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Everything posted by Once

  1. WOW! So much information. I am going to digest this take my time with it. I am rushing out the door today for several activites. Thank-you so much for taking the time to give me your ideas. Looking forward to the LCC coming in the mail, Plaid Dad. I am hoping that there is more info about the trivium and your thoughts in there. I will get back to you all!
  2. I read all the excellent posts and I agree with all the advice to fight for what you need. Way to go for calling the Dr. up and starting the process! I just wanted to add in a option for treatment while you wait for the surgery. If you are open to natural treatments Yarrow tea is great for heavy bleeding. Google it. The Romans used it and found great success. I just wanted to add that in for something you could do while you wait. It really does work wonders on so many things. (I'm feeling a little like the Yarrow tea poster child now.) :blush5: If you have questions just pm me.:001_smile:
  3. Thanks Elizabeth! I've got to find my Tobias book and reread it. Maybe that will calm this desperation. I was glad to read that you had done latin three years with a similar child. I want to know how to have the courage to do that even when they do not remember. It's right to persue even if they don't have success the first time. Right.? Gotta go finish this Windows download. I keep getting shut off. G'night.
  4. Yes, she is bright but not always maliable. I'm thinking the rhetoric stage might be her thing. But I am also insecure that we might not ever get there together. I remember studying Piaget in school and seeing how it all fit. This is why the trivium makes sense to me. I am having a hard time teasing out the two competing threads: developmental vs. learning style. I guess I'm just looking ahead to see if one of these devlopmental stages will fit her and her learning style better or if it will always feel like fitting a square peg into a round hole. kwim?
  5. Hi Tina We have done some of the same modifications over the years. I wonder if you found a way to include Latin in your studies with your not so classical kids? I really feel lead in this direction for dd's benifit (especially for the vocab and spelling) but she does not have a history for enjoying acedemics. Latin just feels very acedemic to me and so I wrestle with how to implement it with kids that are not inclined that way. We own Prima Latin and we have done it once but she forgets. She enjoyed it but does not remember it. I was going that route for a second time around with dd bt a first time around for ds. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  6. It sounds like we have twins daughters. I have made some of the exact same changes, Elizabeth. I have Tobias' book but I read it along time ago. Looks like it is time to read it again. So, you are suggesting that it is a learning style "issue" which is unchangeable. I agree but is it possible that the next stage will suit her more and she will find her grove so to speak without all the contortions I am making now. It is hard for me to imagine always finding a new way to hit the developmental stage with her particular learning style in mind. It feels like I am re inventing the wheel to suit her lack of interst in the Grammar stage skills. I want to know if the next stage will just click or if she will never really fit the mold. (are you sensing the voice of desperation :scared:)
  7. I'm glad to hear about the bath being unneccessary. Ds has a cast coming off Thursday and man it has been hard to get him clean. He's had one partial bath in almost three weeks. Of course he is almost three and eating messy so maybe I should be more concerned. I thought he lost a blueberry down it the first week. :ack2: I am preparing to be humble the day it comes off. :leaving: It is amazing how different it is for each child.
  8. First, I want to clarify. I agree with the three stages of learning and it makes sense to me. I have friends irl that follow it and get great results. My thoughts go to the way these stages play themselves out in individuals. I am wondering if people have noticed that some stages are easier or harder to go through for some kids. For example, dd hates detail. She finds math drills tedious and difficult but scores perfect in conceptual math tests. She does not memorize things in detail but in general and can not always accurately remember poems several months later. The same with spelling, she does not remember the detail of the spelling of words but can write sentences and paragraphs well. I am wondering if the grammar stage is just not her thing and if she will find the next stages more suiting to her unique personality. Conversly, I am concerned that the classical approach is not for her and she will always struggle since she is not acedemically inclined. Anyone have real life experience or opinions which would shed light on these concerns. I'm all ears!
  9. Is it after midnight there? This always freeks me out too. Once it is after midnight officially it is the next day even if we don't want it to be!:001_smile:
  10. I did it but may not be able to do it again. How's that for bright:blink:. Thanks! That was fun.
  11. Looks like you've got some good suggestions. I wanted to add my experience. Once when I was biten by a spider and the thing kept growing so they were concerned about blood poisoning or infecton. The emergecy room personel drew a circle around it with a blue pen and sent me home for a few hours. When I returned they checked the cirlce and discovered that the growing had stopped and sent me home with a diagnosis of a really bad bug bite. Presumably, if it had grown while I was at home they would have persued other concerns. Now, whenever my kids get a really big one....and they do....I just draw a circle around it and go back later to see if it growing fast and large. I hope all works out for your little one. I have one kid that has actually had an eye swollen shut due to a mosquito bite. He gets bad ones!!:eek:
  12. We have Kids Discover. There is no religious content or pop culture. I can not say that my kids love it but I like the format and the content. There are some Canadian ones which they do like more. The names are Owl, Chirp and Chickadee. My kids love these. Maybe these ideas help.
  13. I freeze them whole but washed and take them out in the spring when I really want a taste of summer. They are great as little idy bity popsicles. They need to be stored in a zip lock bag to avoid freezer burn.:001_smile:
  14. My husband and I went to high school with Mike Weir. He was a naturally good golfer back then too. We like to see his name in the newspaper when he wins. But alas he probably would not remember us.
  15. Karen, I am so sorry for your loss and grief. I can only imagine how lonely and down you must feel tonight. I have no answers but I wanted to respond to your post with the thoughts that give me comfort. I sounds like you are genuinely asking hard questions which is tough and rewarding at the same time. I hope that you will seek God to answer the harder questions about Himself. He longs to give you anwers. The only verse from scripture that I was thinking of when reading these thoughtful and compassionate posts by others is from Job. Job 13:15 "Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face. Indeed, this might turn out to be my deliverance, for no godless man would dare come before Him!" I only send you prayers for peace. I have hurt beyond words before and I know that it is a life changing process to suffer loss such as yours. Ask the hard stuff and seek answers from the One of whom they are about. (I am hitting reply with a little fear and trembling. This goes with the hope that it will bless you.)
  16. I know a young lady that sells baked goods on Wed. night. She takes orders and returns the next week with the items. Bread was $3.00. Cookies were more. She has raised funds for several missions trips over the last few years. Best of luck to you. I love cinnamon rolls!!!
  17. Here I go! 1. I'm afraid of posting anything anymore for fear that I will offend yet another person. 2. I had two naps today while the kids played and I can not blame it on sickness or hormones. 3. I know now that I am officially the worst typer and speller on-line .... anywhere. 4. I had the busiest week ever and I am only half way through...I confess to be lacking in the time management skills area. 5. My dh still loves me because he is a better person than me. :blush:
  18. Thank to all of you that help to put food on the table. I can't get my garden to grow I don't know how you all manage to feed nation.
  19. Suzanne, that is a beautiful post. I see alot of wisdom in your words and I can see the truth of them in my own life. I wonder if the author discusses the posibility of people going to the wall several times in their life or if it happens only once.
  20. How about Chicken Kabobs with bacon and pineapple chunks. Slather with butter and garlic and BBQ. I liked those to......mmm.....I'm seeing a pattern.:tongue_smilie:
  21. You could have Russian Chicken. Package of onion soup mix, half bottle of Russian salad dressing and a can of cranberries. Mix together and throw in the oven until it bubbles. My kids like it too! It is good with mashed potatoes. I got this one from Sonlight cooks too.
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