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Everything posted by Once

  1. Ouch! I hope your going to be OK! :grouphug: I love them at that age but man do I look forward to them growing up a little.
  2. Alien and hysteria on the same page. Did you ladies plan that?
  3. Elaine You are hysterical! Thanks for the laugh tonight. I really needed it.
  4. I am admitting my ignorance here but dh and I watched Orlando 10 years ago and still remember the agony. The acting was good but the story was way out there. I understand Virgina Woolf is like that but WOW! Never. Never. Again.
  5. !'m bumping ya cuz I want to know too. Maybe this would get more response at another time in the week. We are all just unwinding now!:001_smile:
  6. I am really surprise at all of you that said "I know how you feel". Even those silent ones on my rep. (I see you too:001_smile: I'm gald your here) I would not have imagined others feel the same way. Thank-you for your reassurances. I will try to keep it up and not agonize about looking stupid. I know what you all mean. The chatiness is a fun part of it all. It is one of those things that you just need to throw yourself into and see where it goes. You'd think I was use to that by now with hs-ing. :tongue_smilie: Colleen - Thanks for the tip. I origianally posted with a simple annomous sig for security reasons but I have added my name to become more real. I cannot change my post name now due to the admin rule about multiple names per house. I think you are right. It is easier to get to know someone with a uniqueness about them. (I'm afraid mine might be a lack of spelling and grammar skills.):tongue_smilie: Thank to you all for the ideas. I'm still listening if there are more. I know others are too!
  7. I was thinking for making this into a poll just for fun. People seem to like those. Maybe I'll figure it out maybe not. Anyway, my question is for those who have been here a long time and have a wealth of info for people like me. You know who you are. :001_smile: I want to be part of the community and I feel like I am but I also feel like I have little or nothing to contribute as far as acedemic knowledge. So when I post I feel like a nuisiance. (There I said it) But I know I need to be recognized so that when I do post people will know me, take my request seriously and have an adequate backround of my family. So my dilemma is...How does one stay on the board without being annoyingly simple and get placed on ignore lists or get passed over? (speaking nicely here). Suggestions for me personally or in general are welcome. I also think that suggestions for how to do this in a way that maintains the Classical feel to the board are fitting. I say that because I am here to learn how to add the clasical work to our hs but I have no wisdom to share so I feel like I would just be asking the same simple questions over and over again. OK now I am just dithoring on and on.....
  8. Oh Monofonefunone that is a tall order. Not much help here but I do have two things to say. Most plants do better with water not tea. (I know this since one of my elementary school science fair experiements was to test what plants liked for growing.) So you would need to pick a plant that likes acidic soil. Evergreens come to mind. Second, there are very few useful indoor trees. I think many of the fruit bearing trees would need more root space than what an inside pot would give. We had a Norfolk pine for a few years. We made it our Christmas tree and it grew well and required very little care. That being said....ours got aphids from another plant and died. I know this is not much help but maybe it is a start.
  9. We used the Hieroglyphs book from Veritas Press. It had a template in the back to make your own words and letters. My kids loved it! For what I remember it was also very cheap.
  10. Robin, I have been thinking about your post since I read it. I too love to can and pickle and it was a suprise to me to hear that you can not do that on certain stovetops. We are planning on renovating our kitchen in the next year and this has been "eating" away at me. I wonder if you have seen the single and double elements that are sold at K-mart or WalMart? They seemed affordable and they are portable so you can put them away when you are done. Do you know what I mean? I think they are called a hot plate and the one I saw in K-Mart was electric not ceramic stone. My question is - Do you think that it would work to pickle and can? Have you used one to save your stovetop?
