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Everything posted by mirth

  1. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/west/2014/05/31/open-letter-luke-voss-kernan-graduating-classmates/uqKf5svClo7Y83hFSqhSHN/story.html?s_campaign=sm_tw Excerpt: Be happy, pig-in-**** happy, for what you have. Even when you have little. Or when you think you have little. Because just by graduating from college and reading this missive you have so much more than most people on the planet will ever have, or have ever had. Including time. TIME to be happy, fall in love, fall out of love, ride a bike, fall off a bike, get back on, write a song or symphony, paint a painting, pop a wheelie, stand in awe. That’s it really. In three words. Stand in awe. LVK
  2. Doesn't bother me at all. In fact I'd rather be alone-alone, than alone with the kids without dh around.
  3. No. Especially if there's something/anything wrong with it. The return "warranty" is built into the price of each item in the store.
  4. He's weird. You think so, and makes her sisters feel uncomfortable enough to hide. It really doesn't matter what his age is if this is true. I think it's time to put all this on the table before she turns 18 and shine a light on it all.
  5. I can't say I'd walk it alone. The above is good enough reason to walk in another place where all the lights and people are.
  6. Guys, in my experience, take this sort of rejection better than girls or women do. (They don't dwell on it.) Also ime, guys blow each other off way more often than girls or women do. There is the chance the 23yo would not even have showed.
  7. I actually felt dizzy for a second reading your post. :hurray: to you and your bravery! Animal wildlife people generally recommend a push-pull methodology. Commercially, this is a sort of garlic-scented caulk that can drive mice (I don't know about rats) away from a location, plus some peanut butter or other attractant to guide them to a trap or wherever you want them to go. There is also a fast and powerful strobe light that can drive away rodents like squirrels and rats. Other than the strobe, I've read that rats are very suspicious towards baits (compared to how curious mice are) and will avoid anything for a long while and then just sample a bit to see if they get sick. Ok I feel dizzy again.
  8. Hmmm. Color me skeptical. Real scatterbrain moms dwell on how low the gas tank is when they are not actually inside the vehicle? Not likely.
  9. A doctor who writes a blog called Weighty Matters posted couple of rebuttals to this article. June 5, 2014 June 10, 2014 Excerpt from 6/5/14 (emphasis mine): I've had many requests to comment on the recent study and reports that permanent weight loss is impossible. The stories remind me of a piece from the New York Times a few years ago that also said we're all doomed to regain our lost weights and I'll repost my blog on that below, but briefly, if a meta-analysis of randomized trials of weight management fails to show long term success with weight management does it mean the people in the included trials failed to maintain their interventions, or does it mean that the interventions were too crappy to be sustainable in the first place? Having read what feels like hundreds of weight loss studies my bet is definitely the latter and therefore learning that poorly designed, or overly strict, or poorly supported interventions don't help people in the long run really isn't all that surprising.
  10. Does the nine-year-old think that adults somehow get a free pass in terms of being rude and disrespectful to each other in ordinary conversation?
  11. No. The appearance will stay in your mind and alter how you view cauliflower and risotto forever.
  12. Your neighbor was upset b/c he probably ruined a lot of food and has a big maggoty mess to clean up. He wanted someone to witness his throes of pain. He has no intention of repairing the freezer. He will make a big deal out of how long it took to get the smell out of his garage and/or he will ask your help to dispose of it. Sorry. Pesky people like this do exist.
  13. Yeah. There's nothing to do. Maybe send over a baby gift when it's time.
  14. Do you think she expects you to help with some of the physical work on the ranch, or would find it rude if you did not offer?
  15. Yes, perhaps she call all these bluffs by taking it to the next level and rallying her kilt-wearing Strathearn clansmen who always go regimental or 'True Scotsmen' with an avenging cry to the paparazzi like, "Tis not the skinny latte we drink tonight, tis blood we seek and blood we will drink!" Who's your princess, indeed!
  16. be prepared on Monday 1) to hear several 8yo sung renditions of JUICE BOX HERO 2) to be impressed by his falsetto echoing "J U I C E B O X hero {juiceboxhero ...}" , and 3) to answer "How is a juice box supposed to be about guitars?" iTunes Store Hero, which was the best analogy I could come up with, just doesn't sound as intense.
  17. 1. I have seen a close family member involuntarily committed. The process was not as time consuming, complex, and filled with drama as some would make it sound. 2. Parents can certainly offer and/or strongly insist their child come back home whenever they think something is wrong. They can cut off money to the kid. 3. I don't think any less of Crimson Wife and think she knows better how to advocate for her own children than anyone else does. 4. A murderer is just a creepy version of a human. This is the hardest part of everything to accept. 5. Stop labeling all these killers as crazy as if the idea of evil is just for fairy tales. They write papers. They produce videos. They calculate. They conceal. They somehow manage never to lose it at a police station, Ladies Handgun League, the gun store where they bought these guns, or at the range. Schools. Schools are gun free zones. I don't even believe schools can maintain peanut free zones. No one does, or else no one would insist on Epipens there.
  18. I am sorry. Have hope in prayers. One more said for you and your mother.
  19. I think kurta is the name for those loose tunics that many people (male and female) from India wear. These tops are lovely and I am looking to buy a few sheer or gauzy ones for layering. Any good internet ordering sites?
  20. :grouphug: There was another WTMer who paid a law firm to draft a letter to her neighbors who cut down her beautiful privacy hedges to the ground. She was totally steamed. The neighbors did not dare go on her property again so much as to retrieve an errant frisbee. I like the spirit that you're all out of figs to give in this matter.
  21. It's not for sale. How hard is that to understand? "It's not for sale. How hard is that to understand?"
  22. While your dh was over there confronting, did he make clear that no one from that address is allowed to step foot onto his property again, not for any reason? If not, do that now or send a certified letter with the follow up remark that you will, at a minimum, call 911 each and every time it happens or you think that it happens. Neighbors have thrown down the gauntlet for much smaller offenses IMHO. This defines what the boundaries literally are. Let them worry about if you still value them as friends, etc, whatever. If a convicted sex offender on your property is not grounds to call 911, I don't know what is.
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