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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Flat Rangers!! I love it!! Any official way you have to go about this ?
  2. No way. My husband does not cherish me. It would be nice. I was my parents’ whole world and still am honestly. I think I was given an unrealistic impression of how “great” I am. lol And dh came from a family where neither spouses nor children were cherished. With dh, it feels like to me that he always has the attitude that “I work and you don’t have to, what more could you possibly expect me to do.” My love language is acts of service because that is how both my parents show each other love. I really do feel loved because he works and I can stay home. He does make me feel like a burden though. I hate that. Dh doesn’t appreciate acts of service which I am full of. He doesn’t even pick his own clothes and boots up for work. I carry them to him. This doesn’t make him feel loved though, it’s something he takes for granted. On the weekend, unless I have an outing planned, he sits in his chair playing video games and the only time he interacts with us is to fuss at one of the kids. Then when the kids are asleep there is only one thing he wants from me. Maybe if he had lifted a finger to contribute to raising our kids I might be more in the mood. He literally would never do anything unless I asked him to do it. I wish he could see that the dripping faucet needs fixing, but I have to ask for everything. I hate that. That’s how he makes me feel. lol TMI?
  3. I guess I should have clarified that I am looking for a book series rather than curriculum. I saw these https://www.nothingnewpress.com/product-category/guerbers-histories/ but I haven’t looked at them too closely. I just wanted to see if there were other options.
  4. What books are there for history like SOTW , but more Christian not just neutral?
  5. Call me old too. I’m not above dropping the F bomb, but it does not appeal to me to see it done in advertising and what not. I also hate OMG, hate it! It’s everywhere.
  6. With my first 2 sons, we are doing veritas self paced history. They love it and ask for it, we have all learned lots. My 2nd set of children, the girls, the oldest is in K this year. I know we won’t do history for a while now, just thinking ahead and trying to get a feel for what is out there. I know I don’t plan on doing VP again. What has history looked like in your homeschool for k-8.
  7. Nothing solid, but when dh retires (from his current job in 9 years) we are going to attempt hiking the Appalachian trail. I want to see National Parks out west, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming those sorts of places. That’s really it. I tried to add yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance. I’m so sorry you are having to think about this. What are your interests and hobbies? What’s on your list so far? Hiking is about the only goals I have, so if that’s not something you can do or like to do my list is useless. You have such a good outlook on this. I pray you live a long and healthy life.
  8. I can sympathize with those hounds. We had a beagle/some kind of hound mix when I was pregnant with our first and she went through a second puppyhood too. She started pooping and peeing everywhere and I was so sick cleaning it up.
  9. Haha yes! I spoke this way about our 16 year old refrigerator and dh wanted to scream. He’s like, yeah it will break down NOW!
  10. Right? Every dang wall and ceiling in my house needs painting and I just don’t have the strength to do it with 4 kids 10 and under. Just can’t.
  11. Here is a picture of my dog I used to have. Wdyt? Is she Australian shepherd mix?
  12. Holy smokes! 80 lbs! I didn’t realize they got that big.
  13. Oh I knew, I was just saying that in a joking way because I have no idea how to. Just joking. 🤣
  14. You don’t actually expect anyone to fold a fitted sheet do you?
  15. Well someone at dh’s work breeds them and asked dh if he wanted to buy one. Dh said that we don’t buy dogs. He told the guy we would take a free one. Guy told him he would give us one if he couldn’t sell them. The best dog I ever had was a mixed breed with strong herding dog tendencies. I have had people guess she was an Aussie mix. She was the very best dog. If the dog is like her, yes I want one. I am just looking to hear the negatives because there were no negatives with her. She was high energy, but when she was inside she was just a good ole snuggle puppy. She was never aggressive or destructive or anything like that. She wasn’t trained, but she like intuitively knew what we wanted from her. She was so special. The pups are all boys. Is it going to be sweet? I always told dh only female dogs because every male dog we have ever had has been a jerk even after being neutered. All the female dogs I know are sweet. How do they do with cats and other dogs? My herder type mix dog I used to have was great with cats and dogs. How about shedding? My old dog didn’t shed much at all, little plugs of hair fell out, but it wasn’t lots of individual hairs. Idk? What else do I need to ask myself? For the record I always have worried about adding people to our family kids and pets l, it always seems like a bad idea, but it never is. 😅I’ll add a pic of my old dog if I can figure out how.
  16. I actually haven’t had the house to myself in 10 years! If I did, I wouldn’t stay! I’d go hiking. The woods is my happy place. Being inside makes me anxious and bored.
  17. If so, I’ll get back with my questions tomorrow. 😂 I’m tired.I just wanted to see who had one before I typed up the whole thing.
  18. I’m a coffee drinker, but I never expect it served. I actually never really drink coffee anywhere but home.
  19. Sounds pretty safe to me. I understand, chicken makes me nervous too. If it were any bit warm I’d say no, but 45 sounds pretty good.
  20. I always like Vaseline clinical care extremely dry skin rescue. It cleared up ds eczema when he was a toddler.
  21. Thanks. My 10 year old has always been mature about what he could handle. The 8 year old will always be sensitive, so thanks for the heads up!
  22. A cat meowing for his breakfast, the sound of coffee making and the sounds of dh and ds playing Minecraft. And just now, the dog snarling at the cat because the cat stepped on the the dog because she was lying completely under the blanket next to ds and the cat came to sit with ds and didn’t know the dog was already there.
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