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Everything posted by Once

  1. My kids loved the My Body book also. We used an encyclopedia from the library. I think it was DK. Usbourne has a few good books at a low price that are similar. HTH
  2. It is never fun to have the runs. I'll tell you what I do when it hits. I make up a big batch of Yarrow tea. Get the flowers dried from Azure Standard. They ship. It tastes awful!!! Add honey and make promises that it will help. I have *never* been disappointed. One cup is all it takes, it kills germs on contact. We never stay sick long when the stomach flu hits. ((((Hugs)))) to you. Take care of yourself. PS I am not a Doctor and I do not play a Doctor on TV. :D
  3. This answer is from my hubbie who is a Biologist. I could have translated this wrong so you may want to google some more. Worms are different than bugs. Worms have a closed cirrulatory system with vessels but no heart. The blood that cirrculates does not have cells (red or white) it is just a plasma type thing with stuff diluted into it. So it is made by the osmosis of bringing in water and diluting stuff that the worms produce and need. Bugs have something called HEMOLYMPH (not blood). It carries nutrients but no oxygen. They use an open system which is like a big hollow inside the bug - no heart, no vessles. They make the Hemolymph with the water consumed in foods and osmosis in the digestive track. WOW! Your girls is way more curious about bugs and worms than I am. (shutter) Good thing you asked this cause my son is likely to follow so now I know! HTH
  4. OK Now I know that they just appear on the first screen of your User Control Panel or UCP. Thanks to all....now I feel like I'm not invisable!:p WOW 17 pages! You are amazing! Gotta go make lunch. My kids know I'm not invisable....I think?!?:ohmy:
  5. ...I missed the boat last night by 4 minutes.:sneaky2: I'm nice .. really! I'm just a sloooooowwww when they start flying.:001_tongue: Just give it to me "Once". :001_tongue: I have no idea where you find these things on your UCP. Would you enlighten me?
  6. This goes on rice. Gently fry chicken breasts that have been pounded to 1/4 inch thick in olive oil and add salt. Remove and keep warm. Add to empty pan 2 teaspoons white wine (you could omit this I think) 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice Boil a minute. Reduce heat and add 1/2 cup (half and half ) I have used cocconut milk successfully. 1/2 cup chicken broth 1 teaspoon fresh ginger cut up small Cook over medium heat for 2 mins Add chicken Serve on rice. This is not a thick sauce but it is good. Yum! Thanks for asking I had forgotten this one.
  7. It is suppose to go in a pita pocket but it is tasty and you could put it on rice. Marinade chicken breasts 4-5 hrs or over night. 2 garlic cloves crushed 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 cup white vinegar 1 teaspoon nutmeg (not optional) Spread onto baking dish. Bake at 400 degrees for about 40 mins. The sauce that you put in the pita pocket is mashed potatoes with 1 cup mayonaise and 5 cloves of crushed garlic. This is really good with pickles of any kind. Bon Appetite!
  8. Pick me I do not know anything about the rep points. I think I have none and I'm just a tad curious. I promise I will slink back to lurking!!!
  9. ...it is based in Australia or New Zealand. So the specifics for seasons and maybe the money is not quite right. I just used it to teach a geography lesson! http://www.rainforestmaths.com/ Have fun!
  10. Alana this is way more than I had a few days age so "Thank-you" still applies. I am glad for your insight into the Marshall book. I had heard that somewhere else too. It is a huge list that seems to have several useable choices. The Kids Can Press link looked good. The Canadian Content link seemed to have some that I will not see down here. I have only one book called "That's Very Canadian" which my daughter has consumed several times. She know very little about home. I am embarassed to say may daughter thinks that "Oh Canada" is sung to her own made up tune. When I sung it to her she thought I was kidding!!!! :eek: Now to find a CD with "Oh Canada". As she exits quietly singing "......our home and native land"
  11. I had a requested for a toilet brush for every toilet in the house. That way she did not have to carry the yucky thing around. Mine uses a small bucket when she cleans floors (I think she uses an ice cream bucket) I purchased some Norwex cloths which are great but take time and are costly. I highly reccomend the window/glass cleaner cloth. They are great and you can stop buying Window cleaner which gets costly over the years. An abrasive cleaner comes in handy too. A swifter type broom for hardwood floors is expensive but cuts down on the dust. I am the type of person that is happy with a wipe with vinegar and baking soda but that is me. My lady cleans with the real cemicals when she feel they are needed. Congratulations on the break! It was such a releif for me to not have to worry about keeping up the house twice a month too. School is enough for my sorry self.
  12. ...Wow I go make dinner and all of a sudden all of these books show up. How wonderful. Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you. I will be talking to my hubby for a second mortage now. Oh! I just love books! I now have a good starting point and prehaps a whole curr. Thanks again everyone :)
  13. I am looking for suggestions about books about Canada. We are Canadians living in the US and I need some help with ideas. I have looked breifly at the Marshall's books but I remember hearing that there are a few not so appropriate words or chapters in them and that you would have to be careful. (Dd takes books and reads them so they need to be safe.) Kids are 9 and 6. Any ideas out there? Thanks !
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6g86fpVfaE Think the Chipmonks on ten cups of coffee! The song is in my head perpetually! What does that say about me. Have fun surfing.
  15. Hi Just a thought here. Once a brilliant friend taught me to make Granola bars (the crunchy type not the chewy type) by adding egg white and forming bars and baking a second time. It was two egg whites to about 6 cups finished granola. Stir it up and bake at 350 for 15 mins. It makes bars but mine were always so easy to crack up into smaller bits that I always had peices in the container at the end. It makes the "granola" alittle more crunchie but still tastes great. Maybe this will help.
