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Everything posted by Once

  1. Oh Melissa! I second everything you said. You type fast! Let us know how it all goes down Maxine. Sending good thoughts your way.
  2. You really want to see if they can be timed. If they are distinct enough to be timed and are fairly regular then it *might* be the real thing. Now, I had *alot* of BH contractions. They always go away when you move around and change positions. They can be regularish. But keep a certain amount of irregularity. So they would look like this.... 3mins apart, 3 mins apart then 10 mins then 3 mins then 5 mins. Instead of 3 mins 4 mins 3 mins 3 mins 4 mins 2 mins . See what I mean. Back labor is different then regular labor. I do not have experience but back labor can make the labor progress. If it is early labor and it is too early then get her to drink lots of water. Dehydration can bring on preterm labor. If she wants it to stop then that would help. If I had advice for you it would be to start timing them and chart it for as long as she is comfortable. Get her to change positions and see if they go away in front. If they do then it is just BH. Which is good becase they can do some good prelabor work for her. Hope all goes well and that she gets home safe and sound. I am worried about her driving if she is in labor. The fact that she is willing to drive home is also an indication of it being BH. A woman in labor would be more likely to just hunker down where she is and wait for someone else to drive her home. You can also watch out for her emotional signals to point the way. What an exciting time she will have waiting for this little one. Hugs to you both!
  3. Yeah I have one of them right now too. Too funny! I thought dh and I were the only ones that noticed. Everyone else looks :001_huh: when I giggle at him.
  4. A Thankfulness Journal would help make you more aware of the process. I have heard of several ways to keep them. Some people do it in their head. (This one is me) I think the benifits of having it written down multiply. If you write it down it could be like a prayer journal if you believed in God. I have heard of others doing the same thing in other faiths. I have been there before and I know it is difficult. But the rewards are often great in the end. These things have a tendencey to feel very big when you are going through them but once you have stayed the course so to speak you find that life does really keep going and that the challenge of it lessens. I have a time of year that can be so challenging that I think I will not ever get out. Each year I do similar things. Some of them are...thinking of others. I spend time challenging myself to find someone to help. Anyone. Not to make a friend or to appear to be in a better state but just for the sheer selfishness of giving. (Seems odd I know but it works). I also take time to conect with *supportive* friends. Share my challenges without whining and seek counsel I respect. I take time for me too. I think it is easy to let the feeling turn to helplessness. The last one I can think of that I have time to type in is prayer. Again I do not know how you feel about faith based ideas but prayer changes me. I hope that you will soon find the peace that is escaping you. I will think some more about this. And pray for you.
  5. I think of myself as quite social. I like people but I like the people in my family too. It sounds like you may just be very busy outside your home and with your dh's b-day coming up you want to celebrate with your girls and dh. That seems perfectly normal and health to me. Now...if you still felt like staying home two months from now and you had not seen a change back to your usual self by then....then I would be concerned. I think major days like this deserve a little slow down and acknowledgement. (Not that I am saying that you would not acknowledge it but you know what I mean right?) It *is* hard to say no to people when you really like and want their company. I know that feeling well. I have a dh that would never leave but to work and do errands. So we have to find a balance sometimes to respect both sides of the marriage. Not to be sassy but boy you have had a busy week. Your week would put even me under the table with a Mike's. :lol:
  6. This is just a suggestion, not sure if it will work but it makes sense to me. What would happen if you made your regular dough and punched it down an extra time to knock back the yeast? Would the yeast eventually "run out" and be less puffy. I'm thinking add an extra step and see if it does not rise as much the next time around. Let me know what you have success with. I love those thin crust pizzas.
  7. I've heard that olive oil works wonders. It has antioxidants in it to help the healing. Cocconut oil would be good too. I would not send him out again today. It is just not worth the risk. I'm sorry he is uncomfortable. It is never fun to recover from a sunburn.
