie:. We just got the state fair ribbon/comments back for the extention office. WOW! It was bordering on cruel and I'm not sure how to handle it. I pulled it out and started looking at it with dd looking over my shoulder. I put it away as soon as I could but I think she saw it. The comments were needs much improvement on Appearance, Construction *and* Design. The written comments were that she was suppose to frame it and that her stitches were nice. Which is funny since the stitches were the one thing as her mother that I thought she could improve on. There was this really sad feeling in me for her. I wanted this to be the beginning of encoragement toward picking up and improving on a skill which could provide beauty and accomplishment. (I'm not saying that right....sorry) It has turned out to be me hiding the sheet of paper with the comments so she is not hurt. I understand that 4-H is about competition and working hard but this was not what I expected. I really thought that they would try to encourage an 8/9 year old to keep trying and learning to do better! I'm starting to doubt my ability to see her work and effort objectively. But then I keep screaming in my head....SHE"S NINE!!!! Have a heart would ya! :boxing_smiley: OK. Now I will stop being momma bear. Sorry.
  25. Glad to hear that things are getting tested out and hopefully resolved. I totally understood that you had a breathing dd and you were looking for some ideas about how to problem solve with your restrictions at the dr office. Sometimes it is hard to protray yourself accurately on-line. I struggle with this myself. Blessing to you and dd!
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