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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. This is departing somewhat from original topic. When we lived in home with only one bathroom, the bathroom was stocked with towels, washcloths, bar soap, toilet paper, bathroom cleaners, and disposable feminine hygiene supplies for guests (residents used sea sponges or cloth pads). There was not enough space in bathroom for each person to store their own personal health and beauty aids; instead each resident kept their personal toiletries in a plastic shoebox type container in their own room. When they showered or bathed, they would bring their container into bathroom. We now have 2 1/2 bathrooms downstairs and 2 bathrooms upstairs. The two full bathrooms downstairs are en suite. Some people are rather shy about others being able to hear their bathroom sounds, so guests are free to use the two downstairs en suite bathrooms. We host an annual backyard event attended by fifty or more people; using only the one 1/2 bath just wouldn't cut it.
  2. Same here except that I was born a natural atheist. It would be harder for me too to reconcile worldly happenings if I was convinced of existence of an all-knowing all-powerful deity. I do believe that some people are born unable to give themselves over to magical thinking even if they ever desired to do so. OP, have you read some of the better-written Christian apologetics books? They may provide reassurance and comfort to you. However, they often "explain" away the violence by a nonliteral interpretation of passage or by stating that passage meant something less offensive in its ancient original language.
  3. I take "like" of a negative experience to be a mere acknowledgment that fb friend has read it and commiserates.
  4. The thread ratings pertain to relevance and/or quality of thread content, not the poster who started thread. I was unaware that a member could rate another member's profile. I do not understand the purpose of that.
  5. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: Shouting the bolded from the rooftop. Even where spouse had solid relationship with in-laws during marriage, I've seen the in-laws "take sides" against the spouse far too many times. I hope your in-laws have the maturity and wisdom to continue a civil relationship with you and a warm relationship with your children.
  6. Thanks, Bill. My favorite kitchen item is a Farberware countertop convection oven I bought in early 1980s. I found that 375-400 F in convection works better for the potatoes than the 450 F in standard oven. Even in standard oven, I use 375-400 F for roasting vegetables.
  7. I take any leftovers, sweets or otherwise, to the firm. The shelf life of leftovers at the firm is only a couple hours, maybe less depending upon what time you announce there are leftovers in break room.
  8. Bill, what temperature do you set oven for when roasting potatoes?
  9. I prefer colder weather too although I do not suffer from seasonal affective disorder. While I live in a humid subtropical climate zone, I prefer dark, gray, gloomy, windy, chilly, foggy, misty or downright rainy weather. The heat makes me irritable and prone to hibernation.
  10. The stars are not flashing for me. Some are yellow while some are gray.
  11. Julie, I am sorry that your husband was so self-absorbed that he was unable to recognize what a treasure he had in you. I'll be thinking about you and your children.
  12. :iagree: I learned that medication should be stored in refrigerator since it was low-light, low-humidity, cool storage space. I could probably count on two hands the number of times in our lives that our family has had prescription medications. I store perfume in refrigerator too if it is not bottle I'm currently using. My dad would not go snooping for bills, but once they were left in plain view on desk. Whatever the bill or receipt amount was, he could have gotten it for less money. The running joke was that if I had gotten an item for free, he could have found someone to pay him to take it. It's interesting to read the varying cultural takes on the issue. Communal living certainly colors one's stance on the issue.
  13. Recipe can be easily halved or fourthed. Do not peel the potatoes. I sometimes use combination of olive oil and butter. They are also delicious roasted with olive oil and fresh rosemary instead of the onion soup mix.
  14. LIPTON'S ONION ROASTED POTATOES 1 env. Lipton onion recipe soup mix 2 lbs. all-purpose potatoes, cut into lg. chunks 1/3 c. olive or vegetable oil Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In large plastic bag, add all ingredients. Close bag and shake until potatoes are evenly coated. empty potatoes into shallow baking or roasting pan; discard bag. Bake, stirring occasionally, 40 minutes or until potatoes are tender and golden brown. Garnish, if desired with chopped parsley. Makes about 8 servings.
  15. Order of operations: Please excuse my dear aunt Sally. PEMDAS. PE: You first calculate numbers with exponents and what is inside parenthesis. MD: Then moving from left to right, do the multiplication and division. AS: Finally moving from left to right, do the addition and subtraction. Order of operations problems are generally presented all on one line.. 6 / 2 ( 2 + 1 ) Parenthesis and exponents: 6 / 2 ( 3 ) Multiplication and division: 3 ( 3 ) = 9 There is no addition or subtraction left to do.
  16. :iagree: Also, I'd be frank with her about the cost and explain that children's allowance is for covering a few incidentals and is insufficient for paying for glasses. Let her know you appreciate her stepping up to plate and taking responsibility even though it was accident.
  17. With a few unintended exceptions, I had never watched a film more than once until I had children who asked me to watch same movie more than once. Honestly there are no films I could watch over and over again left to my own devices.
  18. :iagree: For extended family and friends with same names, we just add the last name or middle name or a nickname to identify.
  19. It means "just agree with me," not Junior Achievement of Western Massachusetts.
  20. :iagree: Someone would have to lead a boring life to find anything interesting about mine.
  21. I do not hold back out of fear of criticism but out of respect for others' privacy. Yes, I think you are right that it is personality-driven. My entire family is rather private and reserved. I hold no illusions about internet privacy. Even with being reserved on internet, it would take only a little bit of amateur sleuthing to make the connection.
  22. This is the very kind of baloney that convinced me long ago to wait until weeks, months, or even year or more to read competent journalistic coverage of an event.
  23. The dime story alone should mean a 5 star rating for thread.
  24. I just dropped in to take a look because I found it incredible that a thread of this title could have over 180 posts.
  25. Maybe I should read entire thread before posting. Yes, it was Bath. The bomber allegedly installed the explosives in school over a number of days.
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