  16. I add it to yogurt or applesauce. It helps to cleanse your body as it is high in fiber and binds to bad stuff (I think estrogren compounds....don't quote me). It is high in lignins which are good for you. It helps your skin and hair repair and keeps you young looking. It is also an anti inflamitory agent. FYI, I am really not a doctor nor do I want to be. I just like food as medicine info. If you do get it grind it yourself immediately before you eat it. It goes rancid fast (in a day not in seconds:p). I grind mine about 1-2 tablespoons in a handheld coffee grinder to a semi-fine powder each day. It goes a little thick once added to a liquid and will thicken the applesauce and yogurt. It is nutty in flavor. Some people use it as a topping for applebrown betty type desserts. Mixed with sugar and butter. Yum! It is good but I do not have a recipe. If you google it you will find lots of stuff out there. It is a generally accepted health food and not considered "quackish". Hope that helps shed some light on it!
  17. We have gone throught the chatty phase twice now. This time our usually quiet son has turned into a non-stop talker, he is five and a half. Truthfully when Dh and I spoke about it we noticed a pattern. Whenever each child was on the very edge or starting to read there was a spike in talkativeness. Perhaps there is something nerological going on the the language areas of the brain. It seems to be some sort of increased activity. (FYI, I am not a nerologist in my spare time. Just noticing trends!):rolleyes: It did pass for Dd when she was able to sit for long periods of time to read and enjoy language quietly in her head. Althought she still has a hard time taking turns!!:rolleyes: I am hoping it will pass for Ds. I know what you are going through. Seems like we all have had a time at it. I am wishing you silence!
  18. Here I go! We have been hsing for four years now. Dd is 8 yrs. With her we use Horizon Math, Math u see, Easy grammar, Rod and Staff 3rd grade, SoTW, Zaner Bloser, SWR, 4-H, piano, Wed. night at our church, Gymnastics and maybe restarting Art classes out of the house. She is intense and loves her youngest brother whole heartedly. She has loved almost every cirr for the first week but quickly loses interest after that. Ds is 5 yrs. With hime we use Msth u see, Horizon, SoTW, any science stuff we can get our hands on , Zaner Bloser, piano reluctantly, Wed night at our church, Gymnastics, Art class and soon soccer (when it finally melts here in the north) He has loved My Body from TCR and Apologia Astronomy. The baby is walking not always talking and generally making it hard for us all to concentrate. My hubby and I have been married for 14 years and friends for 24 yrs. We are expats living in the States from Canada. Always looking for good Canadian cirriculums. He is 110 percent supportive which makes me really lucky because I need it on the harder days. We are very relaxed but try to get in the three r's everyday the variety of cirriculums are for the fact that my dd forgets almost everything 16,000 times before it is in her head. We school lightly all year long with a big break around Christmas. My kids *love* to play and I love to see them have a great childhood. My computer skills are spartan but I manage. I love this new board as it seems easier to navigate and post on. I am one that will not notice that a thread has been close and post anyway. I lurk alot and use what I can. I am the worst speller in the world and I love to bake quick breads. Thanks to all of you that so faithfully share your wisdom and humor. The journey is easier because you have set a path. Once (was my name because I thought I would only post once)
  19. .....they were 6.5yrs and 3.5yrs. There plenty of hands on activites. We made an ice cream model of the earth's layers. We cut apples and oranges for the lat. and long. It is very CM. The postcards were fun and simple enough for the younger ones. My version had several typos and sometimes the wording was akward but I adjusted as I went along. My son still asks for the radio to be turned on to the ionosphere sounds. He thinks it is like music. The book got progressively difficult as it went on but I could still soldier on. I spent more on the colorful pictures and I think that was a good idea. For what it's worth....my kids reccommend it.
  20. 1 She loved them with her life. 2 Not perfect but always moving forward. 3 God's grace covered it all.....Amen! MichelleT can I ask for permission to borrow your six words. Beautifully put. This is addictive. Must. Stop. Now.
  21. Thank you for the feed back. I have not heard of Winter Promise and I will look at it today. We have used Sonlight and enjoyed it...I wonder if it would be too hard for my son. He will be six. The Ancients sounded like it had alot of composition which dd is not ready for but she would be in a lower level and the expectations might be different. She does copywork but it takes a awhile for her to write out her own paragraphy summary of SoTW. Would the two levels of BF match topically, making it easier to do together? I love the book list and I know my kids would too. Thanks again to both of you. Sorry for the ramble. Trina
  22. Could you ladies help me out with some opinions on BF? I am thinking of using it next year with my 4th grade dd. She *loves* history and literature but has struggled with writing. I wanted to cover Am. History this year to prepare for required testing. It is a long story but I have been putting it off because *I* am woefully inadequate to help her in this subject (I was educated in another country). I have a son in first grade and wanted to include him so I was going to do the primary level. She could handle any amount of reading but like I said struggles with the writing component. These are my questions....What experiences have you had with BF (good or bad)? Would the lower level Am. History be too easy for a fourth grader? Will it require alot of knowledge on my part? I would appreciate an input! Thanks!
  23. John Eldredge wrote a book called "You Have What it Takes". It is 52 pages long so it is a quick read. It addresses the unique feelings of boys and girls. The general message is that boys need to hear "You have what it takes" from their fathers. Girls on the other hand need to hear "You are lovely and worth fighting for". Maybe it would fit maybe not. It was reccommended by my Pastor. Oh! By the way.....I lurk here alot and Thanks for all the great advice and laughs you ladies share. I truely would not be homeschooling today if it were not for you. Hope this helps!
  24. Think the Chipmunks on ten cups of coffee. http://youtube.com/watch?v=n6g86fpVfaE
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