  11. Your right Cheryl...I was thinking that last night as I was going to sleep. Let's say I spent say $10 for 12 jars for jam with lids and used free fruit from our garden with $2 worth of sugar. For $12 I would get 12 jars of organic jam (I buy organic sugar). So it is $1 per jar. But that is not the only thing. Next year it will be much less if I take care of the jars and reuse. But I do have a hard time investing the outlay to make that work. Jars are really very costly. Thanks for the ideas ladies. I will start hunting in thrift stores. :driving:
  12. OK I have a question but no ideas other than what is already posted either here or elsewhere. My question is - Where do people get the canning jars and how do you get them cheap enough to make the canning a savings? I made jam in the last two weeks and it was fun and very yummy to eat but.....I had to buy $10 of jars and that really made me think twice. Is there some information out there that I am missing. I've done the garage sale hunting and not found any useful ones just jars that are really too dirty to use. :bigear:
  13. We went downtown to watch. We can see 1/4 of them from our upstairs window but it is not the impressive 1/4th. So we head downtown to get our spot on the grass and we have a blast walking around and seeing the pre-show. We did not get my almost three year old son a nap today....I don't know why but it just did not get done. He was very happy to go down to see the fireworks for the first time this year. He was happy but started fussing just a little bit about a drink of water 5 minutes before the show started. The booms started and he covers his ears and starts watching smiling the whole time. Five minutes later I look over and he is fast asleep!!!!! I shook him a little to see if he was frightened to death but no he was really asleep. My three year old fell alseep part way through his first firewarks display!!! Really!! :sleep: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I just had to tell this story. I hope you don't mind!
  14. I'm with you Chris in CA. Just serve it up cooked and flavored. Not need to know too much. :eek: Although to be honest I would like to be more independent...just do not have the stomach for it.:001_unsure:
  15. Spelt flour Oatmeal Brown Rice Every fresh fruit in season Every fresh veggie in season Popcorn Cheese Cottage cheese Yogurt plain and vanilla Low fat cuts of meat Lentils Organic butter Organic milk products Salmon filets Solid white tuna canned Eggs Garlic Ginger root Spring onions Pesto Not necessarily in this order I find that when I want to eat health I need to stock up on staples and bulk products and make from scratch. It takes more work but in the long run it is better.
  16. I am very impressed that you do this. But WOW that link to SWB blog has some funny looking pictures. I cannot imaging eating the chicken after seeing that!!!!!
  17. :crying: Used mine earlier. Misssed out big time...again.
  18. I do not know much about it but they have it on sale on the Christianbooks.com. :tongue_smilie:Maybe that is why your are asking. Never mind me I'll just stop typing now.:tongue_smilie:
  19. Just got back from our downtown. WOW! Was it quiet this year. Happy Fourth Everyone! Trina
  20. http://www.wherethehellismatt.com/?fbid=rt8iO Here's another dancing one! This makes me think we *can* all just get along. :001_smile:
  21. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4559510005057780538 Very well done!
  22. Why would anyone draw hearts in an art book? I cannot understand. I can understand the ripping things out part. Maybe they took out all the art with nudity. :glare: It wouldn't be much of an education but maybe it made them feel better. Sorry for your loss. (Wasn't me. I've never sold a thing on line)
  23. I know how this feels. I have a dd and ds that have similar challenges. Ds is almost three but dd is 9 and I am wanting *the phase* to past. All of these suggestions are great and I do some of them. The exercise idea is tried and true. I'm afraid we do not *do* recess like the school kids each day. Note to self to get out for a walk or run each day in our backyard. One thing I have done which has produced some results, dd started a cross stitch this fall and is submitting it to 4-H. The fine detail and acuracy that is required has given her an opportunity to "develop" these skills. Of course she wants to do it so that is a big part of the success of it. I'm sure you could get similar results with other activites if your dd is not interested in girlie things. We have tried to make it an activity that she does in small chunks of time and at certain quiet times of day. We have praised her up and down for all progress and require her to take out any mistakes. She leads the way in weather she wants to get it done. Again, this is something she wants to do. Sometimes, and I am admitting this for myself out loud, I see alot of myself in her challenges. I am trying to slow down and do less with better quality. I do not know you enough well enough to know if this is helpful.:001_smile: If it is not please ignore me. I agree with Robin Hood (what a blesing she is) that it helps to know other wiser further along people still do face these traits in the kids they love and raise....well. I hope some others post ideas that I can use too.
  24. I learned something new today!!! See me walk away with a smile on my face. :001_smile:
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