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Everything posted by Once

  1. Thanks to all who responded. Yes, we will post the results in a general way later. (We are not quite doing statistic here yet.) ;) We are gong to take a lunch break and will get back to the boards again this afternoon. Dd my non-science student is *loving* this. Thanks for furthering her education!
  2. Thanks Melinda! (Opps sorry about typing your name wrong!) Could you tell me approximately when in the day they were born so we can slot them into our chart. Thanks! As far as scientific accuracy goes, we welcome all responses even if they do not fit our theory! :-)
  3. The kids were chatting about being a morning person and a night owl this morning and came up with a theory about time of birth and how it sets a persons clock. Their theory is that if you were born at night you want to go to sleep earlier and if you were born in the morning you prefer to stay up late. So if anyone is interested in providing data for our informal study we would appreciate it. ;) Here is our data. Dd born at 10:30am and likes to stay up. Ds 1 born at 9:30 pm and likes to go to bed early. Ds 2 born at 8:30pm and likes to go to bed early. I think adults could participate but I do not know my time of birth right now. I'm hoping we get over 32 so we can make this a large scale study.:001_smile: Anyone? ETA - We closed the data collection and crunched the numbers....scroll to the end for the results! Thanks to everyone who helped out! Sorry if you missed it!
  4. Ds is thanking you for this! He loves Origami. What a neat site.
  5. Is that a little cartoon bubble sticking out his b#tt? I want to think of something to write in it........he he :lol: ETA - He is a cute dog even if it's not his best side. You must get alot of laughs from him! Thanks for the bit of humor!
  6. I have no scripture better than that John one Brindee gave you but..... Be assured you will make it through this. Take it one day at a time and *talk* with your dh about the details. I have done the long waiting game and it is hard. Find your rhythm, start school and do not worry. Oh wait! I may have a helpful verse. Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. There were alot of good ones in Romans for that matter. :) :grouphug: to you Heather!
  7. Here it goes. (I should really do this more often!) 1) When I want to get something done....it. gets. done. :001_smile: 2) I could cook food for a stranger all day long and still be happy! Heck, I cook for my family all day long and still love it. Yep. That's me!
  8. I use to fry up some onion and garlic. Add some cut up tomatoes and half a bottle of clam juice (it is cheap and I would try to freeze the rest until another day). Boil it down a little and season with salt and pepper to taste. It is very easy and delicious over noodles. I just love summer tomatoes. :001_smile:
  9. Happy - I love the smells too! I need to remember to do that! Karen - Those wands look pretty. Thank-you! Lisa - Can you tell me how much lavender you use in the mixture? I would love to put that on my red potatoes. Thanks all! Keep them coming!
  10. I have a great deal of lavendar in the garden. There are three varieties; English, French and a common one. Thay have not started blooming yet but I was wondering what everyone does with the leaves and plant portion. Any ideas? :bigear:
  11. We have used an enzematic cleaner from Shaklee before. We have purchased a similar one from our plumber who reccomended it. It is pricey but you can do preventative cleaning with it later and save the bother of it building up. Sorry you have the problem now. I sure hate it when things like that happen.
  12. I'm not sure mine is worth much but consider it done once from me! She is sweet isn't she!
  13. I am under the opinion that the MUS curr is a good route to go. I think you are safe Jo especially if your dc are doing it and enjoying it. This is where I am for dd but ds is another story altogether. The concept based curr gives kids creative ways to look at numbers to come up with the same answer at the end. Thus the 5x88 is the same as half of 10x88. Which one is easier to get the answer to? .... depends how you learned to think about numbers. The "new math" teaches short cut and the old math teaches crunching numbers. Myrtle, you astound me. I have an intellectual father and husband and have listen to alot of technical talk over my life but you truely take the first place prize. Thank-you for answering my question. Now excuse me for leaving the room to look up the definitions :leaving:.:thumbup1: I agree multiplication is not really fast addition although I had not thought about it untill you posted the link. The example 1/2 times 1/2 creates your first realization. I will keep teaching the MUS curr to dd as she is finally getting it. But now I will look at how to segue into multiplying fractions, which is something that was off my radar. You said that you taught the fast addition ideas but then you must make a change for fractions and decimals. How do you do that? (Trina - who is bracing herself to look up defintions of math terms. :tongue_smilie:)
  14. This is an Asian cuccumber salad recipe. Cut up one cuccumber into rounds (peeled or not). Mix together 3 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar, 1 Tablespoon water and 2 teaspoons sugar. Sprinkle with salt and grate in as much ginger root as you want (I make it into rounds and remove before serving). Marinade for one hour. It is very refreshing!
  15. Has anyone read this article? We will be using the MUS Delta this year with regular long division from what I can tell. Anyone out there have a reason to believe that the concept based curricula is a better route? I know this math is not "new" but it seems to be confusing to some parents. I have not seen it myself but was curious. http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/07/18/renegade.math.parents.ap/index.html
  16. I know you will get beter ideas from others but I wanted to chime in with one of our school start up routines. We start school gradually. The first week we do one easy subject. The second we add a harder subject and so on. We do not jump in with a full school day...that would never fly here. But that also means we do school more of the year to make up for adjustment time. We also shop for school type supplies. Dd found a children's daytimer knock off and was keen on starting a schedule for the next school year. I though that was a great idea so I bought it. We purchase new markers, paper and craft supplies. But you have probably already thought of that.:tongue_smilie: Best wishes on your new school year!
  17. :iagree: Thanks from me. Grrrr from dh who thought spending was done for the year! :D
  18. That was cute! fwiw, this is mine and it is a very close description of me. You are sophisticated, modern, and high class. Your taste is refined, but you are not picky. You are often the first to try something new. You are down to earth and lovable. A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding. In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other! You love being around people. Friendships are important to you. You feel lost when you're by yourself... so you tend to avoid being alone.
  19. Keep on keeping on Jessica. You are headed in the right direction and God knows the way. I am sorry you have to face this especially as you are probably still worn out and busy from your move. Give your self time to recover and take care of you. Your not wrong for wanting these thing for dc but they will learn it from you even when others are "teaching" other things! :grouphug:
  20. I hope all works out for the best. I'm glad you have peace about it. Please keep us posted. :)
  21. I never did buy the TM at that level. Horizon was usable just as the workbooks. That being said....our primary math is MUS right now so Horizon has always been for practice workbooks. This does not answer your questions but may help you understand that it is usable just as a workbook. :tongue_smilie:
  22. Harriet Tubman comes to mind after reading these great lists. :001_smile:
  23. Debt here too. Sometimes I forget we don't have to make that payment anymore. It was a little bit of a let down but I do wish we had more to pay off ...more debt.:tongue_smilie:
  24. Thanks for the update Maxine. I was thinking about you two just yestarday! Still sending up prayers for good easy delivery! Keep us posted.:001_smile:
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