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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Duh. I forgot that you had to actually click on the profile. I had incorrectly thought that user name history would appear if you simply cursored over user name.
  2. Maybe he is trying to attract animals? Maybe he is practicing for some sort of entertainment program? My husband used to make animal sounds to entertain our kids. I'd rather have an animal voice impersonator anyday over a crotchety or nosy neighbor.
  3. I'm happy for you and your family. The budgetary restraint will be bearable with hubby home in evenings.
  4. I was certain I had seen this feature before, but now I am unable to locate when I cursor over a member's user name. There are "new" names with 1,000s of posts, so the members obviously are not new. This is all very confusing. Will the user name history feature be restored?
  5. Duplicate post. I did not see my post in the thread after I clicked to post, so I clicked again. However, when I exited thread, I saw I was last poster. Opened it again and I had double posted.
  6. :iagree: My advice was based upon my work experience and common sense, not personal experience.
  7. It sounds like he understands he has hurt you, which is a positive happening. My instinct is that he will respect the boundaries you two have discussed. However, I was going to make the same suggestion with blunt force. Cheaters are particularly fond of prepaid cell phones. I would actively search for any prepaid phones; favored hiding places are, of course, in pockets of clothing, in closet, in vehicle. Careful cheaters do their emailing through web based email account from smartphones or office computers so there is no trace to be found by spouse. Also I would be suspicious if he withdraws from you or suddenly starts overindulging you with gifts and flowers or asking you to do more adventurous amorous activities.
  8. Best solution would be to redo it the way it should have originally been handled: draw once with all names included in the drawing.
  9. I love to hear stories about clever uses for gadgets!
  10. My youngest biological kidlet is now in college. I am ready to being my postpartum weight loss program .......... just after I have a bowl of my mac and cheese that is baking in oven right now.
  11. Yes, you do as long as they are respecting the rules of your home. If and when the heartbreak happens, empathize with them and offer your condolences.
  12. I would have been upset by first sentence in second paragraph of your post: your carrying of a disproportionate share of feast preparation. The rest of it ........ I would have remained mum around the others but husband and I would have to "make a quick shopping trip for a few items." In privacy of vehicle I would have explained exactly how I felt disrespected and would not have accepted any "boys will be boys" baloney. Later at home we would have a long heartfelt discussion about our expectations of each others' behavior for the marriage to last.
  13. He behaved in an unprofessional manner. He is dealing with adults attempting to maximize their fitness potential; rudeness and heavy handedness are counterproductive. Is there another trainer you can work with at the gym? Have you spoken to gym owner or manager?
  14. I am relieved that the problem was finally diagnosed properly and sorry that his doctor was a jerk. It is just awful that your husband had to suffer needlessly that long. Certainly your anger is righteous and rational. My husband had a similarly jerky orthopaedic surgeon (referral from a GP) who was insistent upon an invasive surgery to treat a genetic defect that worsened. Finally my husband did do his own research and learned of less invasive European procedure to deal with the problem. When he notified the original surgeon that he was going to Dr. ______ for the Euro style treatment, original doctor dissed Dr. _____. We later learned that people from all over the U.S. fly here to be treated by Dr. _____.
  15. I must have missed the original name thread. Charlotte is a lovely classic female name. It was one of the top few potential names for my daughters.
  16. This was what I was thinking. In the absence of a negative history, it gives her benefit of doubt.
  17. I am a huge fan of the option to turn off all signatures. It was one of the first new features I used. I would highly recommend disabling signatures for the people who complain about the additional fractional second it requires to use the preview feature than the mouse over feature. Without the signatures, scrolling down the page of fifty posts probably saves a good second. I, too, enjoy the statuses and comments here. Susan and her crew have been exceedingly restrained in their responses to all the protests and complaints about the changes. If she could bottle her grace and sell it, I'd pay top dollar and stockpile it.
  18. Table Topics. It is not a game but simply a stack of cards with various questions designed to ignite conversation.
  19. Apples to Apples Imaginif Scattergories
  20. Wasn't the background on the old vBulleting board software white with darker blue separators? I too am over age 50, but I have not noticed a difference between vBulletin white background and IP.Board white background. What am I missing?
  21. Yesterday (Wednesday) there were 50 threads to a page. You should see up to 50 threads per page. On the old vBulletin software, we had to mark 50 per page as a preference. I do not know if it is a preference or a default on the new IP.Board software.
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