  8. You could always post a sign for voluteers. "Voluteers needed. Daily garbage disposal. All applicants hired! Apply within." But I really like the "Please leave no evidence of your baby's behind, behind." Genius! :001_smile:
  9. Was it a picture book? a chapter book? How long was it? I'm curious now too.
  10. Oh Thank-you. This looked like alot of fun. How did you make the webbed gloves?
  11. We just started an ant farm this week. WOW! All my kids *love* this. I mean they check it avery few minutes when they are in the kitchen. Truthfully, I think it is a little boring. These ants just work all day long, kwim? :001_huh: So I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience. What odd things (that you thought would be a little boring) worked for you? I'm just wondering as we have a whole summer to fill with fun educational activites. Anything odd ball is welcome! :bigear:
  12. I voted "No". Let me make it clear I cannot and do not vote in the US. My perspective is a little more Canadian. In Canda we have historically had multiple political parties. I think that it is harder to be a one issue voter in these circumstances. The differences in parties are not left and right. You have many more shades of gray to think through. Since I grew up in Canada my thinking on a two party system is different but I still would not vote on a single issue even if I could vote in these elections. Just my 2 cents! Eta - I was surprised by the break down. I would have expected it to be the other way around. I wonder if the general public would vote in this poll differently.
  13. Donnaward.ca has a great selection of picture books about Canada and Africa. The list is too long for me to type in. I think the printable catalogue is easier to navigate. It is only about 6 pages. There is always Ping.
  14. I am so sorry for all the pain you all must be going through. I will keep you in my prayers that you will find some peace. As far as the trip with you and the kids perhaps a stand by flight would work. Maybe if you agreed to take the next available flight you could get a cheaper fair for one way. Maybe a train ride would suit in your region. Can a friend help you get there and fly back (leaving the cost to be only one way flight) These are all options if they work. Perhaps you mil could help out with the cost. I hope a solution come to your mind soon. Praying!
  15. Have you looked at anything from the Pearables? They approach the topics in stories and they are character lessons. They have a series for girls which maybe interesting. I have been watching this thread but have not read anything from Pearables or Beautiful Girlhood. I hope you find something. Trina
  16. LOL Sahamamama! I think I could feed him and every in between NJ and ND. It would be a long trip.....oh the pressure to get it right. I really want to try the pizza recipes. Thanks Mom2Legomanics. I could not think of a typo that made sense. :001_huh: I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. :lol:
  17. WOW I can't wait to cut into it. AmyinPA - I love chickpeas and have alot. Can you tell me what evoo is? I have the rest of the ingredients and I will try it this weekend. LauraGB - I just cut up tomatoes into chunks, add chunky feta, maybe purple onion and yellow peppers. Toss in balsamic vinegar and if I want olive oil. Salt and pepper and your good to go. This does not keep well so make just enough (I like it at the last minute). It is very good. Thanks everyone. I have enough options for the whole brick and another. They all look so yummy!
  18. Praying here too. The pictures looked like the town I live in 10 years ago. There is recovery and the community will come close. It will take time. Sending prayers up for Tammyla and all involved!
  19. :grouphug: There are no words. I hope you find some peace today to help with the feelings. I will be thinking of you today and I hoping you can find some special way to make this day good for you. :grouphug:
  20. I was in a similar situation three years ago. It is not easy but the best thing you can do it to step aside and let your dh do what needs to be done. Really, it is not a personal thing between you and your mil. In fact it could be taken as a compliment. She *wants* to try at her relationship with you, his new wife, but feels she cannot while she is greiving this significant loss. Let him go and send all your love and support. After she will probably thank you for it. My mil has been fighting cancer for several years and each time she calls for dh to go he does. She thanks me each time. This is what is needed and husbands have a way of compartmentalizing these feeling until they get home. If he knows that you will love and support him until it is over he will stay strong for his mom. This is what she needs...his undistracted presence. It took me a few tries to get this right and I know it can be difficult. I will pray for you and yours. These days are never easy. Trina
  21. OK. I bought 10 pounds of feta cheese from Sam's last week and this week I have no recipes. I usually do a tomato and feta cheese salad with balsamic which we love and never get tired of. I am hoping that people out there have some ideas so I can use this up.
  22. Heart of Dakota has lots of hands on things. There have hands on activites for math (daily), history, science and geography on a weekly basis. The read alouds are kept short and the art activities compliment them. It is easy to use as well. Before I read your whole post I thought of Donna Wards Africa, Land of Hope. It might be comforting and interesting for all of you to learn about where your little one came from. Then they could learn the English words to the already familiar African words. I cannot comment on the hands on activites as I have not used it. It sounds like a fun summer adjusting to the new family!
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